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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2021 in Posts

  1. I know I don't get judged here, that's why I signed up into this forum in the first place. It helps a lot to feel less alone. And I can say, my boyfriend is very open minded. He instantly tried to calm me down and said it's no problem and that I don't have to be ashamed. He also immediately suggested that I could pee on him, but I made clear that I'm not into that. Then he offered to take videos for me where he does naughty peeing, but I said no cause I don't want him to pee somewhere where people have to clean it up just for me 😂 But he also said that he gets it, getting aroused
    3 points
  2. I have them all the time. I dream I have to pee really bad for some reason there is never a bathroom around. I’m usually naked from the waist down sitting in a normal car and I start to pee in the chair. I alway wake up as I start to piss. My bladder is very full. I usually make it to the bathroom. I have had a few times where I have leaked a little out but not wet the bed. Just peed on my thighs a little
    3 points
  3. Hi! I'm pretty new here, also kinda New to the whole peeing Thing. I have this Kink for awhile now, a couple years definitely I'm 22 now and I'm sure it started when I was 15-16 or so. It started with squirting but that just wasn't enough for me. My problem is that I still really haven't come "in to terms" with it. I still feel kind of embarrassed by it. I've only told one person, my current boyfriend, and I cried because I felt disgusting. I'm also pretty much only into peeing where you normally shouldn't, but I haven't done much of that either except for a small trickle in
    2 points
  4. As has been said, so awesome that your boyfriend is supportive - indeed it sounds like he's on exactly the same page. The way you've described it sounds like maybe you feel he's 'rushing you' and that's understandable - better though that, than someone not supportive. There are various members (including some staff) who have supportive partners to the level that they read the site over shoulders and we treat them as friends too - so in that sense your BF is welcome too.
    2 points
  5. You've perhaps heard the saying, 'Your kink is not my kink, but your kink is OK.' You're wired the way you are. Unless you find yourself drawn to involving other people, without their consent, it's not going to get yourself into trouble. Many religions like to make people feel guilty about their sexuality. I think it's a form of control. It's best ignored. Human sexuality is fascinatingly diverse. Have you ever looked at the map of the lands of human sexuality? (https://www.humansexmap.com/) There's loads of stuff on there I've never heard of, or really don't understand.
    2 points
  6. I like the idea of installing fully functional urinals - male and female - on the walls of an art gallery, among the other works. With nothing to stop visitors from using them, beyond their own inhibitions.
    2 points
  7. Maybe Mick will suggest "Let's Spend the Night Together. Now I need you more than ever..."
    2 points
  8. Marianne sounds like a proper Honky Tonk Woman, hope their fun carried on beyond that bath - in fact, really hope you're not going to tell me It's All Over Now?
    2 points
  9. I hope this won't be too long. Based on a bit of um... "role-playing" that Mr E and I came up with. Mick laid down in the bath, stark naked. "You gonna pour a little bit of that golden satisfaction on me, baby?" Marianne stood over him and sent a long, powerful stream over his chest. It dribbled into the bath, sounding like a drum roll from Charlie. Mick moaned in pleasure as the warm, golden liquid caressed his nipples. Marianne steered the stream between Mick's legs and the warmth and pressure tickled his balls and erect cock. She pissed on and on, until the stream dwindled to a
    2 points
  10. Interesting article - thanks. (Though I am really concerned about the photo that the Mirror chose to illustrate the paragraph on pee drinking. That model needs to get to a doctor!)
    2 points
  11. This article, a few years old but still fairly recent, goes some way to explaining. Apparently, at its foundation, urophilia is related to sadomasochism. Though if this is true, it's probably subconscious in most of us. The sexologist in question also states what the men of this website lament about a lot - the discrepancy between men and women. Kinks and fetishes are overwhelmingly more common in men, it seems. https://www.mirror.co.uk/science/reasons-people-enjoy-golden-showers-9603027
    2 points
  12. Thank you. I will share in detail soon. I'll tell you now that I have had what I would call a full accident three times as an adult. about 2-3 times a year I have close calls do to OAB and they sometimes involve small leaks before I get to the bathroom and, additionally, I have wet the bed occasionally (about once a year, on average, my whole life). In terms of the accidents before I was 18, I will avoid giving details because I was a minor.
