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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Last year when I was going through my student placements, my staff room was absolutely ages away from any bathrooms. I’d end up holding my wee for ages and then finally unleash after four hours or so of holding. On the plus side, it let me get pictures like this that I’m happy to share with you 🙂
    3 points
  2. Thought I'd share mine.... Can't beat a bit of fresh air, but it's important to stay hydrated when exercising, right? Must admit I wasn't absolutely desperate, but couldn't resist stopping for a fresh air pee on a country lane, only a couple of miles from home. After I'd stood over the bike and created this puddle I decided to provide a more artistic view of it for you. Felt awesome to let it out in the great outdoors.
    2 points
  3. Some times on laundry day I like to give the washing machine a helping hand.
    2 points
  4. Continuing the story of Lucy's adventures... Getting bolder! Chapter Six - Part One “Happy Birthday” said Lucy before planting a huge kiss on Steve’s lips. It was now six or eight weeks since their first encounter and their relationship, not to mention their sex lives had gone from strength to strength. Finally realising and admitting to each other that they actually shared the same fetish was the icing on the cake. Steve wasn’t quite so innocent as he’d initially seemed to be and Lucy wasn’t missing out on any opportunity to play up to it. “Here you go, here’s a co
    1 point
  5. Sorry...no rides today. The wagon is full! (Also this may be my new favorite spot!)
    1 point
  6. I'm a 43 year old female from the United States. My favorite movies are typically musical related. Right now I love The Greatest Showman, Rent and Disney's Enchanted. If not a musical, I like a good sci-fi or drama film. I cannot stand comedies (they're just not funny to me) or most rom-coms. I do not watch TV, so I can't answer this one. My favorite foods are so eclectic. I love cooking and always trying new recipes. For takeout, my favorite is sushi. But I also think a selection of cheeses, very good bread, and a nice bottle of red wine makes a perfect dinner. I cur
    1 point
  7. I used to subscribe to that idea. But scientists have discovered that the rate of expansion of the universe is accelerating, not slowing. They have little idea what is causing it, but something - some energy or other - is working to counteract gravity over vast distances, driving galaxies apart. They have dubbed this mysterious energy "dark energy".
    1 point
  8. Something you people don't know about me is that I belong to a lions international club here in my home town. Lions international is a non profit service club, we help raise money for all sorts of charities and people in need around the world. Our club recently donated money to train 2 autistic service dogs for kids who need them. The dogs cost $16000.00 each to train Anyways tomorrow night Feb 15th we are having a valentines day supper(dinner). We sold 200 tickets. Me and 4 other guys are making prime rib, shrimp, double stuffed baked potatoes, salads and homemade cheese cakes. We also h
    1 point
  9. What I used to do when I did naughty peeing at my parents house was constantly keep myself in a supply of towels and use them to wee into or onto. You can get a surprising amount of use out of them. I also found that doing pee stuff late at night when people were asleep was more beneficial to me. Also, if you keep yourself well hydrated, you can get away with a lot more as it won’t leave stains or smells 🙂 Failing that, get out and about as much as you can and experiment! It’s a great thing to have a partner into pee (I’m so jealous lol) so take advantage of it and enjoy it 🙂
    1 point
  10. I had to help my washing machine out this morning as well
    1 point
  11. Lol. Our prime rib supper turned out awesome, we fed 158 people. It was all you could eat since we had food for 200 lol. We donated the left overs to the assisted living facility in town. My and 4 other guys spent about 19 hours in the kitchen cooking and preparing supper lol
    1 point
  12. Women and men desperately peeing somewhere naughty. Hotels, carpets, outdoors...anything along those lines. Bonus if they talk about how desperate they are and express their relief.
    1 point
  13. LOL! I was married 18 years and I know exactly what you're talking about! Too funny. Here's a joke you'll like. A little boy wakes up in the night to go to the bathroom. He passes his parents' bedroom and the door is ajar. He sees his dad making love to his mom. The next day at breakfast, he tells his mom what he saw. His mom says, "That's how mommy gets babies." The boy replies, "Oh, okay." A few nights later, the little boy wakes up and is thirsty. On his way to the bathroom to get a drink, he peers into his parents' room. His mom is giving his dad a blowjob. The nex
    1 point
  14. I just thought of another fun fact you can try to wrap your head around. Scientists believe the universe is 46 billion light years across. Let's put that in perspective. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. So, a light year is the distance light travels in a year. You would have to travel at 186,000 miles per second for 46 billion years to go from one end of the universe to the other!!! MIND-BLOWING!!! 🤪
    1 point
  15. Yeah, the Lions are a great organization, for sure! (Unlike our Detroit Lions football team. LOL!)
    1 point
  16. Wow big stream and nice pictures. You had to go bad. I love picture of your pussy too. I bet that felt good letting that go.
    1 point
  17. Some lovely hot tinkles. 😛 Too bad you had to waste them in a toilet. Hope you have some opportunities to be, er, creative.
    1 point
  18. Very nice! I wish I could do this 🙂 or help a guy out to do this!
    1 point
  19. Great organisation, and huge kudos for giving so much to it - hope the dinner goes well.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Thank you my love 🙂 glad you enjoyed!
    1 point
  22. Panrypissr is amazing. She’s what gave me the courage to post pictures of myself 🙂 so I want to personally thank her for that!
