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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2019 in all areas

  1. Desperate for a pee, I stumbled into my house after struggling with the keys for a whole minute. Shutting the door behind me, I dropped my purse onto the counter and waddled my way to the bathroom. I passed through the bedroom and saw my husband casually stroking his cock with his eyes closed. Slightly turned on, I continued my journey to the bathroom. I finally reached it and started peeing almost before I could even get my pants down. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Hearing this, my husband came into the bathroom. He smiled at me, watching my pee gushing out of my pussy. His cock, already h
    6 points
  2. After high school I joined the military. I stayed in for 4 years and then had to get out because of family issues. I had returned to my old home town where I went to school and was staying in my old home by myself. The house had 3 bedrooms but I was the only one staying there. One day I stopped by a local store when someone walked in. It was a girl named Dawn that I had dated for a while back in high school. I walked over and said hello and we struck up a conversation. Dawn told me that after high school she got married but it didn't last and she had gotten divorced. She explained to me ...m
    4 points
  3. Chapter 10 If Maddie knew, or was perturbed by, the recent bout of peeing while she was asleep, she certainly didn’t show it. Nonetheless I watched her carefully, waiting for her to do it again. And although she was wet sometimes when I changed her first thing in the morning, I could never be sure if it was just an early morning pee or something more insidious. I had bigger problems to worry about. Maddie and I had never spoken about the recent intimacy we had experienced together. Nor had we done anything else. But she was becoming irresistible, a bewildering goddess in nappi
    4 points
  4. I enjoy hearing about people's fantasies if they were able to have fun with my wife. A fetish of mine. Lol if you think she is hot and beautiful as I do let me know! She is into naughty peeing, golden showers( neck down on her). she will gladly cover you from head to toe with her full bladder. She enjoys all forms of oral. Loves a good fucking and some anal. I would enjoy hearing about your fantasy night. If you're to embarrassed you can P.M. me. (Post and pictures have been approved by her lol)
    3 points
  5. Yes, to nearly all of them, lol. I've not paid anyone, not been with anyone else, for a long time there were 3 of us that we're into it, but sadly, one of us moved on. We both kneel, there is no squatting as such, I'll kneel down in front of Maigh, sometimes touching, other times, leaning back, then it happens. She still has some surprising force behind her, splatters all over the place, and most times, she is clean, tastes neutral, like a fine mineral water. Due to the way she is, Maigh will have a go at mine anytime of the day, even if I'm strong enough to dissolve sheet metal, sh
    3 points
  6. Uìììììììììììììì!!! 😊 Here I am!!! I got a little pussy!!! And tits!!! And a terrific patter!!! So I am a woman!!! Ehe he, yes, mainly Alex. I remember and enjoy each of them, though it's not exceedingly common, mainly because it's messy ahahah and also because piss drinking has two components, one of simple complicity, of love and arousale, and one of domination. We share the first, but in the second, he is the master, thus... I never gave a man my piss deliberately (mainly for lack of chances, uh, I'm not shy ahahah) but according to one of Alex'
    3 points
  7. Wow. I'm surprised at two things. First, that I never noticed this thread before, and second that no-one has replied. Yes, I have had a lady pee in my mouth, multiple times. Sometimes I have swallowed it, but not every time. It depends a lot on how strong it tastes. When it is very bitter and salty I prefer not to swallow. When she is well hydrated, the taste is mild and I like it. My most enjoyable experiences have been with an escort who had a pee fetish herself. The first time I visited her (for a "vanilla" sex session) she made it known that she had the fetish and wo
    3 points
  8. I do not feel attacked. It honestly makes no difference to me whether he believes me or not. he was voicing his opinion which is 100% fine. And yes @spywareonya I'm currently in therapy and working up to the courage of talking about this. Posting hear and admitting I have issue was step one. You have been/will always be a great friend and help to me.
