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What was the last place you peed?

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Just peed in a parking lot at a park. There was a wall between the park and the parking lot and there was some dudes on the other side who might’ve heard me peeing 💀

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Kamika said:

Last pee was during my morning shower which is not too interesting, however last night… I was drunk and it was like 3-4 am so I went to the balcony for a cigarette and realized I really really really needed a piss but I didn’t really want to put out my cig, so I just squatted with legs open wide and started pissing on the floor of the balcony near the metal fence and as it was  quiet and dark I could hear the hissing and then I heard it dripping down on the balcony below me which is bigger. But the lights were off so I assume no one heard it. I don’t know if I pissed on anything but even if I did oh well, none of my business I just really had to relieve myself right there and then.

That's hot! I love balcony pissing. Something about smoking & peeing just goes together. I don't smoke inside so it's standard practice to pee & smoke at the same time LOL

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Pissed in my apartment on the carpet, pissed against a door to another building while on a night walk, went to the park and pretended a tree was my urinal, then just yesterday I was cooking my girlfriend breakfast and needed to piss so I unzipped my jeans and sprayed into the open dishwasher 

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As I often do, I finished my morning swim with a relaxing pee in the changing room.  It's a turn-on to pee with the sounds of the pool all around ... even more so if there's someone in the next cubicle.

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Specifically outside, behind a row of garages in the early hours of Sunday morning, with a friend and the guy she was taking home with us.

We both peed facing him so he could watch, he started peeing just after we did as he was worried he would get too hard to pee and was rather desperate to go. My friend actually peed through her underwear as she let go by accident when holding it to one side. 

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I recently ventured into diapers and wetting. I came home from work with an urge to pee. Not desprate but I wasnt to far off. I stripped all my clothes off and put a diaper on then made some dinner and laid on the couch to chill out. I finished my little meal then just closed my eyes, relaxed and let go. 😌 The warm feeling of it running down my crotch before getting obsorbed was amazing. Then I just laid there soaking up the warmth and massaging it in for a few minutes before heading off for a shower. Great stress reliver after a long day 👌 

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This did not quite work out as expected. It turned out to be a two part answer. 

I got up and peed as normal .  I had  breakfast with 2 large mugs of the , along with my prescribed  for medical reasons  high dose  diuretic .  The combination always  causes my bladder to fill completely quickly . I usually try to hold it as long as possible because I hate having to keep getting up to pee.

I wanted to finish what I was doing then shower before going out. I had to pee really bad but,  I was going to pee in the shower so I continued trying to hold it . I became quite desperate to the point of holding myself and squirming  to keep my pee from coming out..  It was difficult to focus on what I was doing due to my stretched overfull bladder and sharp pressure in my penis.

I had to go so bad I was sure I would lose control in the shower. I was not about to let it out. However I only leaked and dribbled a little despite pain in my bladder. I even tried spraying the shower directly on my bladder and penis, but I was able to keep holding.

So , I decided to test my sphincter further. I shaved and brushed my teeth , and despite it feeling like my pee would come out any second, I kept it inside my bladder.

I had to go out and I knew I would get my clean pants wet if I didn't just go but I didn't want to waste it.  So I measured what I had held.  I can't hold as much as I used to , but I had held a decent 1 liter.

I went grocery shopping and I could sense my bladder quickly filling up again. I figured I would be fine, because I had not had an accident in a long time. I forgot the diuretic always completely fills my bladder twice. As I drove home I was becoming desperate, but didn't know why,;  I was not out that long. 

As I got out of my car my pee rushed for the exit. I struggled to get the bags out of the trunk because my pee felt like it was about to come out. I was determined to take my stuff in with me and not just leave them and rush inside just to urinate. Because I was in an apartment complex parking lot and I had to walk down a hall to my place holding myself was not an option, besides my hands were full. 

As I rushed to unlock the door I felt my pee pressing into the slit of my pee hole. In my rush I stupidly had the key upside down .  I got the door opened, but could not hold it back any longer. As I tried to clench my sphincter shut a slow but steady stream of pee poured out, wetting my black jeans to my knees before I regained control. 

With the pressure somewhat relieved, I decided to put the groceries away, and eat lunch in my wet pants. I still had to pee, a lot. By the time I finished pee was pushing at the pee hole again. As I stood up my ired muscles gave way . This time I did not try to stop it, since I was unlikely to succeed. I just let the rest out soaking my black jeans, and stocks to the floor creating a puddle.


Ahh I really have to go again . I have to put pants back on after putting the wet ones in the washer. I had to squeeze myself to keep from peeing on the floor when I stood up.

I added pix from my phone, but not exactly in order. The bottle is what I measured after my shower.  My jeans were black, not the best to show wetting but this was not planned.  I didn't  include  them here due to file size restrictions. boxer briefs show it better. As  I was taking that pix I started leaking again which can be seen in one pix. 

I have not peed in the toilet since the time I got up. Desperate again. One hand squeezing my naked dick to keep my pee in.





Edited by wettingman
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My cat is becoming older and older, so sometimes he has some health issues.

Actually, he never peed inside the house, but, if it happened, it wouldn't result as strange (he pooped twice on the carpet). I took advantage of this situation and I peed in my knikers sitting on the dirty sheets, being careful to wet not only underwears or shorts, but also vests and t-shirts (otherwise it would be evident that I have peed on myself).

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/29/2023 at 3:35 AM, vivi54 said:

Last place for me was a public playground 🤭

Just saw this now. @vivi54 what was the situation that had you peeing at a playground?

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