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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. Gosh, I seem to be fated to be a devil's advocate today. I also have problems with this one. I happen to be a very fat person. I mean, serious morbid obesity, the kind that hurts your back and makes it difficult to walk. You could probably say that I am an "expert" in how bad it feels to be overweight. Now, if I say to someone: "don't overeat and get fat. It makes you ill and ruins your life," I frequently run into responses like "don't be such a hypocrite", or "but you are fat, what would you know?", or even "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
  2. This one is a bit dangerous if you are a man. If I treated women the way I would like them to treat me, I would get locked up for sexual harassment.
  3. I would go on to say that it is wrong to do anything without your partners knowledge if you know it would make them unhappy. Having said that, there are some couples with happy sexual relationships who are also happy to bring in sex workers for casual play and mutual enjoyment. Nothing wrong with that if they both want to do it.
  4. It's not surprising. Nine out of ten people hate their jobs and only work because they need the money to survive. I can't imagine sex work being that much different, except for the fact that it is so well paid that early retirement is much easier to achieve. It's certainly true that some of the customers are complete arseholes, and if a girl meets enough of these it will drive her away from the job. The ladies I have met were very appreciative of the fact that I was considerate of their feelings and treated them with respect and politeness. Apparently many customers are not like that.
  5. There once was a girl from Darjeeling Who had a peculiar feeling She lay on her back, Opened her crack, And pissed all over the ceiling.
  6. If by sex you mean "penis in vagina" then there was only a small amount of that. (Only because I don't have much capability to do that any more. The ladies were certainly willing.) There were plenty of other erotic activities, and orgasms were had by all.
  7. It was a very nice resort-type hotel in Thailand, the kind with a swimming pool and poolside bar. Luxurious room with air-conditioning, en suite bathroom, balcony and a king-size bed. The two ladies who knocked on my door were nothing to do with the hotel, but came from an agency that has featured a few times in the British tabloid press. I would say both were in their mid to late twenties, and without doubt two of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. They were friendly and playful, and very happy for me to undress them and kiss them in all my favorite places. After playing o
  8. Yes I agree. They are not built into the universe, just a very good idea that someone had.
  9. I've actually had an experience very much like that, except it was two young ladies instead of one. Surprisingly affordable too.
  10. I recommend you give it a try. It's a lot of fun having paid sex with a lovely stranger who you just met.
  11. That makes sense. Infantry battles sometimes make use of a "fire and motion" concept, where half of your force advances under covering fire of the other half. The "covering fire" is not particularly aimed at anything, just a hail of bullets that forces the bad guys to keep their heads down instead of shooting at your advancing troops. If one side has more rounds in their magazines I can see how it would give them an advantage in that situation.
  12. Sure, but I support the concept of human rights because it has tangible benefits, not just because someone believes in it.
  13. I'm inclined to think the winner will be the one who can shoot straight, particularly if he gets the first shot off. If you have a bullet in your skull, the 12 rounds left in your magazine are worthless to you.
  14. Thanks, I must check it out.
  15. Another one for me. I have taken lessons in reading Thai characters. For example "สบายดีไหม" says "sabaai dii mai?" which means "are you well?" I'm not very good at it yet. There are about 80 letters in the Thai alphabet, and I can't remember all of them. It takes me ages to spell out a word before I know what it is. (I tried reading road signs while riding in a taxi, but no hope. 🙄 )
  16. OK, one for me. Back in the last century, I once crashed an aeroplane and walked away from the wreck without a scratch. (Luckily the plane was insured and they rebuilt it. I was only hiring it by the hour!)
  17. Congratulations to @Riley and @speedy3471 and welcome. 🍻 🥂
  18. I'm sorry, but I can't come at this. I will respect any person if they behave in a way that deserves respect. I will respect people's "rights" to be treated fairly, but I can't respect a belief just because it is a belief. Some people believe that all gay people should be murdered because "God said so." Respect that? No chance.
  19. I find this term offensive. Just saying.
  20. For any ladies who want to try ordering in French, try this: "un peu de léchage du chatte š'il vous plait monsieur"
  21. Believe me ( 😉 ) there is a need. Many religious people are constantly trying to jam their ignorant, bigoted opinions down the throats of everyone else. They have recently passed a law that will impose pointless unnecessary expense on this very forum! They decapitate people, they bomb and murder their neighbors, they murder doctors at family planning clinics, they ban the provision of medical aid to people who don't agree with their prejudices, they fight to prevent people having access to contraception, they impose vile laws on sex workers that expose them to danger, extortio
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