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  1. I went on a short trip and did a thing that I've always want to do, which was to pee where I sit (outdoors) for a whole day. Those places were ~ The upholstery of the bus (I was so nervous tho) The park - wooden benches and the grass Café The bus again Restaurant (Quite literally soaked the floor) ~ The End ~ In all of the aforementioned places (except the restaurant ofcourse), I would release a couple of tiny spurts at best since I was quite nervous that day haha and who knows maybe I'll try something similar again some day !!
    10 points
  2. Start off with this fun encounter from a few weeks ago. A few of us from work met up and went out for a few drinks as we weren’t working. Later in the evening a couple of those who had been at work joined us and we went round a few bars before deciding we had had enough. It was just after half 1 when a couple of our friends went and got a taxi leaving me and my mate to head to get our own taxis. As we were walking up through town he said he wanted a domino’s to take home with him so we walked on past the train station to where domino’s is. We went in, ordered what we wanted and then
    9 points
  3. But that’s not where my night ended. When I got home, I found that my housemate had locked the door incorrectly and I was locked out. Initially unable to get in touch with him, and the weather still being amazing, I was content to sleep in my car. But after about an hour I needed to pee so badly it was going to be an issue quickly. There is really no cover between the houses in our neighborhood and everyone has doorbell cameras aimed at the whole street. I couldn’t just pop up onto my front porch and duck behind the bushes (really the only cover) since the sensor light would go on. After a ton
    8 points
  4. definitely didn't factor in how lacy these ones are when i put them on. 🥺 j/k. 😇 of course i totally picked them out knowing my muffin would be quite obvious. oh. i forgot. not only are they lacy, but 🤭 also a thong.
    8 points
  5. I’ve been pissing everywhere I shouldn’t lately, and thought I’d start a post to share some of my experiences. Yesterday, I went to a local park along a marsh. There isn’t much coverage, but I typically only see a couple people each hour. The park is long and narrow against a small road which is lined with duplexes. The marsh’s shoreline has quite a lot of Canadian goldenrod and thistles which grow 2-3 feet tall. There was a small bench partially hidden in the prairie growth though only about two feet from the walking path and within clear view above the waist in general and clear vi
    6 points
  6. Hello peefans and friends! Will here, chillin in a hotel room waiting for my queen Sarah to arrive. It's about to get wet and wild in here! Two queen beds, as is our usual custom. One for sleeping; one for soaking! We both really enjoyed sharing a few of our videos with you guys and are excited to make and share more! I'm by no means in charge of what my queen does with her piss, so I can't promise anything specific, but I do have it on good authority that there may be quite a bit of nonchalant peeing about the room ;-) Do let us know if you have any re
    6 points
  7. Silently slipped out onto the deck again. This time I deliberately chose an area that was still dry but close to where the rain will reach. It will be hard to tell which part is wet from the rain and which from piss. I decided to try and take a few pictures. So I tucked my dress up my sweater and lifted one foot on a stair. My bladder was now very eager. The pee was already flowing when I managed to get the camera in the right place. The flow kept going. I managed to take about ten pictures before just allowing myself to enjoy the rest of the pee. Once I was done, I sat down in
    6 points
  8. Hi everyone, you might remember my post taking suggestions on what to do pee wise on my day at the waterpark. Im here to write up everything that happened. I took many suggestions from other sources aswell. I have never peed so much in such a condensed time, or drank so much water. For a bit of background, i really like one piece swimsuits, i wear them all the time incorporated in my outfits as tops, etc, but i was challanged to try a bikini. I havent worn one since i was a really young kid. So first I needed to acquire one. I thought i could get it done on the day before the park,
    5 points
  9. Amazon just suggested this to me and I’m dying. Valueon Snapback Closure Cap High Crown Foam Front Mesh Back Trucker Hats for Men and Women Adjustable
    5 points
  10. I peed right on the table during and ultrasound and it was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me but shortly after i would touch myself thinking about it.
    5 points
  11. When I was 18 I was over at my uncle house celebrating my cousins graduation. My uncle and me got into argument that he said girls couldn’t pee farther than guy’s standing so I challenge him in his basement we went down there and my mom was the referee she was a good 15 feet away so my uncle went first he peed 8 feet away. Then it was my turn I my first couple of squirts didn’t go to far until my stream developed fully it touched my mom’s foot I was laughing at mt uncles amused face
    5 points
  12. Today is exciting. for the first time ever i’m home alone AND i get to work from home. you know what that means? Trying a diaper and peeing where ever and whenever i want. today is gonna be a blast.
