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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2018 in all areas

  1. Yesterday as I was enjoying a picnic with family in the park I saw in the distance 2 young women and a young girl heading towards a large metal container which is used by the park maintenance crew.I continued my conversation while discreetly keeping an eye on the 3 females.They all disappeared behind the container so it was obvious that someone needed to pee.I was able to observe that the 2 older women reappeared first then it was a good 30 seconds or so before the younger one came out.I managed to not give away my sneaky observations and also wondered if they had all peed or just the younger
    4 points
  2. Last weekend I finally got to do some outdoor peeing.I found a lovely secluded little path that led into thick woodland.I followed it until I found the perfect spot.I already needed to relieve myself.I wasted no time in letting my shorts fall to my ankles followed by my pants.It felt so good to feel the warm sunshine against my bare skin.I relaxed and began peeing a steady stream onto the ground below.I sprayed it around which added to the pleasure of what I was doing.It lasted for more than 30 seconds until my bladder was empty.I felt good and a little turned on so I continued to hold myself
    4 points
  3. Having just turned forty (or so), they say that you begin counting down the days. I've had several dealings with ageing parents and old in-laws to know that keeping body and mind active is a sure way of prolonging life. My sex life, and libido continues unabated, and without any taboos or hang-ups, hence my love and contributions to sites like this. There was a time in my life when I found older men and women, not disgusting as such, but just of no sexual interest whatsoever. Yet now, I've been oddly turned on my both sexes and wouldn't draw a line. I await the dreaded menopause, but this can
    3 points
  4. Hey everybody, It has been such a long time since I came to visit and I will be more present in the future. Here's the main reason why I wasn't around: A while back, me and my girlfriend were in a financial pickle, meaning my gf lost her job and went back to studying for a year. During that time we decided to move into the in-laws because of this dept we had with the government for not declaring us staying together. Long story short, we were suppose to stay at the in-laws for 1 year till we finish paying this dept and finally, we moved out 8 month before because my GF has a history with h
    2 points
  5. Yes, if you have read the title right and decided to read it, let me explain to you what happened LOLOLOLOL Me, my best friend (who was my maid of honor for my wedding), and another friend went out for supper last night, drank 2 bottles of white wine. We left that place to go meet up with 2 others at this outdoor terrace. We decided to go into the alley not far from a dumpster to pee, well me and my best friend that is. Caught with my pants down by 2 officers that turned the corner on their bicycles, saw us and stopped about 20 feet from us which one placed his bike on the side wall waiti
    2 points
  6. Hi everyone, Just joined this site and it looks amazing! I'm a 30 year old male, been into peeing my whole life. Looking forward to what this site has to offer
    2 points
  7. Ever peed in a fitting room? It's my literal hottest fantasy. They're small like bathrooms and private. Would love to just squat and pee on the floor of one one day! 💝
    1 point
  8. Many people - our own resident spiritually knowledgeable @spywareonya being one - believe totally in the efficacy of astrology. That the planets and their positions relative to us and to each other can have an influence on our moods and upon our lives. Others - seeing no scientific basis for this whatsoever - believe this to be total nonsense. At best a relic from a superstitious past. For a long time I was unsure and am still open to persuasion either way. I do believe that the daily horoscopes in newspapers are bullshit mostly, and certainly very rarely were of any relevance
    1 point
  9. I went to Brighton on Saturday of the previous weekend (i.e. not the one just gone, but the previous one). I was hoping that I might catch a few girls peeing in the evening, but what I actually witnessed far and away exceeded my expectation. I achieved a record (for me) of 91 female sightings in one evening. Mostly in a couple of areas of the beach. I can't possibly relate all in detail and indeed quite a few were dark and not very clear sightings, but I'll relate some of the highlights. I arrived about 8pm. I parked to the left of the pier and walked towards the pier. I noted t
    1 point
  10. Hello! I'm Steven, a successful, respectable guy in my 40s with a few secret fetishes, mainly revolving around pee. Really happy to have found this site, already pretty horny from reading a few peoples' bios and hope I can make some contributions. I think my obsession with pee started before I even masturbated. When we were young it was the rudest thing we could think of to do. I has lots of early experiences peeing in secret places (like a friend's bedroom carpet) and watching girls pee or seeing that their knickers were wet or stained. I have some memories that are really odd turn-ons,
    1 point
  11. I arrived at, “The Lot” this morning at approximately 2:15am. I did not immediately go to my space near the church vehicles as to save the battery on my action camera. At 2:43am I turned on the camera, mounted it in place on the rear of my vehicle, and proceeded to my space. To my surprise there was a Honda Civic parked on the dark side of the church bus (Church bus is in the end space) with two boots on it and an orange illegally parked sticker on the window. That threw me off because had I took my spot which was perpendicular to the bus it would’ve been sort of a tight squeeze for a ve
    1 point
  12. I stayed at, “The Lot” longer than usual since determining it’s the hookah bar waitresses pissing by the bus. The hookah bar closes at 6am. It was 2:50am when the first waitress pissed. I parked on the row behind the bus so I can look to the right and have a clear shot of what goes on behind the van. I said I would leave at 5:15am. I procrastinated starting the car to leave. Luckily I did because 5:16am here comes two more waitresses. They come around the van, they walk out further, looking at my car. The young lady was pee dancing while she looked at my car. She looked for a minute
    1 point
  13. All five of us got up from around the canteen table we'd just been sitting at, all needing another pee by now. Helen grinned and pointed to the table we'd just left. "I think I might as well just piss right here." The rest of us looked on, grinning, as the manageress climbed up onto that table and lowered herself into a squat in the middle of it. Within moments, a powerful hissing spray of piss was splashing down onto the table's surface, forming a rapidly growing puddle. Helen gazed down in obvious rapture at her own pee splashing down, the growing puddle getting ever nearer to the table's
