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Everything posted by Carb0nBased

  1. I remember seeing those videos on Peesearch, the title would scroll across at the beginning--at least I assume it's the same ones. It doesn't bother me, but I can be rather childlike sometimes in regards to sexuality so maybe that's why. I never use it though to say I'm going to pee--I say "use the bathroom" if indoors among most people, I might say "go pee" or "take a leak" with people I know well on a friend/dating basis.
  2. I tend to just rinse quickly with water rather than use soap, which I only do either when going #2 or in a public toilet where I've touched potentially germy surfaces.
  3. I sit down in the middle of the night when I'm peeing in the dark, and when I might need to go #2 as well. Otherwise I stand. When I'm in a bathroom/cubicle alone I tend to squeeze or almost "milk" my penis to try and clear the last bit out. Sometimes I even press on my pants between my legs to squeeze the tube farther down. If I'm at a urinal around other people I generally just hope the foreskin rolling back over the opening gets it clean enough.
  4. It's an interesting topic. There are certainly guys who do pee together, and who chat at the urinals. I also have heard that there are guys who masturbate together while watching porn, though I have never personally observed (much less done) that. So not all guys are shy about their bodies in front of all friends, but there are only a few pairs of friends who are close enough to be open with each other like it seems the average girl-girl friendship is. The video brings up the idea that some of this as to do with how competitive guys are, and I could definitely see how this could be part o
  5. The other day I saw this picture of what is apparently supposed to be Eve, carved into a piece of stone on the face of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Korcula, Croatia: I could't help but think that it looks like she's popping a squat! The visitors to that cathedral could imagine that by standing under this, they are being bathed in her holy golden rain lol... I wonder if this is the only squatting Eve sculpture/statue that exists.
  6. Sounds like a good time! How long had you been dating, and was this the first pee-related thing you did together?
  7. Just saw this thread for the first time even though it was posted over a year ago. Great writing! It's nice to see some actual setting of the scene and descriptions of the more delicate/subtle aspects of the mood rather than just paragraphs and paragraphs of raunch. It seems Riley doesn't post much anymore but obviously underestimated her writing ability.
  8. It seems like it would be a quite cultural thing, how easy it is to see women peeing and where is best. I have no idea about French attitudes and customs around peeing and the relation between the sexes so I can't say. You're lucky that unisex toilets with multiple stalls seem to be common there. Here in the US, unisex toilets are nearly always rooms with a single toilet behind one locking door, and since there's only one person able to use them at a time, there's no reason to NOT make them unisex (except maybe for differing ideas of cleanliness between men and women). But since they are
  9. Nice conversation! Seems like some lighthearted, fun-loving girls--or at least making the best of a situation that could be awkward. I'm sure the drinks helped...
  10. There IS no "instinct to shake" for either women or men. Women typically wipe, which is of course something their moms teach them when they are young, and none have come here to say they have ever tried shaking their labia. For a guy as I said it seems more effective to squeeze it but some guys seem to shake it because it looks less awkward in public.
  11. I assume that the OP meant whether they shake the labia. From what I've seen from videos (and the few women I've seen in real life), it seems to be the exception that a woman's labia "crack open" enough that you can see the opening where the pee comes out without her or someone else spreading her, that would allow a "stream straight out of the urethra" as you put it. Maybe you meant though that there's no female equivalent of the issue that requires us guys to shake. Most of you probably know already, but in case some women don't and are curious, the reason for shaking isn't that our peni
  12. Stale pee like you commonly smell in alleys in cities is just gross to me. It's nothing like the scent of freshly peed-on dirt, or of someone's pants right after wetting, or even what I smell from my own stream when I'm at a urinal. Fresh pee in a bathroom/on clothes often reminds me of popcorn for some reason, at least when it's male pee. After drinking coffee it gets a "roasted" aroma, almost like slightly overheated/burnt popcorn. Another interesting association, I find that zucchini has an aftertaste that reminds me a bit of the fresh pee aroma as well. Dirt and plants that are freshl
  13. I would have thought that for most people of both sexes, if they have to both pee and poop that they would just do both in whatever position they would do #2 in. I didn't imagine many people using a different stance for the pee, either before or after.
