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Everything posted by Carb0nBased

  1. I've never been in a mixed group where peeing is done casually in view of the others. In groups of male friends less care is usually taken to hide, and obviously I can't say what happens among groups of female friends. However, I've always been a loner and as rarely in groups of friends anyway, usually I'd be out going places with one friend at a time. The female friends I've seen pee are ones who I dated when I first met them, or at least we would have been open to dating if we had been attracted to each other. I've never had a female friend I was strictly friends with who peed casually
  2. Do you mean pungent? While maybe some memories of your dad are poignant, it would be really interesting if a pee smell was, unless maybe you came across a scent in an alley that smelled just like your first true love or something like that.
  3. I'd love to have an "innocent" relationship like that.
  4. Peeing in wet clothes, especially if they're cold, is an interesting sensation. Even getting a little splash of warm pee on your skin while using the bathroom after being out in the cold weather can feel nice in an unusual way. I imagine for women, who tend to get more of themselves wet when having an ordinary pee, using the bathroom after being out in the rain/snow must be a rather stimulating and at the same time relaxing experience.
  5. In the thread about Youtube videos, someone posted a link to a video of a gay couple where the boyfriends were peeing together for the first time. This made me wonder about something, and I decided to make a separate thread because it is really off the topic of Youtube channels. I find it quite surprising that two gay boyfriends hadn't peed together before, and it's an interesting thing to think about the implications of this. While it's certainly the case that a decent number of heterosexual boyfriends and girlfriends have never peed together, I just assumed that was in large part becau
  6. Well it HAS been said that beer looks about the same going in as coming out--so I guess pouring it back into a keg makes sense...
  7. That stream sounded nice and hissy, and I also liked the little relieved sigh at 0:25. It must have been a good pee. You seem to have lots of interesting pee experiences when going out!
  8. I don't see what this particularly has to do with a bathroom. It's definitely a statement on gender/marriage/family equality, but I doubt for instance that many couples would walk even into a unisex bathroom together holding hands...
  9. It has to be very unusual for a child to seek the freedom to express a sexual kink in front of parents. That rarely happens--I certainly have never wanted to tell my parents about any fetishes I have. I could see wanting to "come clean" about doing things when younger that may have bothered your mom (especially if you were of an age where you didn't fully understand your fetish and weren't so good with boundaries), and I'd hope that a parent would accept that. But the other part, about hoping your mom lets you pee in random places around her house, stretches my sense of what's reasonable--unle
  10. I guess then it's making the point that so many men aim poorly that maybe some magnification would help...
  11. Is that a lamp or a magnifying glass? Either way it's rather funny.
  12. Yes, I imagine people growing up in the country have a lot more reason to pee in front of each other than city folk. Probably for some, that familiarity makes peeing more boring as they grow into adults, but obviously for you it hasn't. I wonder if that tomboy still is the same way.
  13. Women apparently actually, on average, pee faster than men, i.e. they take less time to pee the same volume, due to the absence of the prostate to act as a blockage and the shorter urethra. They are often less able to aim a straight stream like a hose, though (although some do learn to do it!).
  14. Your sister could pee as far as a store two hours away?? Wrong thread I'm sure, but that was funny to imagine (LOL)!
  15. It's interesting that even though you were so overfull it still trickled a lot of the time, rather than being a continuous hard flow for a minute and a half or something. For me when I'm full, if I let go and don't hold it in, it all comes out in one "go".
  16. In an already filthy place with lots of trash around I wouldn't want to touch a tissue though, and would probably find even a pee puddle a bit gross. It's always nice when there's pee in a spot that's otherwise nice and fresh.
  17. I just looked at some videos of those--I'm surprised how instant the color change is. I thought they would slowly change color over 5-10 seconds or so. Seeing as the ads say they change color because of temperature, I wonder if pee wouldn't work as well--as it leaves the body at body temperature. It cools off out in the air, but the color change due to that might not be as dramatic.
  18. Did he show any interest in you peeing? Did you want him to? As far as your question at the end--in terms of "what would make the world a better place" I'd prefer if people didn't leave dirty tissues strewn around in the bushes, whether used for peeing or for any other purpose. Littering ruins the beauty of a place really fast. On the other hand, if I find a possible pee puddle while walking out in the bushes, it's always exciting to find a tissue next to it, as first it confirms that it almost certainly IS a (human) pee puddle (and not a spilled drink, a puddle left from last week's rain
  19. As many adults pee in the shower, I don't disagree that a decent number of adults still pee in the bathtub as well (though certainly fewer, as in the shower everything washes away while in the bath you continue to sit in the same water). What I meant was the idea of aiming upward and trying to make a big fountain. I don't think many adults make a game out of peeing--most of them probably don't even think about the act OR the sensations of it much more than they think about drinking a glass of water or tying their shoes, except to the extent of noticing when they are away from a toilet an
  20. It's interesting that we both remember this rather specific and unusual video. Maybe we were reading the same forum post where it was mentioned. I tried searching the web if there were any references to it, and didn't find any mention of that video, but I did find this video about a robotics lab that has built robots that run on pee (not from the force of it flowing, but based on bacteria generating energy when they break down the waste): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYYkKygU_XY. In the video it mentions them using synthetic urine to test them, but I wonder if anyone in the lab ever ha
  21. Sounds like a nice way to let out all the tension from the stresses and demands of the day! I'm guessing most people who take baths haven't done that since maybe when they were kids...
  22. Back many years ago when this Sarah McLachlan song was popular, I thought it would be funny to take the part of the first verse where she says "I'll try to hold it in" and rewrite the part around it to be about peeing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDmPcSWE0WU. The tone of her singing is even a bit like moaning in desperation so it would work. It might be fun to listen to while actually desperate to pee and hold with her haha...
  23. Someone way long ago on an old board (I don't even remember which now) posted a link to an Asian video called something like "pee power" that was exactly like this, i.e. ladies peed down a marble run-type ramp that turned wheels and powered small gizmos. What's funny about it is that somehow I associate that video in my mind with another Japanese show often involving things going down ramps, called Pitagora Suicchi (Pythagoras' Switch). The latter, as far as I know, is intended primarily as educational entertainment for kids, so I can't believe the two actually have anything to do with each ot
  24. Yes, at the age these are intended for, the unfortunate thought if anything would be much more likely "I don't want to hurt the poor cute elephant by peeing in its nose!" than anything naughty.
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