    2 points
  13. I mean...this isn't going to satisfy you probably, but...I have no clue, really. It's probably tied into early memories and maybe you're just born with it. I wish I understood it more, but it's 100% the biggest part of the kink to me. I'm not sure if this is the right term (but it's the only one that fits for me that I've found), but, for me, I'm a "switch." I am turned on both by my humiliation and by other people's. When I watch videos, for instance, I need to see the actress (mostly) or actor (not never, but not often) expressing embarrassment or shame. With myself, I often remember le
    2 points
  14. Welcome to the community. As you've seen, there is a huge range of different topics covered and with time it'll become apparent which people enjoy which the most. You're correct, there is a large following for female peeing both by people who enjoy seeing it and by those who enjoy doing it - but there are also members who do experience and share with us their genuine accidents, and we love them for it. So a huge welcome, whether you choose to enjoy passively or to contribute, you are a part of the gang, you are accepted amongst us.
    2 points
  15. I'd almost forgotten I'd had a bit of me time in the garden a week or two ago when it was nice and sunny and warm, and I just let go some pee while sitting in a garden chair, and recorded it for those of you that like that sort of thing. It always feels really lovely to be completely relaxed and just let it go. It may not have the same frisson of excitement of some people's naughty pees, but there is still a little naughtiness about doing it, even in a pretty private garden. https://www.erome.com/a/aKIjkZPF
    2 points
  16. I hope @Maggie_555 approves of this. I remember as a little girl once saying to my grandmother (who encouraged me to pee outside a lot): "I don't like toilets, Nanny. I like grass!" She giggled approvingly and said "That's my girl!"
    2 points
  17. today’s update, we’re currently in lockdown so i spent most of the day texting my best friend (both complaining about how horny we were lol) and she offered to send some photos she was kinda hesitant cause she’s on her period at the moment (which is why she was so horny haha) so she offered to send a photo standing in the shower pissing and said i could post it as long as i added the warning that she’s on her period so i said okay but only if you’re comfortable, and she admitted to me that she pees in the shower pretty much every night which i thought was ridiculously hot cause i know i’v
    2 points
  18. Male protagonist, male and female pissing I had just arrived on the Florida east coast to visit this new hotel. It wasn't an ordinary beachfront hotel, though. It was a brand new high-rise hotel and resort building for adults only that was proudly sex-themed and had designed special areas for many fetishes. However, I could not find any info about which fetishes, as the hotel did not publicize specifics about its accommodations to not get into a battle with inspectors. My car approached the hotel property and I saw a tall, opaque fence. The road next to the fence led to a security gate. I
    1 point
  19. i’ve known my best friend my entire life, and her family have always been close with mine (she even dated my brother for a couple of years) and she’s one of three people in the world who know about me liking pee (the other two being my current boyfriend and ex) anyways, occasionally she likes to send me photos of her peeing (usually in the toilet but once she sent one from the bath) and she just sent one as i was posting a story on here so i asked her permission to post it and she said yes as long as i tell her what people think of it haha so here it is, i hope she’ll let me post more in
    1 point
  20. I wasn’t sure if there was a general thread for hotel pissing in real experiences (to be honest, I didn’t look hard because I’m driving and using speech to text), and I just had such an exhilarating experience about 15 minutes ago I had to share right away! So I had to stay at a pet friendly motel last night with my pup and I’ve been increasingly more interested in pissing in a bed and in a hotel room. Long story short (I’ll add a follow up post with details and clips later today!), I had just pissed on the bed and all over the place, got so turned on I was cumming and boldly decided
    1 point
  21. Hi everyone, this is another episode in my Kaymala series. Shorter than usual this time. This isn't a series you need to read in order, but if you want to then you can find part 1 here, or if you want to follow Layla's arc so far you could read part 7, part 8, part 9, and part 10. This story contains nonchalent peeing and nudity. The sports centre complex was a short bus ride from the hostel. As Layla and Simon stepped off the bus, a group of joggers ran past, wrapped in leggings and jumpers against the cold. They followed behind the joggers along a path that led through a small pa
    1 point
  22. Inspired by the story from @gldenwetgoose (you can read it >here<) I decided to go for a little drive and enjoy any naughtiness that came my way. I was wearing a white summer dress (similar photo above) and pink knickers underneath, no bra. There's something about orange squash, the stuff you dilute with water, that really makes me need to pee. Even after sitting on the toilet I will be up again within 30 minutes for another wee, usually less. So I made myself a bottle of that and left the house without having a wee beforehand. After a short drive I found myself in an empty car park, it
    1 point
  23. Thank you guys for all the kind answers and information. It really helps and I hope I can learn to accept myself and what I like in the future.