  14. It looks like part of the issue might have been that the guy who peed was there to buy drugs. The local residents probably didn't want drug deals going on in front of their residences and the urination finally made one of them snap. In any case, I'd expect the people on a street called Bunny Run Drive to behave much sweeter and more innocently than this! "You're peeing? Better hop away because there are no carrots for you!"
  15. It seems like it would be a lot easier to suck on a guy that way than on a woman (though I imagine it would feel really weird, and maybe painful, to have that kind of vacuum in the urethra). The opening of the female urethra is deeply enough buried in folds of skin that it's just possible to see it if you spread things the right way--I can't imagine you could make any kind of seal on the flesh around it with your mouth, especially if it's at all wet, given how smooth it is.
  16. That sounds interesting. I was a complete loner of a kid who always went into a stall in the bathroom and didn't take part in the joking that often took place around the urinals (until the teen years, when bathrooms had stopped being places for hanging out and joking around), so maybe stuff like this went on and I didn't know. I'm also sure this is something that varies by culture. But in my understanding, any sort of undressing in front of the opposite sex was either something that happened with neighborhood friends when in preschool/kindergarten, or then again in the teen years when tr
  17. It's the same for me, I often pee simply out of necessity and don't think about the sexual aspect of it. Peeing in a urinal is nearly always a bit of a turn-on, in that it's a "guy thing", public to varying degrees depending on the setup, and also I only started using urinals in my teen years so it has the association from that. On/in the toilet, sometimes if I'm needing to take a break from whatever I was doing I will notice how full my bladder is and how it feels to empty it. But especially if I'm stressed out/preoccupied with something, getting up in the middle of the night, etc., I won't b
  18. Yes, she was well hidden enough that random people wouldn't see her stream or her privates (except maybe when lowering into the squat or standing up out of it), yet not well hidden enough that people can't clearly see her face and know what she's doing. If she were in the woods you couldn't assume anything, but the fact that she didn't seem to react strongly to you passing by seems to show she's self-confident and open enough that she doesn't care if people know she's peeing. It's possible she's just a country girl as you say and really at home in the dirt and views peeing as an ordinary
  19. You certainly seem like a guy who isn't afraid to push his luck. I bet there aren't many girlfriends/wives who would be OK with their boyfriends/husbands quite obviously perving over other women in front of them, and especially while holding their hand and at least pretending to be romantic (I know there are some--particularly in "kinky" and polyamorous circles there are probably quite a few). This isn't like admitting a celebrity crush, or even getting caught ogling a hot girl who passes by, this is in some way having a real-life intimate experience with another woman (even if the other
  20. I didn't know about her passing but I looked it up just now. It's sad (of course) not just because of her pee videos, but she obviously was someone with a big heart who did a lot for animals also. I was wondering, too, whether she might have a pee fetish. I remember on one of her videos some guy commented that she had a "high sex drive" or something to that effect, and she made a reply that basically called him a weirdo, but she did seem like the kind of woman who is secretly sexier/more curious than she seems from her public persona. When looking up her death I saw she had a Model Mayhe
  21. That's funny, when I search for research on urine pH differences between males and females, ALL the studies I find show that males produce more acidic urine. This seems to be from a combination of dietary choices (meat generates acid when metabolized, and men eat more of it) and physiology. I would guess many of you here already know of Novalee Truesdell, the Youtube gardener who fertilizes her garden beds this way and has (G or at most PG rated) videos to prove it? We were already talking about her on PeeSearch many years ago. But if you don't, you have to look her up.
  22. You can try pinching the tip of your penis to narrow the stream, like putting fingers over a garden hose. That will reduce the flow but increase the pressure.
  23. This reminds me of a time I was with some people from a student group at college walking around the streets at night (we were chalking some kind of advertisement on the sidewalk), and this one guy and one of the girls were talking about what they would do when they got back to the apartment we had been meeting at. He asked her if they should help each other pee, or something along those lines, and when she said nothing, he said "because I really need to pee", as though the suggestion had been a joke that he'd just made to tell her that. Neither of them peed for the rest of the time we were out
  24. It's a shame that you didn't become comfortable enough during that trip to pee in front of each other.
  25. That is good, descriptive writing--but I'm having trouble inferring the context here. Is it a girl talking about watching her boyfriend/male crush? or a sister being envious of how her brother pees? or something else?
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