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Everything posted by longbastard

  1. This reminds me of a woman I used to see. She lived in a sprawling three bedroom, two-floor apartment with her two female roommates in Clinton Hill. We were all in our late twenties and we all liked to drink. My girlfriend, Yvette, was always complaining about how her roommates pissed everywhere. One of them, Loryn, kept mason jars around to piss in and pour out later. The other, Belle, pissed in public on a constant basis. Once Yvette told them we’d had sex on the roof and Belle blurted out, I’ve pissed on the roof loads of times! None of us closed the door to pee. Every time I spent tim
  2. I pissed everywhere on campus. There are usually so many out-of-the-way places, indoors and out, especially at night. And if you like to go out drinking I think you’ll find a lot of people are open to or even encourage peeing in risky or ridiculous places
  3. You definitely could have mentioned something here, you were clearly both pissing and you never know where the conversation might lead….
  4. Seems like your earlier girlfriend didn’t even have to go that badly. Do you think she just pissed there for fun? A lot of women seem to enjoy pissing in random places if the place seems safe, and you’re open to it and give a little encouragement or even just permission.
  5. So true. Most of the ones I stayed in had a built in party scene, someone was always looking for new friend and for trouble. A lot of them had various lounges, some of them had shared toilets and showers. I remember one where two rooms had three bunk beds and shared a room between them with two sinks, a toilet, and a shower. I was there for a festival and just partying for a few days. There was so much male and female nudity and pissing all hours of the day, sometimes in the sink or shower when multiple people had to go
  6. So many hot stories on this post. I only get to London every couple few years but I’m friends with a woman there, Betty, who famously pisses almost anywhere she feels like. I’ve also found that Tube stations are pretty easy to piss in—lots of nooks and crannies. Everything is fully tiled. Everyone’s got somewhere to be and isn’t about to get in a tussle with a public pisser.
  7. In 2017, New York City decriminalized public urination as a part of the Criminal Justice Reform Act
  8. Actually I remember another time I pissed on towels, drunk at a very old hotel in Europe. No security cameras, old windy hallways. Drunk and lost trying to find the way from the bar to my room. I open an ornate old wooden door to a closet full of fresh white towels and pissed across all the lower shelves. Could’ve been anything in that closet, as soon as the door clicked open I knew I was going to piss in it
  9. I don’t have a dog but I used to live with a roommate who had a dog and we often took him for a walk after nights of drinking. I don’t remember if she ever peed on one of these walks but I did pretty frequently, sometimes right in the dog park
  10. I’ve never tried your trick of pissing in locker room towels like that but I have pissed in used towel bins at gyms and spas. Once after a massage I just pissed in the towel hamper while I was dressing. I’ve also pissed in clothes hampers at parties. I remember once going downstairs to a second bathroom. Finding it occupied I stepped into a laundry room, closed the door and took a long drink piss into a hamper of sheets and towels
  11. I remember doing this a number of times. One time early morning before dark my girlfriend and I parked in the church parking lot across the street from school to have sex and a few times we pissed on the side of the church. I ran track and cross country so we did lots of looong group runs either early morning, early evening, or weekends. There was lots of peeing beside the road or trail by both sexes, sometimes in rather bold places. I was on the swim team a couple years which involved plenty of casual nudity, hard drinking parties, and public pissing including on school grounds
  12. So do I. I think because it’s just so dgaf, knowing it might make a mess elsewhere in the building
  13. I do piss in the pool but I like pissing other places at the pool more. Locker room floor, showers, random floor drains, the dirty towel bin, deck chairs, bushes
  14. There a few places I’ll casually piss as long as there are no cops around. A lot of these can be done pretty easily in broad daylight. Wooded areas or remote of parks or cemeteries or sculpture or botanical gardens. Off the curb between parked cars, next to the car in pretty much any parking lot of a reasonable size
  15. I learned my fav way to piss in public in college. It’s stand on the curb facing the street between cars, and pull it out one handed and piss casual as can be. Sometimes I’ll be looking at my phone. 95% of the time people either don’t notice or pretend not to notice
  16. Same energy. Seeing a woman piss in public or even just knowing she’s doing it is an immediate turn on. Once I was about to walk into the Lorimer stop after a haircut at like 7 pm and two girls were coming out and I heard one mutter I have to piss right now. 20s, New York accent, one was wearing a leather skirt. I found a reason to pause before going into the station. There were dozens of people around. They went into a tiny open parking lot between buildings and stood looking around for a minute. Then both crouched down out of site. A few minutes later they walked off. Another time my w
  17. That’s fun, I haven’t pissed between subway cars in years. This summer there were two drunk girls on the car and one of them announced “I’m taking Meghan to piss between cars.” I wanted so bad to be at that end of the car
  18. I hooked up with a girl my junior and senior year who loved pissing in naughty places. It was so hot. We dared each other to piss places. She would drop her feet down to the floor in a hotel bed and just casually piss on the rug because she was too lazy to get up
  19. I did have a tiny sink in the corner of my bedroom when I studied abroad in Rome and I always pissed in it when I had a girl over and a few of them pissed in it too
  20. How do you piss out the window, do you stick your ass out?
  21. I was a prolific public pisser in college. I was at a small liberal arts college in New England with a large wooded campus with lots of old buildings. First of all, I pissed everywhere while out partying. Especially roaming with a large group I’d yell hold up I’m pissing, and turn to the side and piss on a wall or a bush or off a curb. The best times were when other people joined in. I also peed on campus during the daytime. Usually somewhere pretty out of the way but a few times I was pretty visible and enjoyed the rush. Definitely in and on the chapel, on public sculptures, out my
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