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. Later in the evening I stopped at a local natural area. The boardwalk was barely constructed. It was less than three feet wide and resting on wooden blocks every few feet. It was SUPER loud and wobbly but there wasn’t any space to step off and hide. A lake was shortly to one side and a road to the other. It was wooded but not densely enough for privacy. It was dusk and I started to feel like an idiot walking into a secluded area, but I was determined. A decent ways in, I saw a part where the trees spread a bit and noticed a small sign in the cleared area stating that branch of path was closed
    4 points
  15. I did have another pee on the lower deck a moment ago. As I went down there, I realised that the deck is overlooked a bit more than I thought. I don't think there are direct sightlines from any houses, but there is an outbuilding of some kind that has a window facing the lower deck. In addition, there is a direct view from a greenhouse, where I am hoping no one was working during this time... These things are pretty far, maybe 300 - 400 metres. No chance of anyone seeing a stream, but the way I was standing with my legs wide apart , hiking up my dress, looking at my puddle and in some cases wi
    4 points
  16. Lucky me got a few squirts for giving her oral pleasure on the bed. First wet spot on our soaking bed :-) My errands include buying some sexier clothes just so you guys know. Not gonna be rock in that Willie t shirt the whole time haha Just a lil tease since I have a couple errands to run for her sexiness before we really get down to business. Shouldn't take more than an hour. We'll keep you guys posted! <3
    3 points
  17. A lovely afternoon today in the garden, and inspired by @Peeboy2000 I decided to wear some cut-off denim jeans (respectable length @oliver2) and have some wetting fun while pruning the vine. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/P4DbxbgF
    3 points
  18. It has been great sharing this with all of you. I'd read so many great stories and experiences before registering, but I never imagined I'd share things so candidly myself. Yet, it was a bit like any really lovely experience that you just can't help but talk about to someone who will hopefully understand. It could be a trip you talk about to a fellow travel fan or a song you play to a music lover. In this case, it just happened to be one woman, liters of piss and a perfect outdoor area.
    3 points
  19. Hi If anyone wanna ask questions about my new maxipads for incontinence feel free to ask them to me here or by sending me a PM.
    3 points
  20. Hey, this is my first story and i'm not a native english speakter. So grammar and times are kinda picked randomly in some cases. I hope you enjoy it! Also made a little generated graphic for the characters that fits to the point i surrendered trying 😄 This story contains content like pee vandalism, property damage, female despeartionm female peeing. All characters and events are works of fiction. Act I The blurry noise of people around her filled the air, as Sam, a determined businesswoman, settled into her seat in the train compartment. Dressed in a sleek charcoal skirt
    3 points
  21. Hey all, it's been a while since I posted in this thread and in response to the message above and a few private messages I have had from people on this site I am still here and I hope to get back to posting more sightings and updating this thread. I haven't posted here for a while because unfortunately for the past few months I haven't been able to get out to scope out sightings. At the back end of last year I was busy with work stuff and all the Christmas related events and stuff we had going on and then unfortunately at the beginning of the year I was involved in a minor traffic collis
    3 points
  22. It's been a lovely afternoon here, so I have been enjoying the sunshine in the garden as I have a few hours to myself and no pressing commitments. One way I like to enjoy the sunshine is to get naked, relax in a garden chair, rub some oil on myyself, play with my cock a little, and then pee. The warmth of the sunshine was gorgeous and there was a slight breeze that felt delightful on my skin both before it became wet with the hot pee and afterwards, as it evaporated and cooled me down. All in all a lovely 20 minutes or so 🙂 No video I'm afraid, but there is a not-very-good phot
    3 points
  23. I will be sharing all my pee experiences here from my childhood to now. Here’s one of my personal favorites It was my 21st birthday party at my house we were having a pool party I was wearing a White Ribbed Tie Bikini it was my family and a couple of close friends as I they got me drunk my bladder also got filled as I was standing next to the pool everyone was out of the pool since they where eating as I move my bikini bottoms as release a thick gush that arc forward splashing into the pool
    2 points
  24. My boyfriend (who knows about my kink but unfortunately doesn't share it) and I are currently at a cottage we rented for a small getaway. We were just lying in bed, fooling around a bit and then decided to get up. He said he had to go to the toilet. I realised I needed a pee, too. We had just discussed whether it had rained or was going to, so I decided I could slip out onto the porch, ostensibly to inspect the weather if he heard the door. I quickly put on a nightgown and went outside. It had rained a little and the porch or deck was wet where it was not covered. I wal
    2 points
  25. Jealous!!!!! Please do share pics!!!
    2 points
  26. Right before we left, I took one final pee, but in a less kinky fashion. I volunteered to take the food waste to the compost again, got to a good position behind the shed, pulled down my underpants and trousers, got into a high squat and went in the grass. I wiped myself with a paper towel that I then used to wipe food rests from the container. Pants up and back indoors.
