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Filling the Tank

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Not sure if this should go in the Pee Talk section or here (maybethe admins could move it if thry feel this is the wrong place?). It is loosely to do with peeing, but not really. 

My question is: what liquid do you like to imbibe to create our beloved streams? In other words, what's your favourite drink? 

For me, though I mainly drink water to stay hydrated throughout the day, I love tea. I'll have at least one mug every day. Both Mr E and I have epilepsy so can't drink coffee - though I personally never developed the taste for it anyway. We will have several jars of tea leaves in the cupboard at any one time. As well as the traditional English breakfast tea, I can't get enough of Earl Grey! 

As for soft drinks, I used to drink cola, but I've had to stop because it was giving me grand mal seizures. Not good. I'll usually make do with some apple based drink nowadays, such as appletizer. I love fruit juice. 

Now for the alcohol, I'm an ale drinker! Have been for roughly a decade. I am quite fussy about this, though. I won't touch mass produced stuff. Only real ale, also known as cask beer or craft beer, will do! Some are a bit mainstream nowadays, such as Abbot Ale and Doom Bar - but I enjoy them just the same. I like dark, malty beers. In keeping with my dark image, I can never resist Hobgoblin: the unofficial beer of Halloween! The only difficulty with being a real ale fan is that some of the most delicious beers are also the hardest to find. Sneck Lifter by Jennings, Complete Muppetry by Two Towers and Snowflake by Sarah Hughes are all great ales, but good luck getting hold of them! Indeed, I think Sneck Lifter might be discontinued now. And yes, they do have highly entertaining names - that's all part of the charm! 🍺

What about you? What do you like to drink? Both on a day to day basis and as a treat. 

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Normally, I just add a couple of extra glasses of water in between whatever I was drinking before if I want to fill up to have fun.

The thing that fills my bladder the fastest is cheap, light beer, but that tastes terrible.- I most enjoy stouts and good ales, but those don't tend to fill the bladder as quickly.


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Water! I do not drink much else than water. Sometimes I dont feel well and want something with a taste so I'll go for tea, or if I'm out of the house ill occasionally grab a soda. If my period is coming I'll become a sugar machine and grab some sodas to keep at the house, but any other day I always fill up on water.

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I've gotta pretty bad caffeine addiction but I'm not too big on coffee for whatever reason so I mostly drink diet sodas. I have a comical amount of them stockpiled in my fridge at all times and I've been trying my damnedest to wane myself off of them by drinking more and more water to compensate. Mostly this has just had the effect of me needing to pee more often, but considering where I'm posting this you can probably guess that that's alright by me (unless I need to go on a long trip or drive with minimal privacy, then it's pretty damn annoying)

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11 hours ago, Eliminature said:

What about you? What do you like to drink? Both on a day to day basis and as a treat

For making large volumes of pee green tea works for me. It also provides a diuretic function which keeps your GI tract lubricated. You'll never have constipation if you have a couple of mugs of black tea every day.

For coffee prefer a French press of this brand, frm San Francisco via Amazon: 


For beer: Any Canadian lager or Heineken.

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During a normal working day, I'll drink a few cups of coffee to keep me going, plus I enjoy the taste. I tend to drink tea on a hot day because I find it's better for thirst. I'll mix that with fruit juices or water if I'm out, but I find plain water boring at home.

Like @Eliminature I do like a 'real ale' and living around Bristol I'm fortunate to enjoy good beers and ciders from independent brewers. Nothing disheartens me more than entering a pub to see Timmy Taylor's landlord or Old Speckled Hen as guest beers. I try to actively avoid Greene King pubs as I dislike what they have done to the pub trade, Wetherspoons the same. 

My go to treat though, milkshake...  


Edited by Hamster245
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I am a tea drinker in the main, @Eliminature just one a day? More like ten here 😀 plus water,  milk and the occasional coffee.

As for alcohol I drink whisky at home (too much!) but  in the pub I am a real ale drinker, I prefer the lighter fruity hoppy beers in the main but also enjoy a Guinness 

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Favourite drink? It's really hard to choose because I drink many different things at different times, and they are all favourites (if that's allowed).

