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Everything posted by Remi

  1. Great stories, great women. How awesome that must've been. I know that pain. That's what makes having certain kinks pretty nerve wrecking to me. When you witness situations or hear about certain things that trigger some kinks of you from girls you find attractive, let alone a crush, you have to know everything. But you can't just ask along everytime. And it doesn't even have to be that she mentions something into that direction. Concerning the pee thing for example, when i know she's been on the lake smoking hookah just chilling, seeing some ice tea in the picture, i already ask m
  2. I like that idea. In once frequented a place with a larger parking area, a railroad, station, a bridge etc where there is a stripe with larger bushes on the side of the street next to the sidewalk with a wall behind it. Probably 2 meters of bushes in width and at some spots the vegetation is not so dense so you can enter. There was a nice girl approaching and the sidewalk is quite long. So after peeing there against the wall in the bushes i got out and she was walking in the distance but close enough to see me get out of there. Making it obvious what i have done to everyone. I don't know
  3. If i had to choose i'd say hard surfaces. I like when it splashes, like its contaminating a much larger area πŸ˜ƒ. Concrete is great, you can clearly see the pattern you've created by the way you pee. And the sound is usually better in my opinion. When girls pee outside and it splashes quite hard everywhere that is totally hot. Little splashes of pee traveling carelessly everywhere from walls, doors to tires, cars etc And especially with girls you can see the position of their feet and the kind of 'slipstream' they create. Meaning they receive quite a good amount of pee to carry as a battles
  4. I was walking on a train station today towards some steps at the end of it that are leading down to an underpass. It was already dark. The steps are also in a kind of tunnel. You have a few steps, then a small bit of flat area followed by some more steps. I really had to pee and i know this place as i frequented it quite often a few years back as i was one of my routes to go to skool and i often ended up peeing there huge amounts. The underpass once got flooded by me, one of my most desperate and largest pee breaks ever. But thats another story πŸ˜‹ Ok so i went completely down to check if t
  5. At home or at people i know, in a private surrounding etc i usually half squat for peeing. Kinda like sitting but not touching anything. Convenient, quiet and no mess. Started somehow and i do it ever since. In any sort of public toilet i pee standing up, if i am using the toilet at all that is.
  6. I found out that there are quite specific tastes. Used to privatly share some of my own videos on reddit with girls who were interested. When asked for requests directly or looking at their own request threads i found out how it differs from person to person. From just peeing on a tree with no nudity to be seen to different camera views to peeing on glass or in spurts. It was interesting.
  7. In Germany you'll usually just get a fine of a few €, i think minimum 35 depending on the city, if you let yourself get caught. You'd have to be very brazen to get more punishment but it's possible. In theory. Practically it is not THAT big of a deal.
  8. Incredible story. 😍 Overcoming the fear due to sheer pleasure feels great.
  9. I wouldn't worry too much about cameras at public bathrooms. To be sure, check if there are any at the entrance. Wear sunglasses plus a cap or a hat if you wanna be extra careful. In the stalls itself there is no need to worry as it's illegal like already mentioned. As for cleaning staff it highly depends the neighborhood and the time of the day. As for other places i'd say stairwells of car parks as they are easy to check for cameras. Right in the middle of a concrete path making a nice puddle for everyone to walk through. With the right clothes you could make it look like you tie
  10. You are looking cute. Appreciate yourself more, we on this forum do appreciate you for sure. Thank you for posting those pictures. And i like your clothing style, 'specially your shoes.
