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Everything posted by Remi

  1. The second sighting on the night was later when we were driving around. After an intersection there was a small car with hazard lights on standing on the right side right next to a parked car. Two girls inside. A blond or brunette one on the passenger side and a small curved black haired girl walking around her car and searching something in her bag and looking like she is wiping the street with a tissue. She wore dark boots i guess, a semi short black skirt and a black jacket. My mate though she was probably drunk so i turned around. Two lanes in each direction road with tram rails in the mid
  2. On the weekend i was driving around with a mate heading to a bar to sit and talk. The one bar we intended to visit was seemingly full even though there were lots of tables outside. You could only sit outside due to whats going on though. This was all located around a kind of shopping mile. So we headed to my car again and wanted to drive to the next town to see if we had better luck with a location there. As i left the parking lot and had to stop at an intersection we saw three girls rearranging the trash cans on the corner of the intersection. Two dark haired girls with some nice curves
  3. This kind of unintentional naughtiness is really sexy in a way that is hard for me to describe. Like you just do what you have to do. What adds more to it is that you continued with the process after noticing that it probably goes inside causing a bigger mess than expected. But the situation just leads to some kind of 'fuck it, i just have to go' mentality which pushes all the concerns away. You also let your other friend pee after yourself and then you go your ways and leave this mess behind basically accepting what happened. Thanks for sharing!
  4. An awkward situation. I doubt i could just go with 3 people staring at me like this.
  5. Wow i like this very much. Thanks for describing it. The thought that just struck you like 'hey i could pee there'. That thinking process is so hot. Plus the neighbor getting mad when he discovered it thinking it was done by some guys was quite funny. Thats some sort of karma for him acting like he does towards you when drunk haha.
  6. Probably around thir teenish when the thought became fascinating as well as hearing vague and distant stories of other guys doing it. The act of doing it myself in an inappropiate place was even more exciting. I think my mind was too innocent so i didn't connect girls to this all that much let alone imagining them doing something like this. I was ashamed sometimes that i did even like it. It wasn't until a class trip a few years later as a group of girls were openly telling a story about the how the forest is scary and mentioned that they peed together in the woods that day...whoa wait 😁
  7. Nice story and a pretty resasonable place for a pee! And don't worry, those times will be back!
  8. Another one...pin 'leftright' https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/distance-peeing-into-urinal-31948192
  9. Lovely. Actually just a few hours ago i looked into the clear star spangled night sky while feeling the fresh air and a very little breeze like its typical for spring. It gives you a sense of freedom and a lust to go for adventures, maybe stroll through the night with people. Your kind of adventure is not something i thought of but i very much like it. Exciting. And the way you write is like painting pictures with letters. I have a scenery in my head.
  10. No problem. Sure, go ahead! Sharing is caring and more content is always good.👍🙂
  11. Nice work. Every now and then i do that too. Saves water when doing it while soaping ones hands i guess 😂
  12. Thanks! Hopefully that'll be soon enough! And there will be more, i've decorated it quite often in several different places by now 😁 The courage will come eventually. I haven't had the courage for a long time or lost some of it somehow, i'm quite pee shy and all that. But the restrooms are on a lake with beaches etc and once i found out they are open at night i started to contemplate, i was tempted...the thought turned me on so i wanted to give it a go. There is a camping ground close to it and there are probably some lodges for janitor-like persons close to it as th
  13. Here is the video to it. I'm usually not someone who shares so openly, not used to it. I haven't had the time and motivation to find a more suitable hoster and i guess before i wait any longer i'll just say 'fuck it' blabla... Link: (pin is: 'leftright') https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/peeing-in-a-public-toilet-with-special-end-32440602
  14. I guess with most people staying at home and no events taking place it'll be quite hard to catch someone. I guess when we are lucky this whole drama is over in the summer and people will make this the summer of their lifes with lots of excess, party and staying outside to enjoy the 'new' freedom at hand. That will have potential for some good sightings! New summer of...love? Freedom? Don't know. I just know it could rock. I keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Stay positive 😜✌🤞
  15. If there is no carpet available use a large towel. The sound, the 'soakness' and the splashing sensation is quite similar. Or go for a doormat if there is one. Visits these days are rare anyways so one could at least use it that way and see how the thing withstands it 😁
  16. That's what i was thinking too. I was really in the mood for something naughty after a while but then this whole thing started to blow up and even though it doesn't faze me that much and i despise the kind of people who go hysteric and hoard toilet paper, it just killed my interest. So i'll just use the time to order and edit some old videos. Maybe i'll use this new emptiness outside for some creative peeing during outdoor workouts.