    1 point
  24. Perhaps, in my own case, I risk being humiliated when I post photographs of myself online doing what is essentially a private act - urinating. Maybe this is at the core of it? People here tend to praise me for it, which is highly arousing. There's nothing like being praised for peeing, but I could just as easily be ridiculed for it.
    1 point
  25. Lovely to hear of your grandmother's reaction @Eliminature and of course I totally approve! You were lucky to have a Nanny who understood "I don't like toilets..." and encouraged you to pee elsewhere.
    1 point
  26. just walking my dog 🐶. while wearing a lace nightie, knowing my panties kinda showed. haha. there weren’t too many people out yet, but i wonder if the few who were noticed. 😇
    1 point
  27. @BeneathMyWillowBy the way I'd like to ask something, how big is Freya down there?
    1 point
  28. the first story i have is from a few years ago, she and i went to sydney to visit my older brother (who also happens to be my best friend’s ex) and on our last night we decided to go out on the drinks, and both got a little bit too drunk, although she was definitely drunker than i was we had stumbled our way back to the hotel we were staying at and got in the lift and my best friend turns to me and goes “i’m gonna piss my pants” before dropping her pants to her ankles and squatting down in the lift and just letting go a stream of piss all over the carpet while i watched on, and she didn’
    1 point
  29. Another quite public urinal. Is this next to a church?
    1 point
  30. Later that same evening, in a Northern City, Mr Eliminature had an unfortunate mishap. After finally getting to see some live music for the first time since the start of the first lockdown (something that I have really missed), we both went to our respective lavatories, me in tbe ladies, him in the gents. I honestly don't know why the floor gets littered with lavatory paper in ladies' rooms. I always make a point of picking it up and putting it into the sanitary bins (never down the loo, because too much at a time could clog it). Well, I had my usual standing pee, being sure to put the s
    1 point
  31. This is my personal opinion - it is not an official answer. I'm writing with my own thoughts here, with the benefit of some insight from being on the staff team. - Fundamentally whilst the site has a 30,000+ membership, that reflects the life of the site and at any given time the real number of users is substantially less. On top of that there is a very small subset of users who actually interact on the site by clicking reacts or by posting. Maybe in the low hundreds if not less? - There is a huge male / female imbalance across the membership, and in the small core of currently act
    1 point
  32. I know exactly what you mean and I can’t say I understand why - maybe a guy thinks he’ll get more insight and hence thrills from a lady when she thinks she’s confiding in another lady? I hope we don’t get that sort of behaviour here - I know from time to time we get new members instantly jumping in with full on sexuality that seems too good to be true. It’s a bit like the gag where a guy on the phone to a sex line thinks he’s talking to the teenage girl on the advert and not some bored housewife doing her knitting at the same time. I don’t mean to hijack your post into a public serv
    1 point
  33. This is one of my ultimate fantasies. Someday?!
    1 point
  34. You might be interested in the member map https://peefans.com/membermap/
    1 point
  35. I think it is time to expand Wet Carpet magazine to include the articles. We already have the photo stories, Readers Pictures, and the Readers Letters, so this thread is for proper journalistic magazine articles. I will kick off with this one I found while tidying up today. It does mention carpet so I think it is appropriate:- Pulled magazine article (from Secret Stringer) This was going to be published in a leading women's magazine but was apparently pulled at the last minute. I found it while doing some server maintainance on a publisher's server. Not sure which
    1 point
  36. So I gather that it's all still fictional. I wrote this a while back after seeing a similar thing published on a news site, obviously far shorter and far less detailed. I couldn't quite figure out where it might fit in here, but I suppose this works! _______________________________________________________________________________________________ If there's no toilet available, is going down an alleyway for a wee really such a problem? Anonymous opinion piece Public urination. Occasionally we hear about this and how it is so disgraceful that someone would just go ahead and w
    1 point
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