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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2019 in Posts

  1. I don't really know what drove me to make this post but I'm in a really nostalgic mood and also a tad sick and it drove me to write this. I just wanted to thank everyone. I know I've made mistakes and have fallen into darkness but Everytime I log onto peefans I see welcoming faces and just amazing people in this community. I honestly might not be here today if it wasn't for this website and the people here. You all have filled me with happiness and a feeling that I am worth at least something in this world. Before this website I felt empty, like I was worthless in this world and while I s
    5 points
  2. @chubbybirb999 Darling the love we feel for you is about who you ARE, NOT what you do on or for the forum Just like I cannot simply one day wake up and forget all we shared, then simply we could never stop loving you and absolutely trust your responsible and serious soul When you are around, you are around, when you are not, you are not, and yet the serious dignity of your sincerity lingers around even when you are absent I am sincerely sorry for how you feel, it was a bad moment for many Scorpios, just keep going, and you'll get through!!
    5 points
  3. A few nice stats I just noticed and wanted to share with you all... Last month was the highest ever total of posts submitted to PeeFans in a single month. Not only was it the most active month in this site's 5 year history, but we had over 500 brand new pee fans join the site too... Thanks for everyone's contributions, and for making this place such a welcoming community. People may say forums are dead... but we're just getting started! 😉
    4 points
  4. Hi guys! I’m really sorry I’ve not been around a lot! I’ve been having a lot of problems at work with workplace bullying and harassment, to the point getting up and going to work has been really really tricky. I ended up going to occupational health and seeing a wellbeing worker and I’m just really struggling all in all. Ive lost an awful lot of my confidence, hence why I’ve not been around here. I felt so crappy about myself that even just making conversation, let alone taking photos or saying stories, was very taxing on me. It all got a bit much for me this week and I’ve had thre
    4 points
  5. I have two children. It looks no difference though have to admit you can't see that much detail of mine as I don't shave. As for size feel etc my husband has never complained or mentioned any changes. I'm sure that after a few months everything down there is meant to be back as it was. Clearly when it comes to a muscular discussion (pelvic floor) this is not always the case and exercises are needed to regain strength and some women such as myself seem never to regain full control.
    4 points
  6. don't feel bad because someone is being a asshole to you it's the idiot bullying you that should feel bad you have done nothing wrong i don't know you but trust me this community takes care of it's members everyone here is behind you
    4 points
  7. If there'd been people around I'd have used a tree for shelter, but there wasn't, so...
    3 points
  8. The DARPA But obviously you need to make the right friendships if you hope to hack its secret (and risk arrest or to be ACCIDENTLLY pushed on the road while the bus arrives at the bus stop by "somebody") Believe me, aliens not only are on Earth, but are not even that much more complicated than us Their faster-than-light travels rely on wormholes, they by no means possess technology able to somehow warp Laws of Nature, they are bred and die like us humans, they got Governments and social problems just like us, they simply are a bit more advanced on a thecnological and soci
    3 points
  9. I am sure 200% they exist, whoever managed to hack into some Gov stuff found proofs they absolutely not only exist, but are on Earth since millennia ago, so yes, for me is not a matter of belief, I simply KNOW they exist
    3 points
  10. This could be the new slogan of serious and emotionally mature Feminism!!! MARVELLOUS Fanny, from now on I will use this line like an Anthem!!!
    3 points
  11. I've had two children. It doesn't look any different from the outside at all. And still feels tight enough inside too
    3 points
  12. I feel your pain Riley, I know exactly where you’re coming from. I believe that words have true meaning and that when we say something, we’re not only telling the listeners but we’re also telling ourselves. Thats why when I talk about my depression I don’t say I battle depression or suffer depression because those two words mean you’re on the back foot. When talking about depression I say that I fight it because I’m telling the listeners and more importantly myself that I’m on the front foot and I’m not going to give up. keep fighting my friend 👍😊
    3 points
  13. Really sorry to hear that - as FW said, far too much of it. It's unfortunate that in schools and the health industry there seem to be so many people playing at power trips.... I've worked my career in the male dominated industry of engineering, where management structure does seem to be led by men. There seems to be a tendency to just get on with stuff, yes there'll be workplace disagreements and so on - but people just treat it as differences of opinions. The next day it's back round the table and get on with it. I have however seen a number of close friends working in schools and NHS
    3 points
  14. I travel very frequently and I actually used an airplane as the setting for one of my over-the-top fictional stories that I shared on this forum. However, last week I was able to catch a glimpse of some real-world airplane naughtiness. I really couldn't believe it -- I honestly haven't ever caught a stranger in the act, even in areas more suited for the purpose such as alleyways. I was really surprised and couldn't believe my luck. I was flying Economy class in one of the planes that has a 3-4-3 configuration, meaning that there are three seats, an aisle, 4 seats, an aisle, and three more
    2 points
  15. The following week saw a most unexpected event. Suzanne had rushed into the office early, her bladder bursting from all the water she had drunk during her long journey into work. Her boss was off on a training course and her colleague Helen had booked the day off to have her car serviced. It was too good an opportunity to miss! Normally, Suzanne’s daytime toilets would involve using the Ladies’ downstairs loo, selecting either the sink or the floor to relieve her pent up piss. After-hours peeing over the carpet was wHelen acceptable given that all trace would vanish by th
