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Hot Tub Pee Etiquette

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Long-time reader, first-time poster. I have a handful of topics that I'll post about eventually, but I thought this might be a good one to begin with. 

I apologize if this topic has already been covered, but I've searched and didn't find much about it.

I am curious as to what would be considered commonly accepted behavior or "etiquette" for relieving one's bladder, while relaxing in a hot tub, especially in mixed company.

For example, let's say two couples (2 men + 2 women) are in an outdoor hot tub. Drinks are free-flowing. Someone needs to pee. How is it dealt with?

Is it considered "acceptable" to exit the hot tub, pee in the grass, and re-enter? Does the pee-er need to go indoors to the bathroom? For a woman, is is ok (common even) to hang rear-end over the edge of the tub, pee, and get back in? Are people in this situation peeing in the tub?

Does gender influence it? For example, if it is 4 female friends, would they be a little more likely to pee "openly" versus trying to be discreet about it?

Are "ground rules" sometimes set? For example "Please don't pee in the tub. If you have to pee, please go indoors, or behind the shed."

I have some experiences on this topic to share, but I would be interested to hear others' input first.

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First of all, welcome!

As for your question, I guess it really depends on the circumstances for me. I once got invited to a party hosted by my coworkers (all males) with a hot tub. Gender definitely influences it for me. As close as I am with them, I wouldn’t want to pee where they can see me. I mean, I have had accidents in their view before, but never exposed myself. For me, I would have to get out and go inside to the bathroom. Contrast to some of my close female friends where I am comfortable hanging off the edge and peeing.

One thing I am curious about is peeing inside the hot tub itself. I’ve never done it, but since the water is warm and foamy would people even notice if you peed in it? 

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12 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

Long-time reader, first-time poster. I have a handful of topics that I'll post about eventually, but I thought this might be a good one to begin with. 

I apologize if this topic has already been covered, but I've searched and didn't find much about it.

I am curious as to what would be considered commonly accepted behavior or "etiquette" for relieving one's bladder, while relaxing in a hot tub, especially in mixed company.

For example, let's say two couples (2 men + 2 women) are in an outdoor hot tub. Drinks are free-flowing. Someone needs to pee. How is it dealt with?

Is it considered "acceptable" to exit the hot tub, pee in the grass, and re-enter? Does the pee-er need to go indoors to the bathroom? For a woman, is is ok (common even) to hang rear-end over the edge of the tub, pee, and get back in? Are people in this situation peeing in the tub?

Does gender influence it? For example, if it is 4 female friends, would they be a little more likely to pee "openly" versus trying to be discreet about it?

Are "ground rules" sometimes set? For example "Please don't pee in the tub. If you have to pee, please go indoors, or behind the shed."

I have some experiences on this topic to share, but I would be interested to hear others' input first.

Wait..what? There are "rules" ?? 


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13 hours ago, BGSB86 said:

One thing I am curious about is peeing inside the hot tub itself. I’ve never done it, but since the water is warm and foamy would people even notice if you peed in it? 

The instructions that came with mine say that you should re-sanitize the water with chlorine every two hours if the tub is in constant use.  I guess from that, that they are assuming everyone is peeing in the water,  but they rather coyly use "sweat" as the excuse for the need to sanitize.


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At the one hot tub party I've been to, almost everyone went inside to use the washroom (or perhaps peed in the pool, but at least a few people went inside). One guy did go out to the lawn to pee into the bushes, but that was seen as kind of weird, considering how easy it was to go in to the washroom.

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16 hours ago, GenericUsername said:

Peeing in a hot tub, good idea. Much much easier to empty out and clean than a pool!

I have a hot tub and, seeing I'm the one who has to clean it out, I'd prefer they get out and pee on the deck.

It takes the better part of a day to drain and refill one, then adjust the chemistry. The only time I ever pee in mine is when I'm changing the water out.


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2 hours ago, p1ssputz said:

On a humorous note, I notice that you didn't specify whether you were actually in the hot tub with the other people when you peed in it! Now I'm laughing because I imagine a lady walking up to a hot tub full of people, only to nonchalantly hover over it and blast the tub and its inhabitants. Not a bad image, actually...