  11. I can relate. Visit some different towns nearby, depending on your location. That's the advantage of Europe, so many different countries just hours away. Maybe grab the bicycle and ride around in nature and explore. Enjoy the moment, the freedom of being able to go out in the morning. Go eating somewhere and remind yourself that the day is yours. Like it has been mentioned it's better to get up at the usual time. Maybe just plan to take one chill day for sleeping longer. When at work i always know what i'd rather do now but when i'm off those thoughts and the drive are just gone som
  12. The first porn material was probably Rebekah Dee. As a lil' teen i couldn't buy the vids but looking at the preview pics and reading the stories was enough for some good fun. Along with this there where some sort of forum stories or blogs i guess. At around the same time, not directly porn though, youtube was the best place for me as there was new stuff almost daily. Good times when people didnt give a fuck and carelessly uploaded anything for their laughs or 5 min of fame. Good unstaged vids of girls peeing outside recorded by their friends, recording themselves on the toilet etc...great
  13. https://www.pornhub.com/insights/women-of-the-world For the womens day earlier this year Pornhub gave some insight on what women from different countries/areas are searching for in relation to others. So in Germany, Japan and especially in the Netherlands the search term 'pee' is relatively more popular by female users. And there is one state in the US, Michigan, where it is by far more popular in relation to the average. Its not the overall rating but always seen in relation to the average but nonetheless there are places where its fairly popular. EDIT: Two states in th
  14. A window at the uni. I had to pee and the window was at the right height and probably maybe needed a shower πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ. So i sprayed some (or maybe a lot) of my piss over it. At least the dust was gone.πŸ™„
  15. A: Not that long ago, a few weeks probably. B: Release C - Sometimes. Oftentimes those are not around. And boring if used correctly... D - I don't really look forward to being desperate. E - I guess a bit of interest is there. Didn't measure it though. Just an estimated guess with the help of a bottle on a few occasions. F - No. G - No. H - Pretty strong most of the time. Could go through a day of school without going once. Had 4 0.4l glasses of softdrinks and some water beforehand while at a restaurant recently and still didn't feel the need to go. After severe
  16. Hah yes, not always clean because some people are just...i don't know. Concerning female toilets there was an incident when someone made a circle on the floor with toilet paper and peed in it. They send out mails like you described after that but not mentioning the incident.
  17. Remi


    Used to have the weird habit of avoiding to switch off the TV when only one person was on screen. I don't know why. As a kid i used to feel sorry for those and in case their souls were trapped in this thing i tried to ensure they have company at least or something. When i failed i'd switch it on again for a second try. πŸ™„
  18. I might think not a specific one so basically any girl can become the type, you may never know. Its not only looks though, the character, behaviour etc is also as important. So even if i could draw one type on paper, the girls i had or have feelings for did not look like it for the most part.
  19. Yea, roughly. Something along those lines... ..and in a pajama as i hardly ever dress those avatar guys up 😁
  20. I have an interest in those real life crime documentaries, used to watch several shows about that topic including those about unsolved ones. I can't exactly nail down where this interest comes from though.
  21. Depends. In English its probably the classic 'pee'. Sometimes though a girl saying 'i have to piss' is what gets it done as it sounds a bit more vulgar. In german though there are so many words or expressions for it: pinkeln, pissen, strullen, pullern, pipi machen, Wasser lassen, sicken, urinieren, Revier markieren...
  22. Hate is a strong word. Lets say i like seeing their opponents win πŸ˜‰ But when they win they win, i will acknowledge the performance of the players. The thing with Bayern, especially in Germany when they are present all the time, is you hear a lot of interviews of the club leadership, remarks of some players, some fans on the internet etc ... lets just they their "Allianz Arena" isn't dubbed 'arrogance Arena' for nothing.
  23. From the teams left in the competition i'm probably rooting for Ajax as i like the dutch and they are clearly the underdogs. Liverpool is ok too. I'd like Juve more if they still had Buffon as goalkeeper. I just don't have a thing for Man City... Though being german i am not really unhappy that Bayern is out. Sorry Nancy πŸ˜›
  24. I love this, very good. I admire your courage, i would most likely not have the guts to do so even though i often thought about it as i could probably gain access to a building with an empty carpeted office. Was it a long process of getting that bold the more naughty peeings you did or were you always somehow more fearless than most?
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