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Everything posted by Remi

  1. The train seats here soak it all up, no spilling on the floor. Though seeing the piss run all over the place by itself must be nice!
  2. How present is this kink in your everyday life in the sense of you thinking about it when walking the streets for example? Is this kink or the feelings it sparks present everytime you pee somewhere or are there occasions when it is JUST a pure necessity without any excitement involved wether while in the act or afterwards?
  3. Train seats are something special and hit different. Looks like its been quite visible afterwards.
  4. As a kid i peed into the basement cabin that belonged to the appartment where the kid that annoyed me sometimes lived. Other than that, no!
  5. I don't know. When i first tried it it just worked and i had no problem doing it ever since. Of course, having to pee urgently helps but isn't a must. When you have to pee very badly you could try peeing at first and as soon as you start you slowly start walking. I'd imagine when you are really desperate to pee the chances of the stream stopping are smaller so you might have a chance.
  6. I guess it depends on the kind of clothes you wear. For me i would consider it difficult if i don't want to wet myself but if i am not heading somewhere i might give it a go when the opportunity presents itself. I can piss and walk easily but pissing in a rush and in an unusual position without getting a bit wet? Forget it 😂
  7. I imagine a random couple strolling nearby.. 'Wow, this is so romantic. The nature, the lake and the lovely sound of the waterfall!' 'Waterfall?! There is a waterfall here?!'
  8. Nice dare, i always think about trying that aswell.
  9. Nice one again. The stage is yours! 😂 Don't you think that someone might hear you as it seems pretty loud?
  10. Yea, i contemplate everytime to just piss out of the car when i'm in need though i was never able to due to either being visible or more likely because i'd wet myself pretty seriously which is bad when you have appointments. So i always have to get out and find a place. Being able to pee out of a car without hassle is a very practical skill! By funny i imagined it from the point of view of a random bystander who just sees this from a distance: car stops - door opens - 10 secs worth of pee shooting out - car takes off...it must be hilarious. I get what you mean, it feels totally wei
  11. Wow that sounds like quite an awesome vacation with all those opportunities you are taking for that little extra fun! Seems like you are either used to pee secretly or you just have the right amount of brazen-ness for it to not worry about it all too much. You seem to take every chance there is. You stream is so forcefull, wow. If you let out such a stream when you are partially submerged i imagine you would take off like a jetski or something 😅 I love how visibly turned on you are especially in this video as it seems that piss is not the only thing splattering out, loving the st
  12. Yes! I sometimes feel it occasionally has to do with the amount of food consumed, when you haven't been eating anything lately and drink a lot it feels like it almost goes right through. Same after holding in for too long. And this betrayal sounds too familiar aswell. Sometimes you think you are about to burst and expect yourself to piss like a fire hydrant but the amount of pee is actually quite pathetic compared to the urge you felt before. Its like...all that fuss just for that?! And the idea of stopping the car, quickly pissing out of it for 10 secs and casually driving on sound
  13. Nice, good job there! Sounds like its been a nice little rush and quite fun 😀
  14. I feel similiar, its interesting but difficult to fully get into if you don't have the right people in your circle or the right surroundings. And the ones you've been planning to go to for ages end up being completely locked 🤦‍♂️ (little abandoned signalling control building for trains). As for pissing, i think in abandoned and decaying former public buildings and locations like that it would be kind of fun. I personally wouldn't mess in any kind of private property though.
  15. Amazing story, you captured the scenery and all the tension that came along with it very well. Seems like you found the perfect time slot for taking a piss! No wonder it got you excited. Thanks for sharing the story and the pictures! Afterwards it was probably very evident for those encountering your 'crime scene' as to what happened there, the puddle tells a very good story 😅 If you know, you know!
  16. Some will get little hints though if that doesn't work after a certain time the head on approach is needed to really let them know that something needs to change for the sake of your well being. Maybe tell him directly what you need and how that would make you feel better if that hasn't been done yet. Being blunt and honest about it. If he learns that this is an actual burden for you and how those affections would make everything better for you in many ways not just on a sexual level, he will maybe find his way into it again. Maybe he just needs to learn that those affections you wish for are
  17. All i know is that @Wetling is not in any way intending to disrespect anyone nor is she denying someone their right to be what they want to be! To steer it nonchalantly back to topic where everybody gets along with eachother i know of certain clubs where, on certain dates and occassions, the mens restrooms turn into a gender neutral restroom pretty quick. Not officially but because the girls said so 😀 They just go in because the ladies room is too full. And no one complains, it works pretty well.
  18. Those are some discreet ways indeed. Good luck with whatever you have planned in the future!
  19. Only times i occasionally saw someone stop for a pee break during their sport it was either runners or cyclists. If the need arises i'd do that too since what else can you do? But i usually go beforehand as i don't like training while having to pee. For any other type of training i find it counter productive. One punch received to the wrong place and you'd end up peeing yourself, a little too much intensity on a lift and you might end up leaking aswell. Besides that it distracts me quite a bit. But even the pros cant avoid it sometimes and give it a go: 😅
  20. Sports, music, entertainment, just staring at the ceiling thinking about different aspects of the world and how it works. Going on google earth and looking up foreign places. Reading random wikipedia articles, clicking through the keywords for the next page on some different topic. And sometimes, just sometimes you find an analogy somewhere to something thats on your mind which may be a little help. Anyways i hope and wish for everyone who struggles with this to find peace in mind and get over those struggles.
  21. Yes because everything thats fun can improve mental health to a certain extend depending on different factors. So that inculdes this kink for me which is at certain times a good distraction. But it comes with the downside that it can also be a huge let down for me that can cause the opposite reaction. So its benefitial for me to have several coping mechanisms especially considering when i am in a lower place i am mostly not able nor feel like to engage in a kink in any way and if i do it anyways its just a distraction, not a part of the cure. Learning, learning, learning. I am happy for e
  22. I often contemplate doing that when its already urgend close to home because i know it will be a close call in front of the door. But only when i'm walking. One other thing i noticed on myself is that its sometimes the other way round when it comes to leaving a club/restaurant or something similar later in the evening. The need to pee often arises within minutes after leaving 😅 Recently i took a shortcut and next to this path is a little transformer station and there has been a stack of bricks in front of it like for ages. I decided to pee on those. Not out of urgence though just fo
  23. Nice pattern on the jacket, looks like your stream was very precise yet 'free spirited' due to your hip movement. Lovely!
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