    1 point
  23. 100% girls (and men to an extent) are far more daring when they are drunk. Any Friday or Saturday night in any sizeable city or town in the UK will demonstrate that. As per some of my sightings accounts that I have posted. My record is seeing 90 girls peeing on one night out. You don't get that during the day time. At night when drunk I have seen girls getting off a bus and dropping their knickers to pee in full view, but those exact same girls wouldn't dream of doing that whilst sober. The best sightings I had were a group of Spanish girls peeing in Brighton - they didn't care a
    1 point
  24. exactly More or less the problem is Always this one I keep on saying, floor, then mop
    1 point
  25. Yes, to nearly all of them, lol. I've not paid anyone, not been with anyone else, for a long time there were 3 of us that we're into it, but sadly, one of us moved on. We both kneel, there is no squatting as such, I'll kneel down in front of Maigh, sometimes touching, other times, leaning back, then it happens. She still has some surprising force behind her, splatters all over the place, and most times, she is clean, tastes neutral, like a fine mineral water. Due to the way she is, Maigh will have a go at mine anytime of the day, even if I'm strong enough to dissolve sheet metal, sh
    1 point
  26. @Scot_Lover We can create bacteria, in our labs, that never existed before we built them, amminoacid after amminoacid. Entities in higher dimension can do the same with universes. This doesn't give them the status of divinity to which we should bow. But makes them gods in our standards. To ME, it also mean that they know the difference between Good and Bad better than us and THUS I bow to them. But in itself, to me the Gods are not Creators in the common inferring of the meaning, nor sovereign. Just "advanced aliens" so to speak. So advanced that the universe is just a pr
    1 point
  27. Procreation is something we share with everyone on the planet, wolves in a forest care nothing but where the next meal is coming from, still make baby wolves. Kangaroos that bounce around our native land, still have a belly full of arms and legs. Koalas that bark all night, still make little koalas. Sheep and cows still make tiny copies of themselves, they all do this, so do humans. No higher intelligence takes up a big chunk of their lives and they are doing fine. We share 99.2% of the DNA of every animal on this planet. That 0.8% that we have that's different enables us to create societ
    1 point
  28. I don't disagree with the idea of A Big Bang, who knows what happens to matter when it's compressed down to a point. The point is pretty liberal here, it still may have been several light years across when it popped. I dont, however, believe that some higher entity caused this to happen. What if the 2 were never related at all, and the 'idea' of a supreme being was a man made thing all along? Think of all the religions we've had here on the planet, all of them were separated by distance, some for thousands of years, but all of them had the same basic premise, that there was somethi
    1 point
  29. Uìììììììììììììì!!! 😊 Here I am!!! I got a little pussy!!! And tits!!! And a terrific patter!!! So I am a woman!!! Ehe he, yes, mainly Alex. I remember and enjoy each of them, though it's not exceedingly common, mainly because it's messy ahahah and also because piss drinking has two components, one of simple complicity, of love and arousale, and one of domination. We share the first, but in the second, he is the master, thus... I never gave a man my piss deliberately (mainly for lack of chances, uh, I'm not shy ahahah) but according to one of Alex'
    1 point
  30. Nancy, I am not quite sure what you expect us to do. Or what you think this forum is. Or what you think we are, or how we live our lifes. Or why you choose to be so invested in this forum in particular, and not in an other forum (what ever forum this might have been). Apart from the pee-thing, there appears to be very little common ground for people here to stand on (which in my experience is often the case, regardless of what the topic of the forum is). I know of cause from personal experience how frustrating it is to write a text, and being really invested in it, putting all your hea
    1 point
  31. Oh, I love to drink piss!!! But usually not mine, I prefer that of my man… for girls, I love to drink theirs, but hey, they must be of absolutely proved health. This is not a game. It has been a while since I tasted a girl's nectar… I really crave to pee on a girl like I used to do when I still had a lover...
    1 point
  32. Why I am writing all of this? Because something happened since the PeeFansCup in September. I did not wrote much during the following months, but I logged in from time to time… and I noticed a Dangerous trend taking strenght. During January, it detonated with such force, that I witnessed with my own eyes the chat un-used for 30 HOURS IN A ROW and this happened thrice in a ten days. THRICE. Not to say that the forum seems to have completely forgot about me recently. I am here to spice things up. I am here, just like I am present in each of the portions of my life that I st
    1 point
  33. I like the naughty aspects and what not, but truly I want someone to share it with. There’s a certain amount of intimacy involved in any kind of piss sharing that just doesn’t exist imo elsewhere.
    1 point
  34. Peeing in places you shouldn’t! And hopefully one day peeing on or with someone 😛
    1 point
  35. Ah! sorry about that I should have finished the story.... Her husband came back from his obvious very urgent piss, we continued to chat for a bit, the three of us, with me still imagining the beautiful strong pressure still growing in her knickers, when suddenly without saying a word she took off into the crowd! When you've drunk that much beer there is no way you can manage your desperation for very long as it just keeps coming more and more. Not wishing to admit she had lost the deal we made, and clearly about to loose it completely in her knickers, she did the only thing she could do
    1 point
  36. Well don't leave us hanging..... What happened? How long did you both hold it? Who gave up first, did you talk lots about it whilst holding? Did you let the other bloke in on the game when he returned? Did you end up racing for the toilets or did you both go your own ways in which case, by that time were you mega bursting and had to find a spot quickly? That was an excellent encounter though and yes, I think you might be right that plenty of people have at least some interest in some aspect of peeing. Just that they don't generally go around advertising it.
    1 point
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