    3 points
  9. Jesus! Christian or non-Christian we have all heard of this dude. But who or what do members think he was? Son of god? figment of the imagination? Faith healer? Guru? Did he exist for real or not? Here is my take. I believe some guy called Jesus existed, but he was just a guy and not devine. Though an exceptionally gifted guy spiritually, in tune with the gods, and something of a faith healer. Also some kind of ancient version of a peace loving hippy dude. And a rebel against the established order, with almost proto-socialist leanings. I think many of the tales a
    2 points
  10. You DEFINITELY got an incredible woman by your side
    2 points
  11. The most shared (though behind closed doors) theory about the universe is that in the beginning, much before our universe, quantistic fluctuations gave Birth to a mist which was called "Non-Zero", matter emerging from nothingness. With time, it collpased through gravity, giving Birth to a point of manifestation. From that, the multiverse was born, countless universes cohexisting, without complicated laws exceedingly different from those known by now. Outside the many bubbles of universes, free fluxes sometimes intermingle and crash onto each other, creating points of great compressed
    2 points
  12. My wife has peed in my mouth a couple of times. She is not greatly into pee play, but she obliged me on a couple of occasions. Yes I swallowed most of it, although some did go over my face and onto the towel that we had put in place as insurance. She has no desire at all to drink my pee, so I have not peed in her mouth.
    2 points
  13. In my book, there's at least a kernel of truth. Whoever this guy was, he was incredibly good. As for the burning of witches and such, if you ever listened to his words, you know he never condoned such stuff.
    2 points
  14. Never let people offend you ! We love you and enjoy your posts :-)
    2 points
  15. I really was dripping down there. She is amazing
    2 points
  16. Dont worry she will be wet and ready after she reads this! I'll be there to slip in and take care of her! Lol
    2 points
  17. @WantonLee The man you are talking to is quite famous for some strong adfirmations (which are not Always appreciated) but I have had chance to talk to him and he is not a bad boy. If something he says is felt as exceedingly aggressive by you, simply ignore it, he isn't the way he appears. @Raven726 That fella was too hard on you. I have no problems at all believing you, since my childhood had been a bit of a mess too, and I know memories can be buried under a sensation of psychological blur. It's hard to explain by words… it's like Time expanding and then all
    2 points
  18. A portion of me fear we are getting mad at a cockroach in order to ignore the elephant in the room. The chat is nothing more than a place where people talk, and it's pointless to be stressed about turning it into something else to hide the fact we are simply experiencing a terrible "down phase" in the forum traffic (both less people logging in, and less activity by those who do) When more people used to log in daily, nobody was concerned of the chat, as it worked perfectly
    2 points
  19. Hey guys, sorry for my slow responses here, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Really appreciate all the suggestions and passion for that chat. So, to go through the things mentioned: More chatters This would make the biggest difference. More people posting, and also trying to start topics rather than just saying hi. I know that's not always easy but when the chat has taken off it has come from someone bringing something up. Unfortunately, there is little to be done for this other than more people deciding to add things more frequently. We get plenty of unique visitors every da
    2 points
  20. Yesterday I peed outside several times. I had drunk two mugs of tea and a glass of fruit juice before I left home for a 2 hours drive towing a large trailer and had another tea in my travel mug. The section nearest home is motorway, then it goes down to single carriageway road that runs through various small towns. About 1 hour in, which was about 2.5 hours after my first mug of tea, I was bursting. With the trailer, it was a bit more difficult than usual to find a safe and easy place to stop. It was a busy road, but no laybys etc. Evenually I pulled off the road, turned into a residen
    2 points
  21. This contains extreme vandalism. If that's not your thing, don't read it. This is the first in another multi-part series. It is a continuation of my previous story In My Room. If you want to read that here is a link. In My Room I finished this part yesterday, but didn't feel like editing it until now. I was standing in the kitchen, nervously drinking from a bottle of water. I would normally never be up this early, but Claire was insistent we had to leave before five if we wanted to make the most of the day. She had several locations in mind. The first one was time sensitive. I should
    1 point
