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Everything posted by longbastard

  1. I love that you’ve emboldened people to piss on the floor because it’s especially naughty so people need a confident leader. Where were the most naughty places you’ve encouraged someone else to piss?
  2. Nice job. I find it’s surprisingly easy to get away with pissing in public on weekend mornings, especially if you’re up pretty early. I often piss in parks or parking areas or around this or that corner. Definitely if I’m out for a run or out for coffee and a walk
  3. Definitely. My ears perk right up.
  4. I had an ex who did this often in public restrooms. She would tell me where she did it because she knew it turned me on. I watched her at a few locations, in a beach bathroom, a dive bar. The hottest was across the floor and up the wall of a private bathroom in a hotel conference center.
  5. This reminds me of a time I stayed in the AirBnB on an old rundown farm in the Adirondacks. Our among the outbuildings was an old campervan with a missing window. It clearly hadn’t been occupied in at least one hard winter but probably more like 5 or 10. I emptied my bladder in there several times, on the floor, on the sofa, and on the bed. I used to have a video but I lost it.
  6. I meant your aunt … I assumed one of your parents was her sibling and she was pissing allover their house while babysitting their kids. That’s a bold move.
  7. Did she describe why she enjoyed pissing on her sibling’s things?
  8. Beautiful sentiment. I think you’ll enjoy the place.
  9. Just mention that you’re staying in a hotel in town. At some point drop that you were hungover this morning and didn’t even feel like walking all the way to the bathroom, so you pissed on the floor. If they react in shock or disgust, just say you’d been in a very fuck-it mood and move on. If they say something more neutral or positive, keep the conversation going. Of course, piss on the floor when you wake up so you’re not telling a lie. Say something like, are you telling me you’ve never done anything remotely similar?
  10. A back-up option is just spam Tinder etc in Vegas and bring the conversation around to that and see if anyone bites. Be casual but pretty upfront about it and don’t chase weak leads
  11. There are tons of semi private places to piss in Daytona. Parks, river trail, boardwalk, under the board walk, off the docks in marinas, parking lots of course, off the sidewalk curb between random parked cars. Floors, benches, and showers in beach locker rooms, outdoor motel walkways, ice machine rooms, spa floor, anywhere you feel like in a single-occupancy toilet, parking garage elevators, parking garages, random bedrooms at house parties, toilet floor in a dance club. To name a few.
  12. Might as well text her from time to time, if she answers
  13. Someone dressed fancy and classy just casually pissing in public or somewhere disrespectful is just the HOTTEST thing. Where does she prefer to piss? Is it always out of need or sometimes for the pure fuck of it? Do you join?
  14. I bet you have some good stories
  15. If you piss standing up it opens all kinds of opportunities… walls, monuments, memorials, benches, trucks, windows, furniture
  16. Practically you pretty much can but you have to have situational awareness to gauge if there’s some reason you shouldn’t try for it. There are also lots of places that have private security, so I definitely recommend not trying those places. It’s usually pretty obvious
  17. Do you ever use this skill to piss on things you couldn’t aim for in a squat?
  18. Either really. If you can see the seams and they’re not sealed there’s a good chance piss could run through there. Probably not much though if it’s a tight seam.
  19. I LOVE that you casually pushed a little harder so you could arc your stream a little bit to land on his left foot. Did you just have a strong sense you’d get away with it? How did it feel? Also who finished first and how did you part ways?
  20. It’s either porcelain or ceramic tile, or some kind of vinyl rolled and printed to look and feel kind of like tile. It’s waterproof but the edges might have tiny cracks where piss could run into the subfloor or ceiling or into walls below. Take a look, or piss on a floor outside your home
  21. A couple times I’ve been walked in on. In college I had been up all night in one of the academic buildings working on a paper. Around almost eight or so when the first classes were starting I walked into a bathroom and started to piss. I thought I’d locked the door but then it the latch opened and the door swung wide. I looked over and all I saw was a girl’s butt in tight jeans fleeing the scene A few years later I was working at a store and we had a new co-worker, Minja, who opened the bathroom door while I was mid piss. Later she was apologizing to me and saying “I didn’t see anything
  22. I’ve pissed in washing machines at parties, hampers full of clothes, closets, sinks, basements, in a doll house. A wild party means everyone is acting out and misbehaving so if people discover it there’s no telling who did it, and if you’re actually caught you’ll probably be fine unless it’s a close friend of the host
  23. I think part of this is definitely that some years ago this was easier to get away with. You might’ve bought your ticket in cash and never showed your ID. There were far fewer cameras and no digital recording or facial recognition
  24. I 100% agree. She pissed allover the floor and dropped her toilet paper because she wanted to. A lot of women have told me women’s rooms are often messier than men’s room and there’s often piss on seats and the floor. Are there just a lot of women who piss this way for fun?
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