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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Oooops… just needed a good slash during the shooting... You know how it works, find a place that ispires you, and release... If a hot milf with a lovely dog passes by and clearly understands she is witnessing a fetish photobook being shot… even better!!!
    8 points
  2. From Nancy, with love…
    8 points
  3. Say hi to my little pussy!!!
    8 points
  4. I came there to create this gallery, which I am deeply in love with
    8 points
  5. ...when we finished the shooting, urge hit me, and I asked Alex to fuck me doggystyle there and then... My gallery is over… my Spring gifts for you… they are just getting started...
    7 points
  6. Hours were getting dark… and the atmosphere of the pics too... this is ME...
    7 points
  7. So my friends, a gift for all those that cheers up with me!!!
    7 points
  8. I want you all… CLOSER... to my… HEART...
    7 points
  9. Hugging a tree have never been so hot!!! 🤣
    7 points
  10. ...and this is ME even more ...Witches love people… but are primal creatures... It needed setting changed to be shot, it was dark already, and some things… can be seen only in the dark…
    6 points
  11. There is a place like this, not far from where I live It housed… things… happenings…
    5 points
  12. Some of you will have already picked up that I am so lucky to have a gorgeous lady friend who engages in and loves this peeing pleasure at least as much as I do. My favourite place to pee, and she is so turned on by it every time, is coming so close up to her, she lifts the front of her skirt and I pee strongly inside her panties while she is still wearing them. Its the most incredible sensation for both of us and I thoroughly recommend it!
    3 points
  13. Ihihihihi cannot help with that, sorry, no wetting for me, when I chose to piss, I do it openly, and let the world behold majesty!!!
    3 points
  14. Take a man Enlighten him with the knowledge that carrions can be eaten, decreasing Society's economical effort to keep slaughterhouses working. Let's just build drones that lift off corpses from the bushes after lions eat of them the portion they wanted Imagine this man will know that a race eating carcasses is mandatory for the functioning of Nature Like Hyenas do Imagine this man will stick to the understanding of that Beside being a bit ridiculous for a thousand of reasons (nutritive apport, supply, health, illness, and so on), I just wanted to sa
    2 points
  15. VERY cute bottom 😀
    2 points
  16. OMG this is the cutest and most touching thing I EVER read!!! THANK YOU!!!! It's a destiny we share with you boys. The point is realizing we should hurry. Love is never enough!!! And we all want and deserve so much more happiness!!! Cheers!!!
    2 points
  17. My last outdoor me about 10 minutes ago
    2 points
  18. It's in my Top5 most important things in life!!!
    2 points
  19. Indeed HAHAHAHAH Pussy has a hypnotizing shape which is the reason why bisexual girls are many more than bisexual boys!!!
    2 points
  20. And I will much more, now that Spring is coming to this hemisphere, and in my heart too!!!
    2 points
  21. I do think intelligent life is likely to be relatively rare. But even our own galaxy is so vast that it is statistically unlikely - it seems to me - that we are the only intelligent species within it. Besides which, I think life at a lower microbial level is likely to be fairly common because I just have a hunch that life itself is a naturally developing thing wherever conditions are suitable for it. With such life being common, the evolution of more complex organisms, though rarer, should also be not that uncommon. And in some places life is likely to have developed earlier than it did h
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I love to use the shower jet, it's cute!!!
    2 points
  24. There and then Altruism can be really born only in deeply altered states of consciousness, where the feeling of "marvel" goes Beyond simply being hit by something cool There is where true love is born too Never found it in its deepest form outside those levels People truly in love can reach it but they don't notice, it's a really different hormonal condition, not based on desire, but more like when you wake up drunk in the morning on the sand of the beach after a devastate-party and you see a mom breastfeeding or an IMPOSSIBLY BEAUTIFUL girl all naked peeing just nea
    2 points
  25. These are kind of boring panties but they are the ones I wore today😂
    2 points
  26. I am as you might have guessed a bit of a lefty. I think of myself as a left wing social democratic social libertarian with socialist sympathies and values. I think our country is in crisis - particularly in the areas of housing and jobs - with the wealthy and propertied elites getting ever richer off the backs of the rest of us. The millions of little people are handing over ever larger chunks of their incomes to the property rich, and to various large corporations charging us for essential services, with productive hard-earned money being leached out of working people. We have an econom
    2 points
  27. This is a story set in the 'Kaymala' world -- you should be able to read these in any order, but if interested the first episode is here, and the introduction of these characters is here. **************************** Camille had been in Kaymala a few days, and she thought she was starting to get a grasp on how the place worked. The Scandinavian island nation had a unique culture. A lot of the rules that most other cultures had developed around sex, nudity and urination just weren't followed by Kaymalans. However, that wasn't to say that Kaymala didn't have its own set of rules;
    1 point
  28. Well, others have had a go. So this is me. Most here are very familiar with my peeing interests. But my non, peeing interests also include psychology, UK politics, true crime, history, World War 2, and cosmology, amongst other things. So this thread is a chance for anyone to ask me anything at all - pee-related or not. I will answer honestly and as fully as I can, with the proviso that I of course will not give away the kind of personal information that might risk compromising my anonymity. So feel free to ask me anything.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. No it does not Haha. It sure melts a hole in the snow hahahaha
    1 point
  31. We women usually have same feelings about same things… because we are more sincere than boys!!!!!! Ihihihihihih And sincerity usually bring people to the same ideas, as we are more similar than we may think/fear, if we all listen to our hearts!!!
