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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2019 in all areas

  1. This is something that totally turns me on, the idea of someone peeing in front of you/peeing with someone. So I really want to hear your experiences! My first time was when I was super young. Myself and another girl would wee in front of each other all the time and I loved it. I vividly remember the first time she weed in front of me that wasn’t in a potty or a toilet, she simply announced she needed to go, said she wouldn’t get to the toilet in time, pulled her jeans down and weed all over my carpet. I was in love 😍 and we did it loads from then on.
    5 points
  2. Elizabeth went out with my friend Joey. She was very easy to look at. Nice shape, long brown hair, very pretty face. She was a studious girl, well learned and she seemed very straight laced. If my friend wasn't going out with her I would have given her a shot. Joey was into photography and never left his house without a camera (or three). This was back in the ancient days of film... no digital nothing. Joey and Elizabeth were going to the same local college and lived on campus. It was a sprawling campus and had fairly long trails through the woods connecting the various buildings t
    5 points
  3. I can't remember which was my first experience, but I do know that it was when I was very young. The following are several events that I remember, but I don't remember which one was first. There was an old railway line near our house which only had a train about once per week. We used to often walk along it as a short cut. I walked up the path to the side of the rail bridge over the road and as I turned onto the bridge, my best friend's sister was squatted on the metal deck of the bridge peeing. A puddle was spreading out beneath her across the metal deck. (It was a two track bridge
    4 points
  4. Hi Carpet-eers, it's Sophie here again. After my last letter, I just wanted to share with you an amazing experience from this weekend. I'd been invited to a thirtieth birthday party of a girl I went to Uni with, so bit of a course reunion too and it was an 80's themed party. I'd decided to go as a generic rock chick kind of character. To give the lowdown on the outfit, from top to toe I had my hair set up in curls with a ribbon bow on top, loads of bold makeup, then a little black leather biker type jacket with just a lacy Basque underneath and lacy fingerless gloves. Lots of silver
    4 points
  5. Yes, it's important that we tone down the discussion or it could happen that people got bothered Steve is absolutely right so please @2prnot2p comply with us!!! @F.W has been missing from this thread for a while and I would be hurt upon discovering he left because it sounded like a one-side thread. It's hard when your closest friends are on opposite political positions but as I once said to somebody who asked me how can I keep myself coherent in this, a healthy body needs both kidneys and lungs and they are up to much different goals Plus I know them both on a personal level and
    3 points
  6. Ok first of all this is hot as hell Second, I see things the way Glad1 does: I had my first experiences with little friends, popping squats here and there, mainly while playing outside In that time, I also started to discover my sapphic side... Growing up, I had paradoxically LESS chance to see that, as my life did not went that well and I usually never went out in the weekend nights All changed when I met Alex, we started pissing all over the places we went, first time I saw him piss it was the night we engaged, we were still single, chatting,
    3 points
  7. Well, the first time I saw a boy pee was much much later, at the age of 19-20 odd when I would follow my then-boyfriend in to the toilet and carry on our conversation while he was casually weeing. I was in the vicinity of boys peeing a lot when I was younger though. I remember hanging out with a boy who had a small bladder when we were in primary school and he grabbed himself and said he needed a wee. I thought he meant he would need to go inside but we were quite far from the school doors but he just disappeared behind a bush and had a noisy wee onto the ground!
