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  1. Hi everyone, you might remember my post taking suggestions on what to do pee wise on my day at the waterpark. Im here to write up everything that happened. I took many suggestions from other sources aswell. I have never peed so much in such a condensed time, or drank so much water. For a bit of background, i really like one piece swimsuits, i wear them all the time incorporated in my outfits as tops, etc, but i was challanged to try a bikini. I havent worn one since i was a really young kid. So first I needed to acquire one. I thought i could get it done on the day before the park,
    12 points
  2. Silently slipped out onto the deck again. This time I deliberately chose an area that was still dry but close to where the rain will reach. It will be hard to tell which part is wet from the rain and which from piss. I decided to try and take a few pictures. So I tucked my dress up my sweater and lifted one foot on a stair. My bladder was now very eager. The pee was already flowing when I managed to get the camera in the right place. The flow kept going. I managed to take about ten pictures before just allowing myself to enjoy the rest of the pee. Once I was done, I sat down in
    8 points
  3. My wife’s female cousin is going to Download Festival with her boyfriend this weekend and we are looking after their son, so are at her house with her now. She is aged about 45, slim build, long dark hair, long legs, smallish boobs and very shapely bum. She is a horsey girl so not averse to the outdoors, but also likes her creature comforts. Of course I am interested in what she might be doing about toilets at the festival, but couldn’t exactly ask her as we are not particularly close. However in casual conversation this morning I asked if she was a regular festival goer - she
    7 points
  4. I didn't write down or photograph all of my pees yesterday, but I guess I could upload one more picture I did take. It is the aftermath of a nice piss on the stairs leading to the lower deck. As most of these deliberate pees, it was about 15 seconds of a lovely steady flow that gave me a beautiful relaxing feeling.
    7 points
  5. Down I hurried to the lower deck and the discreet spot behind the hot tub. Once again, I spread my legs and lifted my dress. The pee came with surprising intensity, as if I hadn't peed just a short time before. I peed with full force about 10 seconds. When I was done, I wiped myself off a bit and started to head upstairs. My boyfriend was just coming down from the cottage and said he was coming to see what I was up to. Shh, it's a secret....
    6 points
  6. My boyfriend got back from the shops so I've been pretty nice. But not 100 % nice. I accidentally stepped in some water and had to take my sock off, so that gave me an excellent reason to go outside again, to hang up the sock to dry in the sun and breeze, you see. So out I went. And immediately my bladder let it be known that it is ready. I peed where I stood on the upper deck, until I realised that would be very obvious, since we are just about to go outside together. With some difficulty, I stopped pissing and went to the lower deck. I found a very nice spot. There is a hot tub ri
    6 points
  7. My boyfriend came back from the shops a bit earlier than I expected. While he was away, I took a nice but less exciting piss on the upper deck and left a few tiny puddles on the front and back steps of a shed. I was just loading up on water for the next round when he got back. So I was left with a filling bladder and growing urge but again no place to go quite discreetly. We chatted about future plans while I was growing increasingly aware of my need. Finally, I asked him to start preparing for a board game we were intending to play, while I went outside to enjoy the fresh air for
    5 points
  8. I am properly up now, having showered and put on some clothes. The choice of clothing is geared towards ideal outdoor pissing. I am wearing a summer dress slightly above the knee, several layers of sweaters and a scarf (it's pretty cold this early), and - oh the horror - socks with sandals. In other words, whatever is as warm as possible while leaving my pussy and legs exposed. Now it was time for my first proper deck piss. I had let out most of the strong morning piss boringly in the toilet, as I didn't want the smelly pee elsewhere. I got out, silently so as not to wake my boyfrie