  22. I do apologise as this intro comes after I have posted a few comments on the site, but I couldn’t resist sticking my oar in 🙂 I call myself Jethro. There are two reasons: I love the Cornish comedian Jethro, and a long time ago there was a Monty Python sketch which had a lawyer’s firm called … wait for it… Jethro Q. Bumwhakit, Buzzard Stubble and Boot Walrus Titty. That has stuck with me for donks. I have posted on another thread about how I came into the Pee World, so won’t bother you with it again: My big particular like is peeing in bed. I look on the internet a great
    1 point
  23. Lol. Beside every good man there is a great women
    1 point
  24. Existence originally was structured differently. We never got answers exceedingly precise about how they evolved, the point is that in the VERY beginning, there were some "possibilities", like blindspots in the continuum, that were the sons of the fact that existence originally did not exist, and thus it couldn't be 100% coherent as it was now existing but before it wasn't. These pitfalls needed to be destroyed, and some entities did. This unleashed a cataclism we cannot grasp. Like a PC rebooting after an upgrade. ALL was reverted to nihil, except the Overseers, that simply surviv
    1 point
  25. Yes, I respect both his sterness and your foresight. Indeed, though different, you guys are among my favourite. A hand should never become a foot and viceversa, but both are utterly mandatory for health. And I understand both his concerns, and yours. I, personally, stand for "remain", but I can dig his anger about UK becoming a trash bin for the problems EU longitudinally failed to filter from South and East. Yes, this is the real enemy now. MAYBE Brexit will make them understand people are angry against all of this. At least that could bring some evolution into a moment
    1 point
  26. To be fair, FannyWatcher and I have very different politics and very different views on Brexit. I see it as a bad thing and believed in a wider European ideal. I voted to Remain. But he is as entitled to his views as I am to mine. The EU definitely needs reform and democratisation though, and the fact that more and more east European members are embracing semi-fascism is also a worry. As well as an east-west divide in the EU, there is also a north-south one, with the northern states often imposing crushing austerity on the southern ones.
    1 point
  27. No way he looks more cool. He's looking all bad ass like he dont care right now. 😋🤣
    1 point
  28. As far as I know you can just 'delete' an item from your sentbox and that frees up space for sending more private messages. So in theory you could send an unlimited amount as long as you delete the ones you've sent (the other user should still receive it, you just won't be able to see a record of it). I just had a look at the stats for PeeFans and it doesn't seem like there's been less posts or registrations but I haven't been here much and fully appreciate sometimes it can just 'feel' quiet - rest assured it's temporary. It does happen here and there and then bounces back, especially o
    1 point
  29. I sense (I am not cuddling you, you actually changed spiritual flavour) you are utterly different from the person I used to sense months ago. You were brave, but without a compass. Now you got a goal. It's marvellous. My love goes to you even when I'm offline. A huge hug my friend!!!
    1 point
  30. I don't need your constant presence to know NOBODY (maybe not even I) gave this forum as much as you did. In my opinion, my crown as "Best forum contributor" is an eternal #3 beside Admin that built it and YOU that kept it alive for so much I adore you Steve, never think I could be hurt by you Holy shit NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT. Utter respect from me, bro I talked about it with FannyWatcher too. He thinks it will rock consciousnesses more than to "remain&yell", but I am sad you leave anyway. But indeed, EU must change, it's not you who failed us, it's EU who
    1 point
  31. Thank you very much! I need to think about where else I’m going to take the story. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know!
    1 point
  32. Thanks for the birthday wishes 😁
    1 point
  33. Hope she will feel at least half as hot as she makes me feel… in that case you will have to handle the situation.. because a woman horny just simply 50% of me now… is a force to be reckoned...
    1 point
  34. SHE DOES But this pijama gets stained like nothing, it's the same kind of an old one that got a bit, ehm, ruined some years ago while playing with both Alex and another girl… that made him cum on me while we were all cuddling in the bed…
    1 point
  35. Here's a good backside view of my wife's ass!
    1 point
  36. Love the idea of you getting away with peeing by the bins. However, if work is not conducive to peeing, it doesn't have to be on a work day - I don't know your personal situation, but if you can get out and about on your own on a day off then go somewhere with the intent of making it an outdoor pee day. Take plenty of drinks, wear appropriate clothing and find quiet corners through the day. The more you do it, the more you will realise that you can get away with.