    2 points
  16. Thanks everyone! I appreciate all your kind words very much!
    2 points
  17. There are 100 million stars in our own galaxy alone, most it seems likely now with planets around them. And there are billions of other galaxies in the universe. To me it defies all the laws of probability to assume that life only exists here. It surely must exist elsewhere. Furthermore, I believe that life is itself a natural phenomenon. Our universe exists for life to form in it. And life will tend to form and develop wherever the conditions are suitable for it. Believing that, I feel life must be common out there. Intelligent life may well be much rarer but it cannot exist on
    2 points
  18. @chubbybirb999, am so sorry to hear about your work situation. Bullies are absolute assholes. Sorry to hear it has been getting you down so much, but there is zero need for you to apologise for being here less often. As @spywareonya said, when you are here you are here, when you are not you are not. We all know that people have their reasons for their absences and no one loves or respects you any less. The last thing there is any need at all for is for you to feel bad about not being here as often as you might have liked. Things will turn around somehow, and get sorted. And
    2 points
  19. I dislike it when someone feigns desperation when they aren't desperate and as soon as they pee they just stand perfectly still, like no that's not how that works. It's more like this https://www.youporn.com/watch/12539967/desperately-holding-pee-and-squirting/ https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59faf724cdcda https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5839f642131f7
    2 points
  20. Great post made me very thoughtful xx
    2 points
  21. I live just outside a city with lots of bars and clubs which cover quite a small radius.Weekends can be busy and as we have 2 Universities,there are lots of students out during term time. This can lead to some interesting sights as revellers spill out onto the streets.Over the years,I have seen quite a lot of women and men peeing in various places.Some less discrete than others.There are lots of narrow lanes and also a garden area which isn't locked at night.I've seen girls squatting there with there skirts pulled up and knickers down,spraying the grass and paths.It's below street level,so occ
    2 points
  22. @chubbybirb999 So sorry to hear what you're going through, bullying of any kind is disgraceful, I really hope you can get it sorted out one way or another. There are people who care here and I know you've been missed, please don't feel that you have to be posting pics or describing pee stuff to come here. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who are happy to just chat and be supportive. Take care x
    2 points
  23. #1 Definitely! Ruins the mood and screws up everything! #2 Haven't too much experience in this. Most of the ones I've seen have been satisfying to see. Most times any pee vid is exciting.
    2 points
  24. Sorry to hear that. What about your colleagues - are they involved in any way? Are they on you side? In any case: do not forget to... leave your mark... if you catch my drift... 😉 (Only if you can get away with it, of cause.)
    2 points
  25. Black shirts... black nails... Good Charlotte... Evanescence... suicide attempt at 17... that was me... Please know Riley... i'm here for you. From my heart to yours. I'm so grateful for you to be here and alive. One day at a time. We will make it through..
    2 points
  26. I wish you can come through this dark patch and feel ok.Happiness for most people is a thousand different things.No two people feel the same emotion. We often judge our own happiness by that of others,who we may perceive as being better off than us.Chances are,you see them at perhaps one happy time in their life.Another day,they may feel YOU are happier than them. To me,right now,what would make me happy,would be a cuddle up,and sex.Thats what i perceive as making ME happy today.Someone else who maybe had sex today,might be miserable because they need some money,which im not bad for
    2 points
  27. These are two experiences I have seen, or at least partly seen, from when I was about 11 years old. Myself and some friends had a little place we used to go to hang around near a river. When we first started hanging out there we had to make a few rules. Apart from the 'what is said here stays here' rule we decided on a toilet area. Since some of group would be girls I found a plastic tub that sheep would drink out of and placed it in the toilet area. The first story is about a friend's sister. She came with friend. She had blonde hair was about 9 at time a bit of puppy fat, and her
    2 points
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