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Question about observation of women's pee streams.

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Very interesting questions. I have been wondering these myself. Having seen and used all types of toilettes, I think the Asian style ones are the most clever design and most hygienic. I never gave it any mind whether Asian women pee more forward though. 

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3 hours ago, sd91 said:

Forward pee'er here. If using a toilet I don't usually have to worry about it. If I'm desperate I would probably lean forward a bit more though to just be sure that it doesn't go between the seat and the bowl. I'm always a forward pee'er but most of the time there isn't enough pressure to give it much distance.

Anywhere that isn't the toilet, my feet and legs usually stay nice and dry. Usually.

Wow, I didn't know that was even possible by accident.  That is really "forward".  I always assumed the women in porn peeing over the seat are "lifting" and leaning back a little to get the stream to do that.  Have you used a squat toilet, either flat or Asian style?   I bet you would put that hood on the Asian style to good use and could just let it flow.

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2 hours ago, puddyls said:

i’m a downer. generally it always goes down. it doesn’t matter if i’m sitting on a toilet or standing up some place. though, on occasion when i squat, if i have to go bad enough it will aim foward a bit on its own. but to really make my stream do that, i always have to make some adjustments. 

You are not a "downer"! LOL, You are just a downward pee'er.  I could see downward peeing being useful if trying to pee discreetly under a squirt or squatting outdoors, but also feet probably get splashed.

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11 hours ago, sd91 said:

It's not something that is likely to happen, but I worry about it happening because it has once or twice in my life. I have used a squat toilet at least, they accommodate my enjoyment of squatting nice and deep, but it's still just a toilet.

Let me repost something 20190828_155240.jpg

That is a definite "forward pee'er" pee stream.

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I am well and truly down and actually assumed it was normal. I believe the inner labia are designed to help the pee flow dow smoothly. I wonder if some of it is about the angle of the pelvis when you sit as that can make quite a difference. I really can’t pee at an angle though, even with help lol

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7 hours ago, Peewee123 said:

I am well and truly down and actually assumed it was normal. I believe the inner labia are designed to help the pee flow dow smoothly. I wonder if some of it is about the angle of the pelvis when you sit as that can make quite a difference. I really can’t pee at an angle though, even with help lol

Sounds like from the replies that both types are normal and it is likely genetic.  We need more women weighing in with their "type" and observations.

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I discovered my fetish when I was in first or second grade, and something I found from all the dumb shit I did back then was that most of the pissing noises I heard were the downward type.

Between my fourth and eighth grade years, I noticed more of the forward type.

Then, when I was in high school, I noticed a general trend toward more of the forward type among freshmen and sophomores to noticeably more of the downward type among juniors and seniors.

Now that I'm in college, I don't know. It's much harder to obtain good readings now without getting in trouble (and the risk of getting caught is a BIG turn-off for me).

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Interesting questions,  urethra position varies from one women to another, this combined with the labia shape determines the angle, there are girls that with the right pressure can have an upward stream. There are a few videos of Japanese girls overshooting the hood in the squat toilets while squatting in the usual position. Annie also pees upward. I guess they have to lean more when peeing after holding it or drunk.

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Very Interesting Topic.  While I knew woman's pee hole was located  and angled differently, I never thought about the effects being this dramatic. The ability to pee outside was a topic for discussion this summer . It explains why some females I know can stand and aim their stream well , while others say they can't even squat and pee without getting it on their legs and feet.

What surprised me was having deflectors especially on squat toilet was an issue for women. As a males I know males need to point their penis down to keep from spraying over the seat.

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On 10/24/2021 at 10:26 AM, dltq said:


I discovered my fetish when I was in first or second grade, and something I found from all the dumb shit I did back then was that most of the pissing noises I heard were the downward type.

Between my fourth and eighth grade years, I noticed more of the forward type.

Then, when I was in high school, I noticed a general trend toward more of the forward type among freshmen and sophomores to noticeably more of the downward type among juniors and seniors.

Now that I'm in college, I don't know. It's much harder to obtain good readings now without getting in trouble (and the risk of getting caught is a BIG turn-off for me).

I presume the streams you heard were of girls the same age as you at the time? If so, it suggests that a girls stream is more fowards as they get older, perhaps as their body develops or maybe as their bladders are able to hold more pee and so the pressure is a bit greater by the time they reach high school and college.

I can't explain the trend back towards the downward type after this though. 


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   On 10/24/2021 at 2:26 AM, dltq said:


    I discovered my fetish when I was in first or second grade, and something I found from all the dumb shit I did back then was that most of the pissing noises I heard were the downward type.

    Between my fourth and eighth grade years, I noticed more of the forward type.

    Then, when I was in high school, I noticed a general trend toward more of the forward type among freshmen and sophomores to noticeably more of the downward type among juniors and seniors.

    Now that I'm in college, I don't know. It's much harder to obtain good readings now without getting in trouble (and the risk of getting caught is a BIG turn-off for me).

littlebladder replied:

I presume the streams you heard were of girls the same age as you at the time? If so, it suggests that a girls stream is more forwards as they get older, perhaps as their body develops or maybe as their bladders are able to hold more pee and so the pressure is a bit greater by the time they reach high school and college.

I can't explain the trend back towards the downward type after this though.  

My reply:

Both of your observations and reasoning are very interesting. Due to the details of construction of the bathrooms in the schools I attended, in the Midwestern U.S., in the mid twentieth century, I had very few opportunities for observations of girls' pee sounds, in grade school or high school. Bathrooms were large, with multiple stalls, and a single set of entrance and exit doors, some distance from the stalls. They also received heavy use, so it would be very difficult to isolate the sound of a particular girl from background noise.