    5 points
  9. Hey, this is my first story and i'm not a native english speakter. So grammar and times are kinda picked randomly in some cases. I hope you enjoy it! Also made a little generated graphic for the characters that fits to the point i surrendered trying 😄 This story contains content like pee vandalism, property damage, female despeartionm female peeing. All characters and events are works of fiction. Act I The blurry noise of people around her filled the air, as Sam, a determined businesswoman, settled into her seat in the train compartment. Dressed in a sleek charcoal skirt
    4 points
  10. i know this is the General Chat section, so apologies for the Pee content. I may be late to the party here, I may have the programmers and coders amongst us rolling their eyes - but I've just discovered how to download ThisVid and Eroprofile content absolutely free and without needing any plugins or dubious apps. In case you're wondering... It's via Google Chrome. - Find the clip you want on ThisVid or Eroprofile and get to the stage where the clip is playing, after any trailer clips have finished. - Click on the three dots on the top right (inside the 'update' but
    4 points
  11. My boyfriend got in the shower, so that was my cue. I headed out. I let out a few hot drops on the rug, but then went to the deck, on the opposite corner from the bathroom. There was a perfect spot there, close to the part where it had rained but dry enough for me to see the puddle I was making. Similar to before, I lifted up one leg on the stair, and spread my legs out wide. It felt fantastic as I relaxed my bladder and a fairly strong stream shot out of me. I had to widen my stance to prevent massive splashes on myself. After about 15 seconds, the flow stopped. I kind of wiped off
    4 points
  12. Suction cups on to get my nipples ready to be clamped to go out for the morning hard 😋🤭
    4 points
  13. I'm already up although it is very early. All the liters of water I drank yesterday and my bladder might have something to do with that. So I got up, left my nightgown on for now and layered a lot of sweaters on my upper body, as it is quite cold, but I don't want to wear underpants or trousers. I took our pet for a small walk. As we were exploring the lower deck, it was I, not him, who left behind a little puddle. 😜 We came back in and I made myself a small breakfast and headed back out to the upper deck. I sat down on a wooden chair and tried to relax my bladder, but to no avail.
    4 points
  14. While the friends were here, I was enjoying their company and not thinking of pissing, except enough to make sure I wouldn't accidentally go to the actual toilet. As soon as they left, however, I knew I didn't have long to come up with an excuse to go outside. I had previously told my boyfriend that it felt nice to sit on the deck without any pants on, so I simply said I wanted to do that for a few more minutes today before the sun sets. This gave me the reason to take off my trousers and underpants, and head out the door. I stayed on the upper deck just outside the cottage bu
    4 points
  15. A further update... got my tits measured today and turns out I'm not a D but actually a FF so that's up 3 cup sizes and some new underwear 😋😋
    4 points
  16. My boyfriend got up to go greet the friends on the other side of the building. I quickly got into doggy style position and let out as much of the piss as possible. Now I am inside, just put some pants on and they will be here in a sec.
    4 points
  17. Hi, I'm sorta new here. At least this is my first time talking after lurking for a while. I'm looking to start making friends with similar interests. I'm a transman, currently in NC. Some of the things I really love about piss is watching others go whenever they want, under the desk, lazy laying in bed wetting, going while driving, etc. I feel a little isolated from the community sometimes because of my gender identity, so I'm just curious if anyone else is apart of the trans family too? (Even if you're not and are just an ally, by all means, please say hi.)
    3 points
  18. Hi, my biggest fantasy is somoeone wiping for me after i pee. Do yall have any experience or stories on either end of that?