    3 points
  8. so yesterday i had a doctors appointment to check on my mental health and telling how i feel so after talking he conclusion that i have low esteem and confidence also he going to send latter to this place that help people on the autistic spectrum so i have to wait and see what happnes but for now what am going to is to try and boost my low esteem and confidence like what spywareonya say's too me your are strong and More than you think! 😀 also i migth take up programming basics its like lego {which I STILL LOVE building by the way YOU NEVER too old for lego} but in numbers am looking in to
    2 points
  9. “Cheers Girls, I still can’t believe how much trouble you went to for me today.” said Lucy. “It was our pleasure” winked Jenny, and the twins giggled. The four girls, Lucy, Jenny and twins Katy and Abby had spent the evening in the pub at Lucy’s request. She had insisted on treating them all to drinks as a thank you for their day’s efforts. Lucy really did feel like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The incident with Steve on their day out had really disturbed Lucy, but Jenny had dealt with the situation perfectly. “Here’s a toast” said Lucy, raising her large glass o
    2 points
  10. the imperial MARCH but every other beat is missing: Why TF has youtube suggested this to me...? o_0
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Whilst it's certainly fine to discuss non-pee topics here (in fact highly encouraged), politics is always a tough discussion to have, because the vast majority of people on both sides are too entrenched in their view to even see the other perspective, so it's never really a debate. People take an attack on their politics as a personal attack, which is why already this thread has turned a little hostile. By all means feel free to share your views, but there is never a need to attack another member for disagreeing with you. Aside from being against the rules, if someone makes a rational po
    2 points
  13. Where there's a Will, there's a way. (I'm sorry for the pun, but I mean it. Make this saying your own, if you like it.) On your path, there might be setbacks - don't let that stop you. Just don't forget that sometimes there are many ways, you have to find the one that suites you and your needs and abilities best. Even then, there still could be more then one way left - take the one that you feel is right then. And if you don't find a way - either look at another place... or just create a new way. 😉 That being said: I hope they have Lego at the store where you
    2 points
  14. There Always had been something wicked in me I was very sexual even as a girl, almost to a warped degree
    2 points
  15. This is the general chat subforum where all non-banned off-topic subjects are acceptable, including politics. If people wish to bring this one to a close they need simply refrain from posting more and not respond to anyone who does. If any members wish to pursue political discussions here they are free to do so. No one need come to any thread they don't wish to visit. It's a free world here. But it is true that politics is never worth anyone here falling out over.
    2 points
  16. It sounds great!!! My first piss flood was where I lived in my childhood, there was a pub on the exact opposite of the street, and people just kept crossing it to reach the hallways of the apartment building I lived it. Men and women swarming all around pissing, in the beginning we used to have need of a hoose to wash away all the piss and the smell was unbearable... ...but I liked all of that… it was so nasty...
    2 points
  17. I certainly think Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist, sexually abusive and utterly narcissistic moral monster. I also suspect he is something of a sociopath yet does not appear to be too bright. But FW is entitled to his opinions too. Part of the reason Trump won is that the Americans - like us - can see that the system isn't working for them anymore and so they want radical change. Unfortunately the Democrats responded by kicking aside their radical candidates and running with a champion of the status quo, and someone who was also felt to be cold and soulless and having a history
    2 points
  18. Thank you all for your amazing stories so far! 🙂
    2 points
  19. Like, side by side. When both me and my then boyfriend needed to pee at once, I made him have a wee in the bath while I used the toilet. But never anything more than that.
    2 points
  20. I have been guilty of this too on occasion lol. I’ll sometimes wait a little longer after finishing my own business in a public toilet to hear any other ladies peeing. Although my own preference is hearing the sound of a man’s wee thundering into the toilet bowl so I frequently eavesdrop on my flatmate when he is relieving himself 🙂
    2 points
  21. So, the other night I held my pee for a few hours and decided to take to have a bit of fun! I sat on the edge of the bath, put a towel down and let it all out! I took a video and converted it into a gif which I’ve added in here as well 🙂 the gif does work, you may need to give it a moment to load!
    1 point
  22. So I've been attending a big confrence for the past 2 days. Its provided me with the opportunity to do some naughty pissing in public bathrooms haha I've pissed on walls behind urinals, bathroom floors, and all over a stall. From the walls to the toilet I complete covered the toilet stall with piss hahaha
    1 point
  23. I first got stories about it from Alex, one of his former girlfriends did it and was caught... He did too... My first time was after I met him… and last was last week ihihihihih
    1 point
  24. He might have been a shy boy! He might have expected a girl to be “proper” and to be appalled by the bath getting pissed in, or at least to not want to have to see it!