Real ale in pubs (I've been a Camra member for 20+ years) and will try and enjoy a big range of styles but I suppose if I could only choose one it would be a well-balanced English bitter - something like Timothy Taylor Landlord or Adnams Broadside or Marston's Pedigree. But a lovely chilled Czech (Budvar, Staropramen), German (pilsner or Weissbier), Italian, Dutch, Belgian (!!!!), French or Spanish lager goes down well too, especially on a hot summer afternoon. Gin and tonic as an aperitif (so many to try!), and red and white wine too especially with meals (favourites perhaps a Portuguese Dao or Douro for red, and definitely Chablis for white). Single malt whisky (Scottish) - current favourite is Springbank 10 year old, but I have an eclectic taste in malts - I like the sweeter, fruity ones as much as the antiseptic peaty ones and anything in between - my sense of balance draws me to Speyside or Campbeltown styles though.

I love coffee in the morning (espresso with breakfast and cappuccino mid-morning from my mid-life-crisis Lelit machine) then switch to tea for the afternoon and evening - English breakfast and Earl Grey - and decaf after late afternoon.

I'd never really thought about the range of wonderful drinks there are and how many of them I drink regularly. Thanks for the post @Eliminature. See you down the pub one day. I'll buy.

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Like many of you I am a big coffee drinker during the day. Always start my day with at least four espressos, or sometimes a strong  Americano but always drink loads of water throughout the day too. 

When It comes to alcohol I'm a bit of an enthusiast there too. Got some really nice pubs near me that specialise in real ales and craft beers from all over the UK and particularly focus on some local brewerys. When it come to quirky names Brew York definitely deserves a mention. They rarely dispoint in quality and with names such as 'Rhubarbera Streisand', 'Scotty too Hoppy' (wrestler themed), 'Juice Forsyth' , 'Goose Willis', and 'Kirsh Russel' they always get a laugh at the pump. 

Away from the pub I am realy into Gin, but I tend to drink it with soda rather then tonic. Less sugar and you can taste the gin better. Then onto dark spirts to sip on, I like peaty scotch, Talisker and Laphroaig being particular favorites, sweet bourbon such as makers mark and tincup, and golden rums such as Havana club 7 and Mount Gay xo. Also partial to a Remi Martin. 

Might have been easier to list what I don't drink: pop. 

Great question, and can I just also shout out to Hobgoblin too, mentioned by @Eliminature, great beer. 

Edited by Pontepee
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I prefer tea to coffee and I do drink water in between to keep hydrated. I do really like a few pints of beer, London Pride is one of my favourites. Also white wine,  French or German wine is my choice, but not red wine as I find iit gives me a bad head. I have the occasional coffee but not that much.

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Always have a large water bottle with me at work. At home it's usually Sprechers root beer/ cherry cola, arizona watermelon juice, and coca cola.  Never had any alcohol. 

Edited by Allante
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On 8/27/2022 at 6:45 PM, Peenicks said:

I've gotta pretty bad caffeine addiction but I'm not too big on coffee for whatever reason so I mostly drink diet sodas. I have a comical amount of them stockpiled in my fridge at all times and I've been trying my damnedest to wane myself off of them by drinking more and more water to compensate. Mostly this has just had the effect of me needing to pee more often, but considering where I'm posting this you can probably guess that that's alright by me (unless I need to go on a long trip or drive with minimal privacy, then it's pretty damn annoying)

I have a pretty high addiction to caffeinated beverages also, but steer clear of so-called  "diet" sodas. Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi, along with other soda brands are now  making "zero sugar" soda, and I find the taste  is much better than diet,  and they are just as good at filling my bladder to it's limit, so I can make those "emergency" piss stops. Otherwise good 'ol water does the trick. It's all liquid, and it all make good piss!

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Water mostly. I've been trying to be pretty health conscious about that the past couple years. I drink about 2 liters a night.

Besides water I'll sometimes have juice. No real preference with what kind of juice, just whatever I have a taste for when I'm out shopping.

Soda I very rarely have around the house anymore. So soda almost never contributes to my bladder filling up anymore.

Beer is also a big player, I typically go out and have about 6-8 pints once or twice a week. I usually can finish those, hold for a bit then release them all at once.

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I forgot about the wine! We only drink it as a treat on special occasions. We have a Kosher red wine for the Jewish holidays Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah. For the Christian holidays Christmas and Easter, we like a nice Eastern European white. Usually German, but my piano teacher introduced me to a very specific Hungarian white that's the finest I've ever drank. It's expensive, though so we only drink it on New Year's Day.

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