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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2021 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone!!! I told you as I got more comfortable I would start to share stories a little bit more. 🙂 This story popped into my mind the other day when I was talking to someone about any places I have peed before. This one is kind of fun because it actually is a memory that popped into my mind that I started thinking about, it was before the experience I shared that got me truly started into our lovely wet world. This one takes place when I was.. I want to say 13.. don't worry it's ok to think about it i'm and adult now. 😛 (sorry if all the details may not be too perfect or times don'
    5 points
  2. okay so... last friday i went out drinking with my friend i’ll call her vanessa (to keep her identity) we decided to leave the bar we were at and find another one but they were all full to capacity with covid regulations so we waiting outside in the curb for our uber. when he was getting close we started to walk back to our spot for pick up but i really really needed to piss like my stomach hurts bad.. so my friend said hurry come over here so she lead me down a dark ass alley way and she just pulled down her pants and started pissing.. not going to lie i was extremely turned on by this and de
    4 points
  3. Well I've officially joined the "I've peed over the drain in a locker room" club again. We went swimming yesterday and before swimming a ducked into one of the shower stalls and pulled my bikini to the side and had a long pee into the drain, then walked out like nothing happened. On our way back I did the same thing in the same shower but didn't remove my bathing suit. It was while I was brushing my hair out. No one else was there except my mom with my kiddos. I don't think they noticed 😚
    4 points
  4. couldn’t get to a potty, and had to hover. some pee ran down my leg. but also, eeew, my muffin dripped menstrual fluid on my thigh. lol 😬🤨😳
    3 points
  5. I’m not sure these three ladies count as famous celebrities - but they are household names in certain circles. Having seen each of them in action over the last few weeks, I’d definitely like to see them ‘in action’ in the other sense too. First up is Jade Edwards, currently the only lady competing in the BTCC motor racing series and showing the guys she’s not just a pretty face. The other two, Abbie & Jessica both compete in the W series, touring the world in support of the F1 calendar.
    3 points
  6. I was hurting holding at work drinking lots of water and tea. No time to go super busy at work. You hear me sighing in video because I have to pee bad hurting. https://www.omorashi.org/topic/69605-male-desperation-hurting-long-pee/
    2 points
  7. Thanks - She's not home yet. There is one more part... Watch this space.
    2 points
  8. (Continuing from exactly where the last part left off – with more of the same…) With that Holly stood up, jumped a little on the spot and opened the passenger door to her car. I stood up a little more gingerly, looking down at the drips of my own clear silvery liquid falling from my skirt. I desperately wanted to peer behind me and see how badly soaked it was, but I really didn’t want to draw attention to myself. Not on a garage forecourt anyway. I was already sure my flushed cheeks gave me away. Instead I brushed a hand across the back of my skirt as though to smooth it out. It didn’t
    2 points
  9. This model is an honest-to-god friend of a friend
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. I have plenty of words of encouragement - not sure about tips and tricks though. I guess my only suggestion would be not to put yourselves under too much pressure. Sounds like having parents nearby may play on your mind and then if you've got a firm schedule of how much to drink and when, that could actually lead to a feeling of being pressured and hence uncomfortable. I guess the alternative would be just to have as chilled a day as you can, enjoying each other's company, maybe flirting a bit, and when the need arises to use the pad. If that starts to be a bit forced then maybe relax
    1 point
  12. All experiences or just from younger times? just curious. 🙂 yes i'm sure we all can. they have to come from somewhere. 🙂
    1 point
  13. Well, my left knee's still not right, so no running for the time being. But I did cycle into town and back today - 10 miles each way, on my trusty, indestructible hybrid, at a leisurely 13mph. Good to get some cardiovascular and leg exercise without the impact on the joints. And the weather was very pleasant which made the rides enjoyable 🙂. Also did some hip and hamstring mobility testing and exercises - got to do something when I can't run.
    1 point
  14. Lovely and sexy! I hope we hear more about the golden life from Hayley!
    1 point
  15. since the olympic games are taking place they say we do some competitions but ours are related to pee does anyone want to participate and be the gold medal
    1 point
  16. Synchronzied peeing😂
    1 point
  17. Joke's on you, I'm into that shit!
    1 point
  18. I'm in North-east Florida - God's waiting room.... about 30 minutes drive from the ocean
    1 point
  19. Thank you guys for all the kind answers and information. It really helps and I hope I can learn to accept myself and what I like in the future.
    1 point
  20. All she wanted was to leave and go pee. But even if she would've had the chance to do so, where would she go? It was an unknown area the woman found herself in and all around her walls, walls, people, cars and more walls. No restaurant, no public bathroom, not even apartments where she could bother people to ask for a toilet. In short, it was the worst place one could be with a full bladder. The evening hours arrived and Jackie took benefit from the strong decrease of people around her. It made her feel more comfortable and it allowed her now to occasionally push one hand in her cro
    1 point
  21. I had my morning pee in the shower. Rolled out of bed (something that sleepy Eliminature is not very good at) and wandered to the bathroom. Stepped into the shower cubicle and positioned myself standing in a corner. I imagined I was out in a public place and aimed a bright yellow stream high into the corner. It was almost like a living creature, joyfully running down the wall - I think I was still half asleep and in a dreamlike state. Watching it rush down the wall and swirl around the grouting and shower wall in a playful way felt good. After I had unleashed my burden, I went to put the
    1 point
  22. Lovely. 🥰👄😋
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. How about an endurance competition for who can hold on the longest?
    1 point
  25. This was great! I bet it was real freeing. I wish I had that option but all of my animals behave 🤣
    1 point
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