  17. Basically what the title says. Made a little mess at my standart go-to-for-fun restroom at a lake some time ago. It was late and i was in the mood. 🤫Sorrynotsorry. No one was around but since there is a camping place nearby and some facilities around the lake which have their lights on or maybe someone living there you may never know. I finally took the time to take some screenshots from the video. I may share the video later on if i find a better host for sharing with smaller audiences.
  18. So i have been to the club and even though i had no alcoholics because i was driving i drank some water and soda and while dropping everyone off i became really desperate. I realized that i didn't go to the restroom once in the club and all the stuff i drank before and in the club wanted to get out. So i was thinking about where i could go. I could have made it home probably in discomfort and use the toilet but that would've been boring. So i stopped somewhere, walked up to some containers and this is the result...
  19. I often see it happen in my standart to go club that when the ladies room is packed, which happens on special occasions/ events when the place is crowded the ladies just enter the mens room (as it would be too inconvenient to leave the club). So you have to sqeeze yourself in between the ladies to pee in a urinal while the girls are right behind you waiting for a cabin which are right next to the urinals. As for the peeing outside, i guess when they are walking home thats when probably some outdoor peeing occurs but i just don't know if there is one 'hotspot' because there are too many in
  20. Don't have your face in it. Don't film at places easily recognizable to people close to you like the living room for example. Don't wear the trademark watch that's a limited edition 1 out of 100. Don't talk. Stuff like that. And upload it to places that are more private than public pornhub videos. I was kind of shy and scared of it at first too but i got myself to upload stuff on xtube where i can set it to private so that you have to enter a code to actually view it and you'd need the link. So i used to send the links and the code to the interested girls i found on reddit a while ago. Ad
  21. Great stories, great women. How awesome that must've been. I know that pain. That's what makes having certain kinks pretty nerve wrecking to me. When you witness situations or hear about certain things that trigger some kinks of you from girls you find attractive, let alone a crush, you have to know everything. But you can't just ask along everytime. And it doesn't even have to be that she mentions something into that direction. Concerning the pee thing for example, when i know she's been on the lake smoking hookah just chilling, seeing some ice tea in the picture, i already ask m
  22. I like that idea. In once frequented a place with a larger parking area, a railroad, station, a bridge etc where there is a stripe with larger bushes on the side of the street next to the sidewalk with a wall behind it. Probably 2 meters of bushes in width and at some spots the vegetation is not so dense so you can enter. There was a nice girl approaching and the sidewalk is quite long. So after peeing there against the wall in the bushes i got out and she was walking in the distance but close enough to see me get out of there. Making it obvious what i have done to everyone. I don't know
  23. If i had to choose i'd say hard surfaces. I like when it splashes, like its contaminating a much larger area 😃. Concrete is great, you can clearly see the pattern you've created by the way you pee. And the sound is usually better in my opinion. When girls pee outside and it splashes quite hard everywhere that is totally hot. Little splashes of pee traveling carelessly everywhere from walls, doors to tires, cars etc And especially with girls you can see the position of their feet and the kind of 'slipstream' they create. Meaning they receive quite a good amount of pee to carry as a battles
  24. I was walking on a train station today towards some steps at the end of it that are leading down to an underpass. It was already dark. The steps are also in a kind of tunnel. You have a few steps, then a small bit of flat area followed by some more steps. I really had to pee and i know this place as i frequented it quite often a few years back as i was one of my routes to go to skool and i often ended up peeing there huge amounts. The underpass once got flooded by me, one of my most desperate and largest pee breaks ever. But thats another story 😋 Ok so i went completely down to check if t
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