    1 point
  37. Unfortunately I live and work in a very built up area so the most I can get away with is a cheeky pee under my skirt when I go out to the bins in the evening! There are a few places I have in mind that could work so I might try it 🙂 thanks for all the advice!
    1 point
  38. It's more complicated. And it involves stuff that can offend, but hey, it's me, isn't it? So FUCK IT!!! Breast size is about hormons. Women with small tits have a different hormonality than women with big tits. Different doesn't mean better or worse, but it's up to that, and hormons are due to both DNA-induced character, and dailychoices-induced one. My breasts were a bit smaller when I met Alex, I was heavier than now but very emotionally reserved, my hormons were fucked, staying with him I got thinner but with bigger tits. Anyway, small breasted women can also be influenced by
    1 point
  39. Thank you.No im a nice guy,but i dont believe in this soppy pandering to women that is demanded.I open doors etc,but if you slept at my house i would most probably at least try to look up your nightie as you slept!(is that not PC anymore?)
    1 point
  40. Do any of you have familiarity with the acronym "IHS" ? Is a christian term, it is sometimes written above Crucifixes, and is latin, it stands for "In Hoc Signo", which means "In the Name of" referring to the Cross. As a Witch, we know that the teachings of Christ were NOTHING like the shit is squandered around by the Church, and indeed we Witches list Christ as one of us. But if we consider christianity like the modern diarrhea perpetrated by religious leaders (that, I would like to remember all of you, would sentence ALL of us fetishists to hell) I could define myself as a full-frontal
    1 point
  41. Last year, after a roaring start, something happened. During January, I began to be ignored, surpassed by some other contents that were offering something more immediately enjoyable than mine, and this hurt me, yet without realizing why. I left, offended that people were failing to realize the true meaning of what I was giving to this forum… the funny thing, is that gun-to-the-head, it wasn't exactly clear not even to me... I never stopped logging it, but I stopped to post, until late Spring. After being back, it was quite obvious to me that the persons that overrun me into people'
    1 point
  42. Still topping my "pee list",Mariah Carey. I was wondering how she,or any woman,have a wee-wee whilst in this outfit?Would she have to basically undress,because she cant pull it to one side i guess?Could do with female input on this. Imagine if she had to pee basically naked.I would offer her $1000000 if i had it of course!For my million bucks,it would also be i could just touch her as she pees,and allow me to wipe.And keep the panties....Not bad for $1000000?Ah back to the world of reality.I wonder if she would accept $200?☺️
    1 point
  43. As my need to pee has increased, my level of horniness is growing as fast if not faster. I've leaked a little giving a wet spot on my fly. Xevery leaked hornear hornear eventually not being able to resist the urge to touch myself. Currently I'm at about 9/10. Pee keeps leaking out of me. I can feel it running all over my hands as I stroke myself. I love ice. Grabbing myself I would lose complete control. So for the time being until something changes I'm here masturbating I want to hear you're pushing on my bladder with other enjoy my Wet. self
    1 point
  44. In the middle of a concert in full daylight with actually dozens of people looking at me Black metal manda Hijos de puta!!!
    1 point
  45. Last year as we were skiing, my GF's ski binding suddenly came apart. We couldn't get her ski back on any more. Unfortunately we were just on a slope going quite a ways down, far above the tree line. As I was considering what to do, she told me she had to pee quite badly, which really complicated things. Though she's just a beginner, I'm quite advanced, and I could easily ski down to a service shop at the lower lift station with her faulty ski and have the binding provisorily fixed so she could ski down. But getting back to where we were would involve three separate lifts and would take perh
    1 point
  46. It was a late night in May as Lets just say Chelsea [Made Up Charater] lay in bed illuminated by the screen of her lap top. At the moment Chelsea was indulging in one of her most kinky and secret pleasures; she was a wetter. She loved the feeling of the instant when her bladder was unable to hold back the flood of pee any longer; first resisting the impending flood, but then allowing it to escape in full force into whatever, if anything, she was wearing. She not only loved pissing in her panties but she had recently become interested in diapers. Chelsea was petite 18 year old girl just fin
    1 point
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