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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. You may think I'm weird, but I could never get into fishing because I was appalled by the cruelty of putting a worm on a fish hook. I did it a few times but I could see by the way the worms reacted that it was inflicting terrible pain on them. I still eat fish, and I guess I could fish with live bait if the alternative was starvation, but I could never do it for fun.
  2. This discussion is one of the classic conflicts that often comes up about crime and justice. There are basically two ways of thinking. One group regards sentencing as a form of revenge for a crime that was committed. The other group thinks that the sentence should be focused on preventing more crime from happening in future. So, in the case of the drunk driver above, the "revenge" group would likely call for the death penalty, and focus on that being revenge for the family of the dead child. The "crime prevention" group might look at things like disqualifying the offender from
  3. I've only eaten it a couple of times in pubs. The fashion seems to be that it must be served very rare. I like my meat well done, so for me, the "under cooked" kangaroo just tasted bloody. This put me off enough that I didn't bother to try it again, so I can't really answer your question. I probably should buy a kangaroo steak and try cooking it at home. It's considered to be a healthier type of red meat since it is very lean and low in cholesterol. I have eaten buffalo, which was like a very tender beef steak. It's also possible to buy camel and crocodile meat in the shops
  4. Something that you may not know Steve, is that in Australia a significant amount of meat sold in shops is actually hunted. In particular there is a large kangaroo meat industry, but there are no kangaroo farms. Since European settlement, a lot of water bores have been installed to supply cattle troughs, and also many crops have been planted. This has led to an absolute explosion of the kangaroo population, since limited water and feed kept the population down in the past. Of course, if the kangaroo population is allowed to grow unchecked, the sheep and cattle will starve and the farme
  5. You don't find many computer software people in politics, for probably the same reason you don't find them selling dodgy used cars. Success in software development requires a deep instinct for logic and a solid respect for the truth. People who are built this way absolutely despise the slimeballing, corruption, obfuscation and deception of politics. They just can't bear to take part in it, even for a higher goal.
  6. So, Brexit is going to make it easier for the government to censor and suppress the people. Well, golly shucks, who in the world woulda guessed that. 🙄
  7. Heh heh.. I have had both kinds. You can't be too careful. 😎
  8. Awww pleeease, can we have it? Can we? Can we? This would be so cool.
  9. Just found the scene on YouTube. Yes it was him. Steve McQueen as the fire chief. https://youtu.be/NA2kk109JL4?t=159
  10. The Towering Inferno. Line spoken by Steve McQueen if I remember correctly.
  11. likesToLick


    Actually I am much more likely to say "Holy Shit!" I never was an "oh my god" type of person. A Belgian guy once taught me to say "Godvermiljaardenondedju" which I think is pretty cool.
  12. "It's out of control, and it's comin' your way"
  13. likesToLick

    ROOM 101

    People of different sexuality were always there, the only difference is that we are not allowed to be cruel to them any more. Personally I think that's an improvement. If two women want to be together I can easily understand that, because I like women too. It's actually more difficult for me to understand why women like men 🤔, although I was always pleased if one liked me. 🥰
  14. Congratulations, and thanks for all your work that made it possible. Thanks also to the mods who keep this forum a civilised and friendly place.
  15. If it's a scene with men and women, I'm always disappointed if the girls don't pee on the guys. I'm not really interested in seeing men pee at all, but if I have to watch them pee on the girls and then the girls don't return the serve, that really spoils the mood. I'm also not very keen on watching girls pee into containers like buckets, bowls, glasses and so on. It's much more fun if she soaks the floor or the furniture.
  16. Believe is the wrong word, but I think there is a high probability that intelligent aliens exist.
  17. Well spoken. I lived the first 35 years of my life before the Internet became available to the public. To go back to those times would be a terrible loss, isolated from knowledge and isolated from people.
  18. Most of these things are also being done in Australia, but you seem to be a few years ahead of us. Sadly the Tories own the news media here, so the people most hurt by this stuff are the ones who consistently vote for more of it.
  19. 1. Your favourite hobbies? Gardening, woodwork, metalwork, electronics, swimming, reading. I do all these things badly except reading. 2. Favourite song, band/artist? Pink Floyd 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? Endeavour / The Martian / South Park 4. Who are you a fan of? Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Elon Musk, Bob Brown 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? Honesty 6. How do your friends describe you? Too serious and intense 7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?) Thoughtful and caring, but a bit of a loner
  20. The Wild Geese , Bridge on the River Kwai, and The Great Escape are strong contenders, but my all time favorite would have to be The Dam Busters.
  21. "I fear we have only awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve." Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, after Pearl Harbor.
  22. It's what I love more than anything. Kissing those warm, moist lips with their adorable scent that is like a magic love potion, and feeling her body quiver in waves of pleasure. That is the fullness of being alive.
  23. Sorry, I wrote a long post here about the appalling things they have done, but I have not submitted it. These are powerful and wealthy people, and if I describe what they have done here, I fear that they may take legal action against the forum.
  24. I should hope so! Belief is the opposite of science. A scientist who goes around believing in things needs to hand back his degrees and find work in some other field.
  25. Dealing with stress 1: Breathing exercises to stop or forestall anxiety attacks. 2: Reading old and familiar novels that I can lose myself in. 3: Walking in the park or in suburban streets. Dealing with sadness 1: Cleaning or tidying the house 2: Working in the garden, particularly doing "mindless" but tiring tasks like weeding. Your list was interesting. When I am stressed I cannot socialize because it just adds more to the stress. Drugs, drinking and music don't much help. I can't concentrate on the music when my mind is racing. Creating somethin
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