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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2018 in all areas

  1. This is one of my first tries. Please excuse any mistakes, English isn't my native language.. i hope you enjoy the story about a slutty girl named Nina. I tell you a short story about a girl who took my fantasies to a whole new level! I would never have thought that I would experience such an event by chance! It was in Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast of Australia. A party town with tons of clubs, bars and pubs. It was my first long trip with a friend. My friend Jake and I (21) stayed a few days in a backpacker hostel on the beach. It was a former motel, which was the
    3 points
  2. This sounds familiar! When I went to University for the first time, I did something similar. Our first Halls of Residence was appalling and I shared a room with someone called Phoebe. The communal loos was situated in a long corridor, and if you had been out all night, and drinking, you invariably woke with the a full bladder, and stonking hangover, so what better way to relieve the pressure than to use either a plastic bag or a drinks bottle, (the latter being more difficult, given the narrow top!). We even hung our bums out of the window, (from the second floor) and urinated on the grass bel
    2 points
  3. What things annoy you so much you would like to see them banished?Or aspects of some human behaviour irritate you to distraction? Heres a few of mine......i have a lot.. 1.Those vaping pipe things that people seem to be endlessly sucking on.Whats the point?Either smoke or dont smoke? 2.Pedestrians who when crossing roads,seem more concerned with tuning in their smartphones than looking out for traffic.They get annoyed with you when you toot at them because youre about to hit them as they absent mindedly just step into the road.Id like to see those stupid headphones banned outdoo
    1 point
  4. I guess I COULD have gone in and used the toilet but what's the fun in that?! Accidentally got a little on the car 😬 Anybody up for a road trip? I don't make many stops!
    1 point
  5. How about instead of cameltoe,"pantie smile"?
    1 point
  6. Tommorow we have veterans day which is very similar. I'm pretty sure it was created after world war 1 to honor the citizens who fought in the war to end all wars.
    1 point
  7. I've always done it in pools, lakes, seaside, but as a kid and in my early adult years I was swimming. These days I do much less swimming, but the pool is still the most convenient place to pee, I think most of the ladies do it there. At this particular apartment pool there are no restrooms there, you're expected to go back to your apartment I guess, so you often hear moms quietly advise little kids to just go in the pool. There are however mens and womens dressing cabins, (walls like toilet partitions, a foot or so above the ground and no roof). As there are no toilets, many of the boys and t
    1 point
  8. Sorry for the like not posting at all😂😂 this was my outfit today. I was wearing a black sports bra and no panties if that's of interest to anyone😂😂😂
    1 point
  9. Dear Wet Carpet, I’m writing to you because I want to tell you about my stay in a private resort a few years ago. It was after my divorce was finalized, and I decided to take a trip for myself. Just to let you know, I am a 42 year old plus-sized brunette. I was married to the same man for 21 years, and we had one daughter together. He had cheated on me several times in our marriage, and I forgave him until the day our daughter came home early and caught him with another woman in our house, and I was done with him after that. Anyway, after the divorce was finalized, my daughter
    1 point
  10. The most desperate i had been to pee was back in high school or shortly after. With my now ex boyfriend (the one that i worked up the courage to tell him i was into pee and he shamed the shit out of me 😞) we went to the movies to see the film adaptation of one of my favorite books, The Giver. It was soooo good, and the pressure in my bladder grew and grew until the end when I could barely walk, and once the movie was finished I ran out of there lol. It was such a good movie I didn't want to miss it, and since I was still in the infancy of embracing my fetish I didnt even think about simply goi
    1 point
  11. I love the site of a desperate female ( although not to her embarrassment) I don't know why but my feeling that I am about to pee is in some ways similar the about to ejaculate . The discomfort/pain replaced by hot tingly excitement, but the pressure at the tip of my penis is the same . I hope what I am trying to explain makes sense. I also have always been fascinated by where the female's pee comes from. With males is is openly obvious, but women it originates somewhere up there among her other lady bits , her pee hole out of sight, unless she explicitly shows you. Even then the actual
    1 point
  12. Friday night and Alice was partying in a club with her mates. Jim had been watching her as she gyrated in her short skirt, her brunette hair bouncing around as she moved and the movement of her ass and skirt giving the occasional flash of flesh hidden only in part by her black G-string. Alice left her group and went to the bar for another drink. Jim excused himself from his own group and headed to the bar, right next to Alice. He bought her drink and they started chatting. Soon they were on the dance floor together. By the end of the evening, Alice and Jim were dancing very closely,
    1 point
  13. One year after high school I was DDing for my parents' friends while they went out to a party and since they weren't supposed to need a ride until after midnight I decided to hold and wet my pants while they were gone. around 11 they called and said their friend got sick and needed a ride home and would give me $50 to pick her up. I decided to do the good deed and hold my pee a little longer. Fast forward to driving back home after dropping the lady off and I am so desperate to pee I accidentally sped on a road I was unfamiliar with and got pulled over by the cop. luckily he immediately asked
    1 point
  14. We aren't offended by penis's that's not St all what's going on. But that's like introducing yourself to someone with a doc pic. As a girl I like it when guys are flirty but I find it weird and a huge turn off if they just show their penis right away. We are a very close community and we like to share parts of this kink with each other but we aren't pornhub. Find a photo you like or something you really connect to. You could always make your own avatar as well, just don't use a penis. We aren't mad at you or offended, we just want to guide you in the right direction to become an integral
    1 point
  15. You're certainly not alone, many of my friends as well as myself walk over to the pool and relieve ourselves while sitting on the edge. I myself rarely swim when I take the boys to the pool, yet I always relieve myself there. Ironically, my boys spend the whole day in the water, but get out and run into the dressing area as they won't pass up an opportunity to relieve themselves indiscriminately.