    3 points
  19. My boyfriend (who knows about my kink but unfortunately doesn't share it) and I are currently at a cottage we rented for a small getaway. We were just lying in bed, fooling around a bit and then decided to get up. He said he had to go to the toilet. I realised I needed a pee, too. We had just discussed whether it had rained or was going to, so I decided I could slip out onto the porch, ostensibly to inspect the weather if he heard the door. I quickly put on a nightgown and went outside. It had rained a little and the porch or deck was wet where it was not covered. I wal
    3 points
  20. Start off with this fun encounter from a few weeks ago. A few of us from work met up and went out for a few drinks as we weren’t working. Later in the evening a couple of those who had been at work joined us and we went round a few bars before deciding we had had enough. It was just after half 1 when a couple of our friends went and got a taxi leaving me and my mate to head to get our own taxis. As we were walking up through town he said he wanted a domino’s to take home with him so we walked on past the train station to where domino’s is. We went in, ordered what we wanted and then
    3 points
  21. Hey all, it's been a while since I posted in this thread and in response to the message above and a few private messages I have had from people on this site I am still here and I hope to get back to posting more sightings and updating this thread. I haven't posted here for a while because unfortunately for the past few months I haven't been able to get out to scope out sightings. At the back end of last year I was busy with work stuff and all the Christmas related events and stuff we had going on and then unfortunately at the beginning of the year I was involved in a minor traffic collis
    3 points
  22. I'd say this is becoming a never-ending story, except that tomorrow morning we will be leaving the cottage. But until then, I'll make sure to stay as hydrated as possible. My boyfriend got out of the shower and I was going to wait until he left for the shops again - yes, I talked him into doing that, although he was reluctant. Not my normal MO, but these are not normal circumstances. My bladder, however, had other ideas. We need to go right now, it demanded. So again, I went out. This time, he obviously saw and heard me get out, so I pretended to just want to enjoy the view a
    3 points
  23. Meanwhile, I went again. My boyfriend woke up, so just in case he came out the door or something, I went to the lower deck and found a spot where I'd be less visible from the house and would have time to cut off my flow in case he came down there. Looking out at the lake, I spread my legs and lifted my dress. Perhaps slightly hesitant yesterday, my bladder now finds this very natural and quickly released a lovely flow. It lasted about 15 seconds. I wiped off some drops from my ankles and sandals and headed back indoors. It turns out that my boyfriend was awake but still in bed, so
    3 points
  24. This thread is amazing and your pics 😍😍 thank you for sharing!
    3 points
  25. The family are away for 9 days so - home alone - I have challenged myself to not use the toilet during that time 😬 How I'm achieving this... Desperation play (to minimise the number of times I have to pee) Wearing nappies in case I can't hold it Peeing in the garden Wetting the bed Going for local country walks and peeing my shorts (they don't show wet, and legs dry quickly!) Managed 4 days so far. Lots of garden peeing, couple of wet walks, three wet beds, and the nappy caught the desperation a couple of times. Sitting here desperate whilst
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. It's been a lovely afternoon here, so I have been enjoying the sunshine in the garden as I have a few hours to myself and no pressing commitments. One way I like to enjoy the sunshine is to get naked, relax in a garden chair, rub some oil on myyself, play with my cock a little, and then pee. The warmth of the sunshine was gorgeous and there was a slight breeze that felt delightful on my skin both before it became wet with the hot pee and afterwards, as it evaporated and cooled me down. All in all a lovely 20 minutes or so 🙂 No video I'm afraid, but there is a not-very-good phot
    2 points
  28. We will be having friends over again, so one last piss before they arrive, but no obvious puddles allowed in case they walk around the decks. So the trusty black mat it is. I headed down to the lower deck, got on the mat, spread my legs and let go. It was just a tiny pee, hardly 10 seconds, but still nice, especially since it was so matter-of-fact to just go before the guests arrive.
    2 points
  29. And I had to go again. We were prepping some food and I knew I needed to go soon. But how to explain yet another two-minute trip outside? I decided to suggest we eat outside and that I go outside to wipe down the chairs in case they are still wet from the rain before. Meanwhile , my boyfriend should go ahead and microwave some pie I made earlier. I took a few paper towels along and got to the chairs. The chairs are directly in front of the glass door of the cottage. As the deck was definitely not an option now, I stepped off the deck onto the ground that, at that spot, is ma
    2 points
  30. Thank you for the account of your fantastic day at the water park. Water parks are very definitely the place that you can most easily get away with peeing anywhere. I don’t visit them often but when I have been, I take the same approach as you and I have peed anywhere throughout the parks. My wife isn’t into peeing, but she has also peed wherever she is in the parks because it is easy and convenient.
