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(Men) When peeing outside do you prefer to pee on something or pee far from yourself?

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Hi all

Just was on way back from work which is a half hour walk for me. I was desperate for a pee and there is an alleyway about 10 mins from where I live which I walk through to get home. 

I was caught short so decided to use the alley. When I pulled 'him' out to pee I had the option of a wall or a metal railing which had behind it a mini electric station. I chose to go through the railings as my pee would go further and minimalize splash while the wall would obviously give more splash.

I dont want to have pee on me so usually when i go outside i try to pee ass far as possible for myself rather than use a wall.... so men which do you prefer? Peeing on something or peeing far from your body as possible?

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Sometimes I'll deliberately aim at something - a tree, or a wall, or a grate say - and other times I'll go for distance - which isn't typically very far these days. Of course, the two aren't mutually exclusive ("I'll aim for that tree 15ft away" lol)

Edited by Kupar
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I will usually aim for something.  But of late, I've been doing some public peeing where I'll park next to a dumpster at the rear of a building where its very private, open the car door, and using the car, the open door and the dumpster as a shield, pee on the ground at my feet.

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On something nearly always unless in the mood for distance. Usually with a malicious mind as well, "fuck this pine cone in particular", or blasting milkweed pods, erosion in front of a small stone so there is a collapse when done.  Somewhat destructive things but things that would have happened anyway. 

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I usually go for trees but last night I pulled over to a rest area where I peed on a pile of sand instead of walking up to a tree. It was cool trying to wet it as much as I could with my stream. I definitely will always aim at something when I pee outdoors, it's fun.

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I prefer to pee on something.  When I do my backyard pees, I like aiming at the wildflowers.  I will often move my dick around mid stream, so I can try and pee on as many different ones as I can.  During the winter, I like aiming at the snow.

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I vary it quite a lot.   I love the feeling of just letting go out in the open without caring where it lands, but equally I love peeing onto things as well.

Some examples -

- If there are tissues that indicate a woman may have peed there, I would sometimes pee on the tissues (my excuse is that it helps to degrade them),
- I sometimes pee on tree trunks - often aiming as high as I can to leave a larger mark running down the tree.
- In a town, I would generally pee on a wall, but as others have said, I tend to turn sideways slightly so that any pee that bounces off doesn't hit me.
- I also like peeing off bridges and watching my pee fall away.
- I sometimes just pee out of the car door and pee directly onto the ground.  I do like to see the puddle spreading across the tarmac.
- If I'm riding my bike, I sometimes just stop, put one foot down and pee from the bike with it landing next to the bike on whatever path, trail etc. that I happen to be on.

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I am most likely to pee "in" something, like for instance into a bush/row of bushes or sometimes into a hole in a tree trunk. Peeing between two trees almost touching one another is also kind of "in something", although depending on how small the trees are, sometimes the stream would go straight through the gap into the open air on the other side--in those instances I'd tend to aim to hit one of the trees so as to have the stream flow to the ground. Peeing between slats of a bridge/fence is sort of similar.

This gives good cover and also tends to avoid splashing and contain the mess. If I'm hidden from view otherwise (e.g. I'm behind tall bushes that separate me from any road/path), I do sometimes pee right onto flat ground, into a gully, even into a stream, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

I enjoy peeing in the ground and see how far i can reach, this and peeing the wall sideways so i dont get splash back and i see the record of my stream is the way to go for me, i want to make an outside peeing video but im afraid of getting caught.

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I’ll usually aim for ‘something’ whether it be a tree trunk, big rock or anything specific, but like many here I’d still prefer to avoid being splashed too much. 
I do enjoy it when it’s a more powerful stream and I can really get a good arch on it 🙂

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A further thought to add to my previous comment.   I like to leave a puddle or mark as evidence if possible.   I already mentioned peeing on a tree, which leaves an obvious mark for people to see and the same goes for being in a built up area, I like to pee on a wall or floor where the pee won't immediately drain away and hopefully my puddle will be seen by others and maybe influence them to also pee there as they realise that it is a place that has already been utilised.  I particularly like to pee somewhere that is covered so that it won't get washed by the rain - e.g. underpasses, shelters etc.

For example, this morning I was out on my bike and needed to pee.  I could have peed literally anywhere in the woods where I was cycling, but instead I chose to wait until I was back in civilisation and I went to some flats where the ground level consists of flats at the front with parking at the back and then the upper levels are built over the parking.  I went into the parking and ducked behind a car that was parked near the exit door from the flats and I peed onto the tarmac to leave an obvious puddle which anyone coming out of the flats to access the car park would see.  I'm sure it will have evaporated pretty quickly as it was already 26 degrees Celsius even though it was about 7am, but hopefully a couple of people may have seen it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It varies a lot for me, depends what I'm wearing or where I am. I do tend to piss on something, and avoid splashing particularly if it would show to others, if I'm in jeans for example I wouldn't want visible splash marks, also like peeing off things like bridges 🙂. If I'm out walking on my own I'll usually be dressed appropriately and just wet what I'm wearing, commando in dark shorts mostly.

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19 minutes ago, creativity123 said:

I was coming back from work and I was desperate to have a pee.

I walked in my usual alleyway and proceeded to use my spot. On attached picture on the left you can see railings which i normally pee through. As is stated above in this thread i prefer to aim far. 

However i decided to aim at the wall instead and get a picture for everyone where you can see the aftermath. I had to finish up really quick as I could hear footsteps further up the alleyway and someone approaching. I finished up and went off down the alley and hid until the person walked past and away. I then went back to get a picture for you all.

One day I may be brave to take a picture whilst i pee


I 💛 the way your piss made it's way down the brick wall and onto the ground. I would love to see a picture of you actually pissing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


As usual on way back from work and on the normal route which takes me through the alleyway. 

Was absolutely bursting so had a wee. I decided to aim through and as far away as possible from myself as to not have splashback. 

The cans, and the bottle were making the pee VERY noisy.

Also if you look on the railing you can see how much of my piss has landed on the railing too making a massive colour difference

You can also just see about 3/4 head of my cut cock.

Apologies no idea why the picture has come out sideways.


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5 hours ago, WetMart said:

I like to piss on something, usually I piss up a wall a fence or a tree 

Gotta have a target for my piss. A brick wall will do nicely.thumbnail_IMG_20220825_195709_642.thumb.jpg.3c53fe20ae266499a7185d2bc1ea1510.jpg


Edited by Johnboy777
add'l material
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