    1 point
  16. I've only been a member a few weeks, month at most - I have to say I'm more than happy with what I find here. I'm very conscious that there's no single right solution for every member. As I look at 'activity' I see a lot of video updates which is fine, albeit personally I enjoy the real life stories and anecdotes particularly from the female contributors most. I try to be positive and encouraging, remembering that the yellow flood that floats my boat may be different for others. We're enough in a niche already to be picky and choosy - I'M APPRECIATIVE OF ALL WE HAVE. (sorry not intending to b
    1 point
  17. I must confess that I love the amateur videos of wives and girlfriends being shared with other men. Of course, peeing videos excite me a lot too. That goes without saying. But, a woman being spit-roasted is still my favorite. Only amateur vids though. No professionally made movies will do for me. I go to xhamster or xvideos for them.
    1 point
  18. not exactly panties, but still. 😇☺️ i’m guessing some imaginations had fun today.
    1 point
  19. At my parents' home, my sister and I both peed on the carpet, but not often and we used to make sure it was hidden by furniture - usually a bed so it dried before being detected. In hotels, I have either peed in carpetted public areas like meeting rooms, stairwells or corridors so that it might be detected, but they have no idea who did it, or if I pee in the room then I either pee small amounts in lots of places or I pee under the bed or under a chair so that the furniture can hide the deed. Cleaners are usually fairly quick about their room cleans, so if you leave the room in a general
    1 point
  20. Out of pure desperation? Nowhere... I have a pretty resilient bladder. But plenty of places for pleasure 🙂 One of the naughtier ones would have to be at a hotel on work travel, after getting out of the hot tub and half hazardly drying off, I was walking towards the elevator and had an idea. As I pushed the button for my floor, I relaxed and felt my swim trunks warm in the front again as a small puddle started to form around my feet. At the last minute, I pushed a button for a floor a few down from mine, just so I could go down the hallway letting a short stream out every few feet as I wal
    1 point
  21. i grew with connery and moore etc,to me hes too serious and pouty.
    1 point
  22. Modern films.. I use the classic "ZULU" as an example here. If this was made nowadays,it wouldnt be the epic it was.It would maybe have the star cast as the men of the 2/24th rgt,but the Zulus would now be just about 10 men then an army of 3000 computer generated images,which always look cartoony despite the obvious amazing technology,that can bring dinosaurs to life etc.Instead of actually using 3000 extras to play them,as in the 1963 original. I think this approach is also why i dislike the Craig Bonds.Apart from not liking him much as Bond,i find him just wrong for the role,t
    1 point
  23. Recently I was at a nudist beach in the Canaries. As I was getting out of the sea a naked lady in her late 30's was running down the beach towards the sea. She was fairly well endowed and she was running directly towards me. When I first noticed her she had one hand between her legs and her breasts were bouncing up and down quite heavily. She put her free hand onto one of her breasts to try to stop the bouncing quickly followed by her hand that was between her legs onto her other breast. This was rapidly followed by spurts of pee coming from between her legs which continued all the way un
    1 point
  24. I wish they would try to ban sportspeople that fall to their knees and point to the sky...its just pathetic. Yes,folks,im slightly misanthropic,but hey,its my Room 101.
    1 point
  25. i wore a black lace bikini today.
    1 point
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