    1 point
  32. Sorry if I haven't been out much lately. It's been cold and snowy here. At least today has been a little better.
    1 point
  33. Shower jets work good for stimulation hey hahaha
    1 point
  34. Last week... I had an hour long presentation / meeting in Liverpool in the evening. I had a normal day at work, a couple of coffees during the day, then mid afternoon felt myself flagging a bit so had a cold can of coke for the sugar and caffeine hit. I was banking on the drive to Liverpool being about an hour, but was thinking of home to city rather than from work which adds 20-30 minutes, plus the rush hour factor. Hence I left work after a pee at 16:45 and it took 2 hours to get there. By the time I got into the city I was getting a bit uncomfortable, and knew there was the cha
    1 point
  35. I did! I was a little tipsy though I slipped slightly when I took my hand off the bin to grab my phone. I walked past the spot again today and popped in to the alley. It is well concealed as none of the apartments look over it so no long as someone uses that back door I might go there again. My tissue was still in the spot I dropped it in the puddle. The puddle wasn't there anymore but a faint smell near the tissue was evident. 😉
    1 point
  36. Reminds me of two occasions - both of which I've probably reported here but: Once whilst travelling for work I was on a train that had those electrially controlled toilet doors. You press a button to open the door. Once inside you press a button to close the door - or if nobody presses the button the door closes itself. Once closed, you press the lock button, the door locks and there is a display at the end of the carriage seating area which shows "Toilet" and once it is locked, it says "Occupied" next to it. The toilet is designed to be large enough for a wheelchair user. The button
    1 point
  37. This is close to my favorite position, but I like to move my hands closer together so her thighs are in the crook of my elbows and my fingertips rest on her belly. Gently pressing my fingertips in time with my sucking action can increase her pleasure, and my grip on her thighs means she can thrust against my face as she comes close to orgasm, without shaking my mouth loose from her pussy.
    1 point
  38. I really love this photo, it looks like she is peeing though her panties, her pee is a wonderful golden colour, staining her white panties.
    1 point
  39. Before I joined this forum I always kinda thought holding my pee in was a pretty orgasmic feeling. Id sit down on the toilet and hold my pee in, and since I had been conditioned to pee in the toilet my need would increase ten fold. Once I finally let go and peed Id feel better, and even feel a little bit horny too.
    1 point
  40. I love holding it and having a full bladder here. I dont have always time to at work or out somewhere. I used to hold it long time working outside too. I love the feeling of holding it too. I hold it for such a long time my stomach hurts and back hurts bad. I dont like like holding it when it too painful to hold and that when I fine a place to go. I then when I finally go I love the release of letting it go. See a long thick powerful stream letting it out. I dont like being bladder shy too and holding it a long time cant let it go.
    1 point
  41. I got fucked there, doggystyle Not to mention the Amazing piss threesome I had and wrote on the forum!!!
    1 point
  42. this ended up being from my final day. i allowed myself some freedom down there all morning. and only before deciding to get dressed inserted a tampon while i was still on my back patio.
    1 point
  43. I find charisma (and nothing empowers charisma like enduring suffering) to be erotic I would like to go around town with you (stopping if it tires your body) and piss everywhere together!!! Normal people are so weak: you talk with them about something big, and they all got soooooooooo soon something really important to do somewhere else! But you... you endure. That's erotic. World needs scathed, scarred survivors. Not sissies. Keep it the fuck up Alice!
    1 point
  44. I do not subscribe to a specific school of psychology. I think there are merits in both Jung and Freud. I guess I am more with Freud on the overwhelming influence of the subconscious and childhood development upon the people we become. Jung accepts all this but places a larger amount of emphasis on our aspirations for the future upon our development. I guess I am more with Freud here, believing that our aspirations are often more a product of what our past has made us, more than a contributory cause of who we are today. But I have never really accepted the concept of penis envy in girls. I jus
    1 point
  45. 1 point
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