    2 points
  31. Update - I just suggested that she take flip flops for the showers and she said “Don’t worry I already have - and toilet paper, although I am definitely going to be peeing in a bush rather than using the toilets. I just don’t know what I will do if I need to do anything more than pee”
    2 points
  32. Hmm ... she'll just roll her eyes I should imagine! Wonderful start to the day for you @Alfresco 🙂 I hope she manages to get to the festival site OK - apparently the roads were awful yesterday.
    2 points
  33. Such a shame he doesn't enjoy the kink along with you. He doesn't know what he's missing!
    2 points
  34. Barbie & Sonnenschein, sitting on the porch, p-i-s-s-i-n-g 🥰
    2 points
  35. Going on this rug that is right outside the house and covered by a roof would be wrong, wouldn't it? I am probably not going to do that...
    2 points
  36. So maybe I cannot go while sitting in a chair, but I can definitely go while standing over it. I straddled one of the deck chairs again and peed on it. Again, I was expecting a tiny pee since I just went , but I had a nice steady flow for 20 seconds or so. This is turning me on quite a lot now.
    2 points
  37. I have wiped several close g.f.'s with paper. or my tongue, or both. Like Takashi96, I have asked, rather than being asked, but it's always a very intimate, extremely erotic experience. One of my g.f.'s kept her legs pressed close together, while she peed, to prevent me from seeing it come out, but then spread them very willingly, when she had finished, to let me wipe her, allowing me to see all the parts of her which got wet, which was what I wanted to see, anyway! I love those golden drops, on a woman's lips, thighs, and bum! The sexiest thing in my world!
    2 points
  38. Yes! And what a woefully underappreciated act it is. I've had two past partners that let me wipe them. The first one let me with toilet paper and my tongue. The second one just with paper and only on one occasion. The intimacy of wiping is so fucking erotic!! Especially if you're looking into each other's eyes. Licking is just nasty. Like hot nasty. When she would stand up from the toilet still dripping. Still, in every case, I was the one requesting it. The one mildly begging to do the wiping. I've never had a partner ask me to wipe her. It's a long time fantasy though. I guess it'
    2 points
  39. Hi Paulypeeps, Straight in there then. I'm not at home to Real life! Idea certainly has possibilities and much better than any I've had. Wetly Rikki
    2 points
  40. Kirsten Stewart, star of one of my favourite films, 'Personal Shopper' and many more...
    2 points
  41. We are now waiting for friends to arrive. I thought I had time only for that one secret pee behind the hot tub, but they are not here yet and I need to go again. My boyfriend is sitting on the upper deck, so I cannot go there and I can't really leave to go to the lower deck either without an explanation. So I sat down on the short grass and I think I might just go there. Not ideal, but sure beats the toilet.
    2 points
  42. Well I suppose it's time for me to contribute here as well As you can tell, I really needed to go xD
    2 points
  43. I think I will move my updates from the live action thread into this one, since I am mostly still pissing on the deck. I figured I'd take maybe two pisses while my boyfriend is at the shops but it has turned into three big puddles and maybe seven small ones so far... Two small ones in the picture.
    2 points
  44. I guess this story will continue. I am currently standing on a lower deck by the lake with a full bladder. My boyfriend is still asleep and I am trying to decide where to go very soon. I peed on a slotted wooden chair a bit, but funnily enough, my bladder didn't let it all out. Maybe I have too little practice with peeing while sitting, somewhere other than a toilet that is. 😃
    2 points
  45. I'm a woman and I absolutely love to be peed on
    2 points
  46. I stayed in a hotel on Friday night. I felt a bit naughty. I sprayed down the bathroom mirror and basin. I had fun. I cleaned up after myself because I am good. https://www.erome.com/a/0BIiPHiz
    2 points
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