    1 point
  25. It's delicious!!!! With a girl like @chubbybirb999 there is no need for encouraging!!!
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. You are a fighter and we DO support you!!! Everybody love heroes!!! ps Power Rangers are great
    1 point
  28. There's actually a few places in Sydney where unisex toilets are common and seem to be pretty popular, especially in the bars. Sadly though, or good, whichever way you look at it, they have measures in place to prevent you from loitering and enjoying the sights. Solution.... go to the bar and drink more so you inevitably have touse the facilities again 😉
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Well iam a huge believer in everyone's sex lives are diffrent. There is no such thing as warped
    1 point
  31. I think actually that unisex toilets in the more popular places such as bars and restaurants where there's a lot of people coming and going are more safe than those in quiet places. The predators that you speak of seem to tend to prey on women when they are more vulnerable, isolated. The whole idea of unisex toilets is great and why not share facilities. Society has taught us over the years this, segregation, when it reality there is no need for it to be there, we are all human no matter what sexual orientation. Maybe in future, instead of having boys and girls bathrooms, they'll hav
    1 point
  32. It just confirmed to my I was a tainted child ahahahahha
    1 point
  33. I wanted to resurrect this thread since I thought it was such a good idea 😋 1. Watching a girl vandalize the heck out of a stranger's property by pissing all over it -- either their car, their house, etc... 2. Shortly after high school, my friends and I rented out a hotel at a nearby city. Among them was my girlfriend, who was definitely a bad-girl who would show up stoned to class, cheat her way through school, and get black-out drunk every weekend. The hotel was paid for by one of our parents and while the others went to sleep, my girl and I stood out on the balcony talking
    1 point
  34. Here's a video by a girl who lives in the city of Yakutsk in Siberia. Yes, many of the native folks of Siberia look Asian, e.g., Chinese. She explains what she wears to keep warm. Her boots are made of the fur and hide of caribou (reindeer) and are the absolute warmest boots in the world, or so I'm told. I hope you enjoy this video! 🙂
    1 point
  35. And you are impressive. I am amazed by your… ehehehe… strenght of WILL ahahahahahaha Beside the good-hearted joke on words, I am sincere We all cheer up for you
    1 point
  36. This thread is gathering indeed a lot of hot experiences... Anything else from you will be much appreciated!
    1 point
  37. well my mother's boss has agreed to let help me around the shop for hour a day and aslo he said i can come in any day or time i like so thats good it will be a BIG HELP for me 😀
    1 point
  38. You don’t have to say anything, don’t worry 🙂 you are just loved and appreciated!
    1 point
  39. I would have pissed the same place myself ahahahahah LOVELY I peed in a Church once, but not too much for it could have been difficult to dry... in my case, it wasn't out of me thinking it wasn't bad… but the exact opposite!
    1 point
  40. I once peed in the garden of a cathedral. No offence meant to anyone of the religion, of course... This cathedral has a small, walled-off 'tranquility garden' with sculpted bushes and nice views over the town. I was sat there reading for an hour or so, and the whole time I saw maybe two people come past. Realised I needed a piss, and thought, why walk back to my hostel just for the bathroom? It was so quiet I was sure I wouldn't be seen. I don't think it was 'bad' in the sense that nobody suffered because of it, but it felt quite naughty to pee in such a respectful place.
    1 point
  41. ABSOLUTELY The fact we cheer you up doesn't in any way mean this can be turned in a fictional story of which we want a new chapter to read and reply each week This is the fucking holy pilgrimage of your LIFE and we can only kneel down in utmost respect and worshipful SILENCE We are just here when you need, like a DIARY Huge hugs my friend Never back down
    1 point
  42. This thread is the glory of this forum. it finally proved what I have Always wanted to demonstrate: we are superior creatures. We are sensitive. We understand. We LOVE. And now, my friend, we understand&love YOU, who got the guts to open yourself with us, and we respect you. You opened up a dam with your sincerity, and we are all with you. Keep us updated and Always feel free to write anything you want, we are tight around you and we will never fail you
    1 point
  43. thank you very much everyone for the kind words 😀
    1 point
  44. I can't echo what @spywareonya and everyone else have said - we've never met in person, but we are friends and we are here to listen, hug, laugh and cry with you or anyone else who needs it. You are part of this community and whether you realise it or not, you give all of those things to us too. Mental health is finally being recognised as just a real thing in the professional world as flu or a broken leg - that's great! I would say though, don't let the label define you. What I mean is, the doc may have evaluated your situation and suggested that you have low confidence - but don't loc
    1 point
  45. thank you from the bottom of my heart 😀
    1 point
  46. Such a naughty smirk on your face😁
    1 point
  47. I. What is your favourite peeing fantasy? Sorry to be crude, but having a girl kneeling over me and unleashing her flood over my balls - it's far more poetic and exciting in my mind than it sounds when I write it like that. 2. What is your hottest real life peeing experience? Not sure there is one to be honest - it's a bit of a closet thing unfortunately. 3. What is your main area of interest with the pee fetish Definitely ladies - holding, being desperate, peeing, naughty peeing, pretty much anything really - but it's got to be 100% that they're enjoy
    1 point
  48. I love hearing a female having a nice long pee. If I can hear her hissing in addition to her pee hitting the water it is a big plus. A male not so much. But I am a straight male.
    1 point
  49. These are all just wonderful. Each one I look at, I just want to take it in my mouth and play with the little man with my tongue until he's ready to explode.
    1 point
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