    1 point
  14. Lilith in Her most sensual form Dark and seductive... Glorious...
    1 point
  15. I'd be more likely to get my dick out and piss on that tempting ass. But that's me, lol
    1 point
  16. They are Dangerous because though incredibly spiritual, they consider everything a game They like to trouble people, mainly with cheating It is their way to force mankind to go Beyond hatred and vengenace and become more free and slutty, but they can be a bit extreme with that Gods are most diplomatic!
    1 point
  17. A joking image of a Witch tempting a priest How long will he resist before giving in to pussy??? ahahahahahahah!!!
    1 point
  18. Yes, Aztecs Always focused (since they were and expansionistic and warfaring people) on the harsher forms of the Gods
    1 point
  19. That is a scary image.
    1 point
  20. I notice that as well as eroticism, another theme that crops up a lot in this gallery is death. This image seems to combine the two. Which leads me into troubling waters slightly. A particular type pf paraphiliac - a necrofile - so combines eroticism with death that he or she become sexually fixated upon notions of sexual activity with the dead. This is very disturbing as a concept, and not somewhere most of us would ever go, thankfully. But it might be useful - lest others misinterpret such imagery - if you could explain the difference between base necrophiliac sexual fan
    1 point
  21. Oh this is probably the holiest image I'll ever post This is the Labyrinth of Thorns, where Ammut reigns Men who enters there should not touch ANY of the Thorns or they will sleep there forever, as vines suck them dry of life Only people with the utmost humility and eagerness to submit to Her can walk there and reach the Blue-White Rose in its core, the Graal, granting immortality The Holiest of all places of the spiritual world, and the most dangerous
    1 point
  22. The reason is quite simple We learnt to immediately consider Dangerous all that shows a combatant capability that's all is from our evolutionary/animalistic side, and is not inherently wrong, indeed!!! The subsequent passage, usually hidden inside the first one, is considering "bad" something that is "Dangerous-to-US" it is instinctive, but a bit less overall-right that the first one because indeed we should be careful when dealing with Dangerous stuff, but the subsequent passage of considering evil everything Dangerous is a bit superstitious and rushy, preventing
    1 point
  23. OMG, that's an awesome pic, and she does indeed look very frightening, almost the stuff of horror stories. I do believe we are programmed deep down to react to such imagery by interpreting it as representative of something innately bad, but it is not as simple as that. The Gods as you describe them are often dualistic or multi-faceted, with fearsome aspects. But neither these aspects nor the gentle ones are inherently good or bad, just natural, and when and how they manifest themselves - how "fitting" they are - is what counts, right? Is there a reason why we seem pre-programme
    1 point
  24. This is very esoteric She is Hela, The Viking Goddess of Witchcraft and protection of the Dead Lilith in Her dark aspect
    1 point
  25. I have Always adored this image of Lilith, slutty and Majestic!!! So hot and dark!!!
    1 point
  26. A beautiful rendition of Lilith, though She is not linked to fire, is it however greatly ispiring and powerful as an image!!! It could also be Her sister Ammut, but also Her has no direct link to Fire, She's just as Dangerous!!!