I was 100 percent in the hot tub when I peed in it, but that image was really funny 🤣 Next time I get a little tipsy I'll be sure to walk up to a group of people in a hot tub and pee from the side. I'll say it's an experiment and I needed their reactions!

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2 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

Off topic for a second, but do people usually soak in hot tubs while naked? Is that why hot tubs at hotels or public pools are 18+?

I don't go in hot tubs often but recently it's been naked. I have some naturist friends who live nearby and they have a hot tub and they wouldn't dream of using it any other way. I'm seeing them this weekend actually. Looking forward to some naked tub time. I won't be peeing in the tub though.

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On 10/28/2021 at 1:08 AM, Bacardi said:

I've peed in a hot tub before with people in it 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'd expect everyone else to do the same if I was in it with them too lol. I've never been shy about peeing in pools. Especially since you're more relaxed in a hot tub it's easier to just pee. 

(Discreetly nudges @Maggie_555) (Whispers, “she’s one of us”)

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4 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

Off topic for a second, but do people usually soak in hot tubs while naked? Is that why hot tubs at hotels or public pools are 18+?

Unfortunately I think swimwear is worn at most, conventionally. I dimly remember something about how the 18+ limit is because a hot tub is, properly, kept very hot, and if you sit in one for too long you can get ill from your core body temperature going up. Kids, being smaller, will warm up faster, and 18+ is a boring excessive bright-line rule. Or maybe adults don’t want excitable kids bouncing around making noise and splashing the water (which everyone has peed in) in everyone’s eyes.

In short, everyone’s covering their asses.

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I think it very much depends on the company you're with. if you're with a bunch of people who you know are pee fetishists and don't have a problem with you peeing around them, then that's great but if you're in company who you're not sure how comfortable they are around it, it may be best to exit and come back.

Having said that, because of all the foamand bubbles, it's unlikely to be noticeable to anyone else anyway if you just pee right there, provided you're nonchalant about it.

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8 minutes ago, Aristona said:

Is there a topic about how parents do that with kids around? We are not asocial or rude but we are fine with a pee in the dark in public. Whether camping or in the woods.

I guess there are various topics, for example the one below - although it seems more a collection of people's own experiences rather than a help manual, if you see what I mean. 


There are also various threads around outdoor activities, peeing by the pool and that sort of thing where people discuss where and how they have / would pee other than in a toilet. Also threads around children being allowed to pee freely away from bathrooms.  Of course the nature of the site means that many of these are kink related.   In the case of your question, it wasn't so much a case of peeing to satisfy the kink but the need to pee as an adult whilst being conscious of children about.

I'd suggest posting as a question - it's a good question and a good topic for discussion in it's own thread.

(Folks - let's keep this thread on the hot tub topic).


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8 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Of course the nature of the site means that many of these are kink related.   In the case of your question, it wasn't so much a case of peeing to satisfy the kink but the need to pee as an adult whilst being conscious of children about.

I'd suggest posting as a question - it's a good question and a good topic for discussion in it's own thread.

(Folks - let's keep this thread on the hot tub topic).


Of course I am in favor of keeping topics ontopic, I am active for more forums so my intention is not to go offtopic.

Thanks for the link I had read a few things in that topic yes

I will open a topic about it soon, it's more the combination of kink and children how do other parents do that. 😆

Now ontopic again: as can be read in my previous comment, we would just pee next to the hot tub or over the edge 😜

Edited by Aristona
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If it's a private hot tub, and you're with your girlfriend, AND alcohol is involved -- then you have the perfect excuse!

The most important thing to remember about hot tubs, and pools, is that they have chlorine in the water.  And chlorine has a way of 'drying' out a woman's natural lubrication.  Have you ever heard of the "No oils in the hot tub!" rule?  Some people try using 'lubrication'.  Just don't have sex in a hot tub, or a pool!

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I've not been in a hot tub many times and when I have it's been with my family and we have all peed in the toilet before we got in. Wouldn't it get smelly if multiple people peed in it? It's chlorinated but there's a lot less water than in a swimming pool so it'll be more concentrated I'd have thought? 

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