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Everything posted by Carb0nBased

  1. What do you mean by "right on the edge"? Do you mean just about to leak? or do you mean when sitting on the edge of the toilet?
  2. That left pic--WOW! The right one... not so much. This really shows how the wrong makeup can "ruin" a woman's face.
  3. Love the first one (and NOT just because of the cleavage)!
  4. I love shy girls like that. It feels extra special to share nakedness with them.
  5. It is great when you're able to be comfortably naked in front of someone, whether it is a romantic/sexual partner or a friend. Being naked in front of random strangers when you didn't intend to be though, especially if they laugh at you, is not fun. Yes, I know there are instances, for instance at nude beaches, in which you can be naked in front of strangers and have a positive experience. Did you eventually get OK with your cousin seeing you undressed?
  6. There are a bunch of old pee-related incidents that I shared back on Peesearch when it was still in existence, but now that is gone from the web. And now we have our own Sarah_Hiker here who might appreciate some of them. Anyway, back quite a few years ago I used to be a member of a hiking group. It was run by a guy who always used to bring wine with him, and encourage other members to do it too. He made quite a deal about how it was all about creating community, but I wonder if he just liked to drink in nature and wanted others to do it with so he wouldn't be alone. Anyway, being a hikin
  7. Do you like the smell you get when peeing on certain surfaces when out hiking? Most kinds of ground don't smell particularly like anything when peed on, but I've found that where there are ferns and moss around, they release a scent when wet that is really fresh and for lack of a better word "green".
  8. I have in fact seen pictures of those before but didn't know that's what they were called. Oh, I guess I had a mistaken impression--I read one of your pee adventures where you mentioned it was at a festival in Amsterdam and just assumed that ALL your peeing exploits took place there. My bad. So I guess the right question is, which type of urinals are common in the cities you typically pee in? Maybe you need to find a single occupant ("one room", without stalls) unisex restroom and try it in there.
  9. Ah, so you DO use those too, just not the way you were describing by sitting on it. Maybe you didn't see my question, what is the most common type of urinal to see in Amsterdam (or in the Netherlands more generally)?
  10. It's easy to ask this without raising any fetishy suspicion. Just say that maybe someone at work was talking about potty training his or her kids and you wondered how it had been for you. If she says it was difficult to train you, then you can maybe ask what age you were when you finally got trained, what method finally worked on you, and whether you had accidents after that. I doubt she would say she was abusive when training you! Despite what some therapy-oriented TV shows might make it look like, most parents aren't abusive to their kids. And if yours had been in this instance, th
  11. Well, I like to write at least somewhat realistic stories. If a patient pees herself while somewhat out of it in a dentist's chair, with stuff in her mouth, it's not like the dentist's assistant is going to start making out with and fondling her in front of the other patients, or she's going to start rubbing herself on the edge of the chair and get off while the dentist is watching! That would maybe be the plot of a really bad porno, which is definitely not my taste. It's more like the professionals are going to be embarrassed and awkward and try to help her keep her modesty as much as possibl
  12. It sounds like the type of urinal would make a huge difference how possible (or not) this is. Most urinals in the US (and it seems in Canada as well) are the "vertical box" type, as this picture from the wonderful urinal.net shows: https://urinal.net/clarkson_community_centre/ To me it seems that a woman could not hope to use these with her back to the wall unless she does a high squat sitting against the back AND has a straight downward stream. The same goes for "down to the floor" urinals like these, which used to be common in old buildings but have mostly been replaced: https://ur
  13. Definitely not, I am like GenericUsername in that I've had little experience with women, and my only relationship was between one and two months, and that was in 2019. Though in reality most of the time I'm more interested in a relationship than sex. Like, that woman I was in the relationship with, we never got as far as actually having sex. Though she actually asked for it a few times after we broke up. It didn't feel right to me though--not because I'm opposed to sex outside a relationship on principle but because I didn't feel it was healthy for us to do that at the time. But nearly all the
  14. Inspired by the "drunk peeing" thread in the last few weeks and something that was said in chat over the weekend, I have decided to write a pee story featuring laughing gas/nitrous oxide. It seems like something that hasn't been done before. It was mentioned in chat in connection with dentistry, so my first idea was two girlfriends going to the dentist together and one has to pee while in the chair. However, of course I'm aware that at least for most people (myself included), having to have dental work done is one of the least sexy things in the known universe. And having an accident with
  15. @Mary Moon It's great it seems like you're starting to feel comfortable around here to share more. Hope you are enjoying the forum.
  16. That sounds like a lovely "innocent" and almost romantic way to pee! I would love to have a partner to do that sort of stuff with.
  17. I guess you're quite varied in your likes too. I tried to send you a message but it seems you aren't accepting them.
  18. I I can be attracted to quite a range of body shapes and proportions as well. The other day some people were having a conversation about this on another forum and I came across some body fat percentage charts with pictures, like the following: https://www.getmefitter.co.nz/body-fat-comparison-charts https://ultimateperformance.com/your-goal/fat-loss/female-fat-loss/womens-body-fat-percentage-in-pictures/ From what I saw, anything from roughly 15% to 35% body fat can look attractive if the shape is otherwise right. For instance in the second chart, the 35% woman actually looks bette
  19. Yeah if you look it's actually in there. And "waste" is the synonym which is usually provided. When I first saw it I assumed that "Not all of it" was the synonym and was thinking along the line of "parts", with a P and "arts" somehow. But actually "Not all of it" is the clue of how to get the answer from the rest.
  20. Yeah I'm the same--it's not that I pee in "unsafe" places out in the open after drinking, it's more that I'm likely to find an earlier hidden spot than wait for an even MORE hidden one.
  21. After drinking I'm a little more daring, but the effects dampen the sensation of peeing itself (which are already dampened, due to some medical issues of mine) and make it harder to pay enough attention to really enjoy it. Though the combination of a large fluid volume in a short time and being a bit out of it does make it easier to get desperate without realizing it, I suppose that and the reduced inhibitions are the only upsides. As for peeing high, that's a completely different story, as it actually enhances the sensation and the feeling of being in the moment. I haven't smoked in a VE
  22. I find it interesting you don't use them standing or in a very high squat with slightly bent knees rather than low to the ground. I guess maybe you don't have enough practice doing that to keep from wetting your clothes without taking them off, which would kind of defeat the purpose anyway?
  23. Hmm... yeah not a girl but I would have imagined that the blood would get on the panties in a quite different spot in the two cases. Also you could wipe your anal and vulva areas separately and see in which case the toilet paper is stained red--but clearly that would only work if blood is actually coming out at the time. When I've had hemorrhoids, they only bleed right after a bowel movement, never just at random times, whereas I was under the impression that period blood leaks in little bits throughout the day (again, not a woman so can't say from my own experience). I can't see why peeing wo
  24. The "pee part" is just one sentence. The cops say no, so no peeing...
  25. I doubt it's related to normal aging as that shouldn't have any effect that young. I am more than a decade older and have some neuropathy down there that affect sensation but still when I do get hard, I get as hard as I ever have. I imagine that "long haul" COVID could cause something like this--that virus has somewhat of a reputation for causing dysautonomia, and erection is a parasympathetic reaction, which requires the nerves of the autonomic system to work properly. If that's what it is, I have no idea how you would treat it. There are drugs to help with changes in heart rate/blood p
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