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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. likesToLick


    I know what you mean. It's such a delight to uncover the inner treasures of a peach pussy like this.
  2. Well, you'd definitely get my vote Steve. You'd be the best Prime Minister of the century!
  3. I'm sorry that the world has been so unkind to you about this. Most of us here think of peeing as a fun and sexy thing, but I can see how a problem like this can completely disrupt your life, and that's no fun at all.
  4. I would introduce the "Feminine Urination Freedom Act, 2019" This would allow any woman to pee in any public place whenever she chose to do so. Public places would also be defined to include anywhere open to the public, such as cinemas, shopping malls, supermarkets, furniture stores and so on. The law would also allow her to ask any nearby person for voluntary assistance, and declare any such assistance to be lawful. After all, she can't be expected to carry tissues every time, so we mustn't prosecute anyone if she wants a tongue wipe.
  5. It's easy to make. From the song by Leslie Fish Maybe sulfur is hard to find in the arrival world.
  6. I'm fully with you on that one. I've ruined a lot of my life by allowing my weight to get out of control, and losing my fitness. I can never get those years back.
  7. It was a warm summer night, the temperature still up around thirty degrees, even though it was past ten o’clock. I heard music and laughter coming from the house next door. Seems like the girls were having another party. My neighbours had two daughters – Jessica, aged twenty four and Melissa who was a year younger. When their parents were out of town, they would often throw parties for their friends, usually on the large back verandah of the house. Being much older than them, I had never been invited, but often heard them. It sounded like they were having a lot of fun. Just then, I r
  8. Dreams seem to do that a lot. I particularly remember in my teenage years having a great many sexy dreams that were never "consummated", if that is the right expression. I've never understood why that happens.
  9. They really are appreciated very much. Your descriptions of how you feel and what excites you are, for me, the sexiest and most arousing part of the story. I tend not to give my own reactions to your writing in case you find it off-putting that a "stranger" is having such intimate thoughts about you, but I will say that your first installment of this description has raised me to a higher state of erotic arousal than I have had for a long time, and I have remained there. By that I mean, for that past two weeks or so since reading this, I seem to have had some kind of hyper sensual aw
  10. Wow, this is like you read my mind to come up with a perfect fantasy. We must share many similar tastes. Love this, it is so sensuous. Great little tease - one light touch of a fingertip on her wet pussy lips, as if you weren't sure if she would allow any more. 🌶️ Perfect, just what I would have loved to do. 🌶️ 🌶️ Oh yes. Clearly you like it when the girl takes the initiative and shows you her erotic feelings about her pee. This is a beautiful image. 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Like how you built up to this with each girl being more dari
  11. Seven different women have pissed on me, but hopefully I am not finished yet.
  12. It will be very hot to hear what Nancy and the girls do together in this scene. I hope there will be lots of licking, and orgasms and piss.
  13. Not weird at all Riley, you're definitely not alone. Way back when I was a teenager, my girlfriend at the time was fascinated with this too, and also seeing it shrink to a quarter of its full size after I came. I thought it was really sweet that she was interested in that, and I liked it a lot. I was so fascinated with her body, that it felt good to know I had something to offer in return.
  14. Not one that I said, but it was said to me. I was nuzzling at the gusset of a girl's panties while she was releasing little squirts of pee for me to enjoy. Of course, some of it was getting on my skin, and at one point I acknowledged how much I was enjoying this by saying "Mmmmmm, my nose is all wet." I was truly lost for words when she said ... "You must be a healthy puppy dog then." 😲 I just couldn't come up with an answer to that. Maybe I should have barked. ☺️
  15. I have noticed that people who are not into it themselves seem to regard it as a dom/sub or SM type fetish. While that is probably true for some, most people I talk to seem to just enjoy it as an intimate friendly fun thing. The porn industry seems to think it is somehow degrading, and therefore they expect people only want to see men doing it to women. Personally I think they are wrong on both counts. When I invite a woman to put her pussy in my mouth and piss, it has nothing to do with being degraded. It's more that it is a deliciously dirty and sexy thing to do. Sure, I love
  16. For me I think it's mainly for others. I enjoy the idea that something I like will also appeal to other people. I like to hear their comments about what I have posted, it makes for more of a connection. If I post something and nobody rates it or comments it I sometimes feel a little disappointed. That's very interesting. I hadn't noticed because it is not my thing at all, but I am surprised. The major pee porn sites seem to produce huge amounts of this, but the converse, where the girl pees in the guy's mouth is much harder to find. There seem to be many porn guys who are
  17. Not sure that everyone would thank you for this. I was chatting to one of our most popular female members in there a couple of years ago. I was carefully keeping to a non-sexual topic where we have a mutual interest, when she quite deliberately changed the subject and talked to me about peeing. I don't think she would have welcomed being censored. This is a sexually oriented forum about peeing. It would seem wrong to ban the main topic of the forum in its only chatroom.
  18. I think there is much I can learn from that video. I must study it closely. Thanks Sophie 🙂
  19. We have also made images and videos much cheaper to make. You can video someone on your smart phone and it essentially costs you nothing. Back when I was using 8mm movie film, the unexposed film and processing cost seven dollars per minute. At the time, you could hire a private helicopter and pilot for only three dollars per minute. You needed to be a bit of a geeky enthusiast with money to burn before you would use a movie camera at all. Now anyone can do it.
  20. I remember back in 1971 when I started high school, I thought my science teacher was the sexiest, most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I had all kinds of fantasies about her, but I was much too shy to ever suggest anything to her. (Pretty sure she would not have responded anyway, it would have been career suicide for her if we had been caught, even in those less prudish times.) Found these images recently, and it reminded me of those feelings I had when I was a very young man. Actually, I would have asked my teacher to take me back to her place
  21. Wow, Sophie. It sounds like a dream come true. Your description is so clear it's almost like being there. I especially love how you told us your own feelings and emotions as the story unfolded. I wish I could give both "love" and "hot" responses to your post at the same time. Really looking forward to the next installment.
  22. You are at a cabaret, and any time a woman from any of the nearby tables steps out of the room for a few minutes, you assume she has gone to pee, and you imagine how her pussy might look as she does it. When she returns, you wonder if the last few drops made a damp patch in her knickers.
  23. Sorry, just a single image I found in this gallery. I don't know if it is from a full comic.
  24. Steve, your description also speaks for me in every way. I could describe my own orientation just by copying every word you have written, except that I am 61 instead of 54. I guess I am a little envious of bisexuals, because they have a choice of twice as many possible partners, but I could never be one myself.
  25. You're very sweet to share your life with us so intimately. Thank you. 🥰
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