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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. Thank you Sophie, that's a delightful New Year present. 😍
  2. I am so sorry this happened to you puddyls. You are absolutely right in what you say. No one has the right to treat you like that, ever. You did nothing wrong. None of what happened is your fault. It is your right to be treated with respect always. No man has the right to grab you without consent. Not ever. In a fully civilized world, these things would not happen. We are slowly getting there, but have a long way to go. That guy is a criminal for treating you as he did. I hope that the majority of men would never do that. Certainly I would not. I hope you can recover f
  3. Just a thought. Can you get a bluetooth keyboard to use with your phone or tablet?
  4. I have to say, I love technology. I mean all types of technology. Air conditioning, electricity, running water in homes, modern medicines, motorised transport, stainless steel, even bicycles are technology. Life would be brutal and short without these things. The internet, of course. Having the knowledge of the world instantly at my fingertips is a privilege beyond price. I remember the days of digging through books and libraries to find only small bits and pieces of what is on the Internet today. To lose it now would feel like brain damage. I also love the way it all
  5. Yes, me. For various reasons I had absolutely no sex at all for 17 years between the ages of 22 and 40. For most of my life I was looking for relationships and finding none. The relationships I did find all turned out badly. It took twenty-six years of rejection, betrayal and heartbreak to finally convince myself I was better off alone. I was 48 when I made the decision to remain permanently single. At age 61 I am still single and loving it. I think that now, if I actually had to share my home with a woman (or anyone really) I would go insane from the restrictions on my freedom.
  6. Interesting. To me it seems that in the vast majority of such videos the woman feels compelled to do it in absolute silence. I really love to hear her voice. I enjoy hearing her saying what she wants to do, how it feels, what she likes and so on, but this is a very rare treat. Everyone's different I guess.
  7. About 15 years ago I was riding my bike to work when I began to feel the need quite strongly. Unfortunately, riding through suburbs and city streets there is not much cover, and no public toilets either. I didn't think I could make it all the way to work, about another 20 minutes of pedaling, so I stopped near a narrow strip of bushes that screened a side street from a main road. I parked my bike at the kerb on the quiet side, and stepped into the bushes, which were rather sparse. The whole strip of land was about ten yards wide, with rush-hour traffic streaming past on the oth
  8. Here is another. Look how a small amount of post processing alters the image of this lovely pregnant lady. ........................................ BEFORE ................................................................................................. and AFTER You can see more detail in her hair and face, also around her pussy, and see more of the texture of her skin. Even the fabric of the sofa looks more real. I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts and ideas about this.
  9. Does anyone else like to play with post processing of porn pictures. I've had no training with this, so I don't really know what I'm doing, but I've found that very simple image processing often reveals much more detail. For example, here's an old magazine picture: BEFORE ................................................................................ and AFTER You can see in the original image the model has just a slight hint of a stain in her white panties, but in the enhanced version it is quite clear that they are heavily pee stained. (The pic is f
  10. I'm retired, but used to be an application software developer.
  11. Yes of course. The parents are generally well aware of what their daughters are doing, but would lose face if they had to admit this publicly. Actually, it just isn't. Sex or nudity outdoors on Walking Street would almost certainly get the person arrested and charged. Sex may be implied or hinted at, but that is all. Wearing a bikini is not sex. Inviting a tourist into a bar is not sex. I am not convinced at all about the "lack of choice" thing. The vast majority of young women in Thailand choose not to become sex workers. Those who do make that choice often choose to
  12. Interesting. I've seen plenty of fun inside the Walking Street gogo clubs, but never anything outdoors on Walking Street itself. What did you see?
  13. No, Thai people are very prim and proper in public. Even holding hands is frowned upon by some. The fun stuff only happens behind closed doors.
  14. Due to obesity, I can't pee standing up unless I completely remove my pants. This is not socially acceptable at a urinal, so I generally use a stall and just sit down. You need to lean forward to avoid shooting it over the rim.
  15. Worked fine for me too. Thank you, beautifully clear images.
  16. Oh Sophie, that was incredibly daring. I can just imagine how you felt when you said your heart was racing. I love it.
  17. No need to feel guilty when you bring us so much enjoyment. I'm really pleased you are still writing it. I had begun to wonder if you were having second thoughts about sharing the rest of it with us.
  18. I'm really looking forward to that too Sophie. For about two weeks after you posted the first episode, the first thing I did every morning on waking up was to log on and check if you had posted the next part. It must take a lot of work to craft the description the way you do, bringing the story to life so that your reader feels as if they are in the room with you, experiencing exactly how you felt at the time. I imagine your life is busy too, with work, husband and daughter to care for, so all I will say is that when you do get the chance to finish another episode, I will be de
  19. Are any members expecting to be in Thailand in February or March? I will be in Pattaya, Chon Buri province for a month starting near the end of February. If any other members expect to be there, perhaps we could meet up for drinks, coffee, or a visit to the gogo clubs. If anyone feels like going in search of peeing fun, I can contribute one or two ideas when we meet on the ground. This is the end of the cool season in Thailand, temperatures are typically about 32C during the day. Tourist crowds will be starting to thin out, but there will still be thousands of unattac
  20. I would draw the line at electronics and expensive tools, simply because they are too costly to replace. Most other stuff could be fun though. I haven't bought proper furniture for my pool deck yet, but it is my intention that all sun lounges, chairs, tables etc. should be "pissable."
  21. likesToLick


    Oh my, she is so beautiful. I may have said this before, but a true ginger girl with green eyes and freckles just melts my heart. It must be my Celtic ancestry coming through.
  22. likesToLick


    I love the creamy signs of arousal on her vulva. That really makes me want to kiss her right there.
  23. Yes, I have to say, marry is the sticking point for me. I'm so choosy I'm still a bachelor at 61. I wouldn't be up for the "raise a family" thing at my age either. OK, I said "choosy", but I'm willing to admit I may be just lazy and selfish.
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