    2 points
  27. I'm starting to think that a full bladder influences brain function negatively. Just after realising the fact that I could theoretically have been overlooked on the lower deck, I still thought it a good idea to take off my underpants and trousers (that were supposed to symbolise an end to the piss fest), head out on the upper deck, find a lovely corner and go for about 15 seconds. So now, instead of worrying about having been seen on the lower deck, I also need to worry about whether that puddle will have time to dry until a) my boyfriend spots it, and b) we have to vacate the cottage in three
    2 points
  28. We will be leaving here in a few hours and I already feel a bit sad, because I know I cannot enjoy pissing like this at home. I hope I find other ways to have fun, not just living off of the great stories and experiences you all write. I did just have a tiny piss on the deck, but I wasn't desperate by any means. I hope to have time and opportunity for another pee or two, but if not, I have really enjoyed the pissing and sharing it with all of you.
    2 points
  29. Oh how I wish I was able to do that whenever I want. Looks amazing and bet it felt great!
    2 points
    2 points
  31. i just read an entire "series" basically about exactly this on literotica!! It was sooo hot
    2 points
  32. I'm not keen on events and festivals with thousands upon thousands of people, either, and this might be my number one (or number two) reason. I'll almost never use a portaloo. If I have to pee, I'll seek out an alternative and failing that, hold until I'm desperate and at that point I'd rather wet myself. The only thing that would draw me to these activities is the opportunity for sightings. The ones I've been to have almost always been rewarding. Maybe that's because I know where to look, figuring at least a few women might be seeking out the same places I would. Most of the time,
    2 points
  33. (Or: how to instantly saturate your inbox) Did you have incontinence then discover you liked how it felt? Are you, like, multitasking there, peeing while you brush your teeth? (I’ve done that on occasion…)
    2 points
  34. My boyfriend came back from the shops a bit earlier than I expected. While he was away, I took a nice but less exciting piss on the upper deck and left a few tiny puddles on the front and back steps of a shed. I was just loading up on water for the next round when he got back. So I was left with a filling bladder and growing urge but again no place to go quite discreetly. We chatted about future plans while I was growing increasingly aware of my need. Finally, I asked him to start preparing for a board game we were intending to play, while I went outside to enjoy the fresh air for
    2 points
  35. My boyfriend got in the shower, so that was my cue. I headed out. I let out a few hot drops on the rug, but then went to the deck, on the opposite corner from the bathroom. There was a perfect spot there, close to the part where it had rained but dry enough for me to see the puddle I was making. Similar to before, I lifted up one leg on the stair, and spread my legs out wide. It felt fantastic as I relaxed my bladder and a fairly strong stream shot out of me. I had to widen my stance to prevent massive splashes on myself. After about 15 seconds, the flow stopped. I kind of wiped off
    2 points
  36. I didn't write down or photograph all of my pees yesterday, but I guess I could upload one more picture I did take. It is the aftermath of a nice piss on the stairs leading to the lower deck. As most of these deliberate pees, it was about 15 seconds of a lovely steady flow that gave me a beautiful relaxing feeling.
    2 points
  37. I'm already up although it is very early. All the liters of water I drank yesterday and my bladder might have something to do with that. So I got up, left my nightgown on for now and layered a lot of sweaters on my upper body, as it is quite cold, but I don't want to wear underpants or trousers. I took our pet for a small walk. As we were exploring the lower deck, it was I, not him, who left behind a little puddle. 😜 We came back in and I made myself a small breakfast and headed back out to the upper deck. I sat down on a wooden chair and tried to relax my bladder, but to no avail.
    2 points
  38. Maybe not weird so much as naughty, but I have peed on the floor in a train. It felt so good but I did feel guilty afterwards.
    2 points
  39. Where no bathroom present I do it. But sometimes I holding for fun
    2 points
  40. Hello again, thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice to see people enjoying what I made. Here is the next chapter; it's a bit short, but more is coming. Enjoy! 2. The Uber Contains female peeing, car peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Monique arrived at the train station in Berlin, desperate to relieve herself. This came at the expense of an unsuspecting Uber driver who drove the couple to the hotel. —————————————————— We were now in Berlin and only had to go from the station to the hotel where my sister was waiting for us. I knew my wife was bursti
    2 points
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