    1 point
  27. While this is Her esoteric form, as Queen of the Uconscious, where all is mysterious and scary, but also holy... One of my favourite images
    1 point
  28. This is a beautiful image of Lilith in Her form of Michael's wife, and Her most luminous form Almost an embodiement of the Soul
    1 point
  29. Ok this is cool This is a very powerful representation of "Archangel Michael" Though absolutely a reassuring and caring entity, He also is filled with vigour, so to be helpful to Others and a beacon in the dark The Phoenix is one of His symbols, like the spear and the flames I will soon describe Him and His sister/wife Lilith in Lessons in Magick#2, thus completing the thread about the Gods
    1 point
  30. I actually believe it True moral comes from the soul As said elsewhere, it is only important to avoid subtly mistaking ALL of our kind side for soul's innate goodness sometimes it is simply embarass toward the naughty things we can/should do
    1 point
  31. I absolutely agree It's just to be careful about to avoid mistaking internalized super-ego with soul Soul is deep and somehow different than super-ego because thoug being absolutely sincere and good-hearted, soul is anyway a bit more "alien" than what we feel to be our standard self They can be both But usually they are an artistic representation of powerful unconscious stuff emerging
    1 point
  32. OHwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍
    1 point
  33. They are used by muslims in norther africa and also in the middle east Smaller, fast and very clever but do not remember the name...
    1 point
  34. I adore horses, this is one of those gargantuan dark-coloured (black or brown) horses from West France and East England, right? They are from pre-history, and can be up to 6 feet at the shoulder, even 8 or 9 at the headfront I am amazed and even embarassed by their Majestic size and power (plus, nobody can really understand jokes about horses 's cocks unless you see one!!!) But they can also be so cute, I love to feed them carrots and se them eat them a little bite after another like a vacuum cleaner crunch crunch crunch crunch!!!
    1 point
  35. This is donwloaded on my PC It is almost fluid, one of the most marvellous image I ever seen in my life, is incredible...
    1 point
  36. It is both exciting and frustrating when you know someone is peeing like that but you can't actually get a look. I had one on Saturday when I saw two ladies go down a path and I thought they must be going to pee. I followed down the path and ahead of me, one of the them was stood in the middle of the path looking off to the right. She said something and the other lady came out of the trees. So, she must have been peeing, but her guard did her job and prevented me from seeing anything.
    1 point
  37. I do love threads like this, so for my first choice, I'm going off piste, (excuse pun!) and I'm going to select 'Lucy' of the ill-fated 'Swallow-My-Cum' website. Not 'strictly' a porn star as such, but she certainly was dedicated to her 'craft'. She went a little further than pissing, but that's another subject not for this forum. Have to say also that I was on the verge of meeting her for some fun in Devon, one phone call away, but unfortunately it fell through.☹️
    1 point
  38. Yes, we are very keen to hear from girls.
    1 point
  39. Female pissing behavior is so interesting and generating huge pleasure.
    1 point
  40. Usually I just say “I need to pee” but when I'm in outdoor, I say “I need to water the plants” and pee on the plants or flowers there. While camping or hiking, I give a nice drink to every thirsty plants lol
    1 point
  41. Most of them were not inspected that closely. Some sightings were in the distance, of those that were up close, many were side on views or were partially hidden by clothing, other body parts and other people blocking. The only two that I could clearly see to that level of detail were the larger very drunk lady and the last girl of the night at the bottom of the steps. The very drunk girl was generally a large girl and her labia were no different. The last girl was more dainty and had smaller labia with tidy pubic hair above it.
    1 point
  42. First thing that came to my ming was Trevor from GTA V. That crazy dude pees twice in the main story. First is in the corner of his office, or meth house or whatever. Second is when he's on his way to a job he pulls over and pees on the concrete wall of the highway.
    1 point
  43. Sorry This site is Not a place to ask for stolen Passwords or Passwords that do NOT belong to you
    1 point
  44. This is a well behaved site, you should enjoy. There is LOTS here, so have at it.
    1 point
  45. I have every video from glimpse-it.com, down to the last one ever posted before they closed. I can't really post them, because I would not do that to the guy who owns them. We are in touch regarding some other content. Rest assured though, they are safe and backed up, and will not be lost.
    1 point
  46. So this morning right before I enjoyed my morning pee I decided to hold it in. I made a cup of tea, turned on the computer and watched some naughty pee porn. I started rubbing my pussy and enjoyed mixing the little drops of tinkle with my juices while still holding in my pee. I made sure to fill up my bladder until I was ready to burst!!! Once i felt completely full (and looking 3 months pregant) I grabbed a towel and rolled it up to put between my loins. I was so horny and desperate to pee so bad. I started stroking my clitoris even more and continued to enjoy the pressure in my extremely ful
    1 point
  47. Porn Star - Stoya Actress - Scarlett Johansson Singer - Dido. I was going to pick Shirley Manson but I know she's probably an animal in the bedroom. Dido looks innocent so it would be even hotter in my opinion Sportswoman - Carmen Jorda. Development driver for the Lotus Formula One team. (Who said women can't drive?) Politician - Nicole Kidman, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
    1 point
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