But situations in my adult life have improved substantially, with single-user multi-gender restrooms, notoriously ineffective sound insulation, etc. In my adult life, I have probably heard more sounds indicating downward, rather than forward stream directions, simply because the sounds are usually lower-pitched, louder, and so propagate better than the more delicate hiss and tinkle usually associated with forward, or even mid-angle streams. So, in general, the observer has to be closer to the sound source, and more likely to attract attention, increasing the risk of getting caught, to hear the latter.

The physiological changes in the girls, that you propose, are possible, but I think psychological factors may be equally, or even more important. They can be largely voluntary, in response to perceived or actual social pressures. Downward-directed streams going straight into the toilet water are neater, and less messy than forward or mid-angle directed streams, which may splatter the seats, the girls' legs, and even wet their clothing. So the mothers of the youngest girls probably trained them to direct their streams downward, to minimize the mess.

As the girls get older, and more aware of their sounds, they may become embarrassed, or even face overt or covert ridicule, if their sounds are perceived to be too loud, by themselves, or by other girls. Some girls don't care about this, but others are more self-conscious and sensitive, so they learn to aim their streams at the walls of the toilet, which reduces the sound volume substantially, even if they occasionally hit the rim or the seat. These psychological factors would explain the changes toward forward streams from downward streams, for the girls in late grade school, and early high school, as their social awareness develops.

The change back to downward streams in late high school may simply reflect some reversal of this process, as the girls become less anxious about sounds, and more aware of the potential messiness of their peeing processes, with the practical decision to mitigate that, by peeing downward, insofar as possible.

Physiological factors become more important for determining stream directions in adult women, bladder infections and childbirth being the more important, in young women. Scar tissue and lip irregularities can not only change stream directions, downward or forward, but they can deflect the stream sideways, causing it to wet one thigh, or make it spray, in several directions. A condition called "dropped bladder" can change the stream direction from downward to forward, in middle-aged and older women, who have had kids.


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Another important observation with regards to trying to judge stream angle for toilet pees solely by sound--it makes a big difference how large the pool of water is in the bottom of the bowl, which can be quite different for different toilet designs, and to some degree also the size of one's bottom and legs, affecting how far forward the crotch is positioned in the seat opening. Some toilets only fill with water to where the funnel-shaped opening of the drain pipe is underwater and the whole bottom of the bowl is dry, while others fill to where everything under the seat opening is underwater, and other toilets are in between.

While very forward streams (so forward so as to possibly not even stay in the bowl) will never hit the water in any toilet, downward and mid-angle streams can easily hit the water in some toilets and the porcelain in others, making the same girl/woman's pee sound completely different. Of course, if you SEE a woman peeing, this all doesn't matter.

Edited by Carb0nBased
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@BGSB86, Congratulations! You are the second "forward pee'er" (since sd91) to post on this thread, verifying my wild guess that you are out there, but probably not as numerous as "downward pee'ers," in the general population. I wonder how many more of you may eventually post on this thread? Including my examples, it looks like we now have about 6 "downward pee'ers,"  3"forward pee'ers," and 1 "mid-angle pee'er" giving rough percentages of 60% downward, 30% forward, and 10% mid-angle. It will be interesting to see if, and how, these percentages change, with more responses. I would expect that the fraction of mid-angle pee'ers will increase, forward may decrease, and downward will remain about the same. Dr.P  

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On 10/27/2021 at 8:05 PM, dltq said:

Around my grade level at the time (1-4, 5-8, 9-12).

It's interesting that there is a pattern of downward and forward pee'ers with age. I'm interested to know how much this continues in adulthood. Is a 20 something year old more likely to be a forward pee'er than a 40 something year old? Does having kids make a difference too?


On 10/27/2021 at 12:35 AM, Dr.P said:

The physiological changes in the girls, that you propose, are possible, but I think psychological factors may be equally, or even more important. They can be largely voluntary, in response to perceived or actual social pressures. Downward-directed streams going straight into the toilet water are neater, and less messy than forward or mid-angle directed streams, which may splatter the seats, the girls' legs, and even wet their clothing. So the mothers of the youngest girls probably trained them to direct their streams downward, to minimize the mess.

As the girls get older, and more aware of their sounds, they may become embarrassed, or even face overt or covert ridicule, if their sounds are perceived to be too loud, by themselves, or by other girls. Some girls don't care about this, but others are more self-conscious and sensitive, so they learn to aim their streams at the walls of the toilet, which reduces the sound volume substantially, even if they occasionally hit the rim or the seat. These psychological factors would explain the changes toward forward streams from downward streams, for the girls in late grade school, and early high school, as their social awareness develops.

The change back to downward streams in late high school may simply reflect some reversal of this process, as the girls become less anxious about sounds, and more aware of the potential messiness of their peeing processes, with the practical decision to mitigate that, by peeing downward, insofar as possible.

Perhaps the mothers teach the girls to lean forwards during toilet training to prevent the pee from coming up over the toilet seat. As the girls get older, they grow and so sit further back on the toilet which makes this less of an issue so they figure out they don't need to do it. Larger bladder capacity meaning they wait longer could also result in a more powerful stream that shoots forward. 

As for the stream being more downwards at college age, maybe they start to lean forwards again to reduce mess as you have mentioned. 

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