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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. It's not just you! Mozilla has just made a massive foul-up with Firefox, causing it to disable and lock out all extensions. This includes all of the security protections like "noscript", "adblock plus" and "https everywhere." Apparently the company is working on an urgent fix. Meanwhile, I recommend people stay away from any of the more dodgy sites you might occasionally use, such as porn tubes, web galleries etc.
  2. 60 years of life so far, and in that time I have not seen one tiny shred of evidence for the existence of a god, life force, creator or anything you could possibly describe as God. Many have tried to convince me otherwise, but none of them could show me any evidence either. I have no reason to believe, so I don't. I'm sure that a great many people receive a great deal of comfort from basking at the warm fire of faith, but my life is lived in the bleak uncertainty of reason. I can do no other.
  3. I love how sensitive it is, so the lightest feathery touch or the softest kiss can give her pleasure. I love the feeling when a woman comes with her clit in my mouth. It feels so intimate, as if her orgasm is wrapped around me.
  4. That's good news and I'm very pleased to hear it. Thanks for bringing me up to date.
  5. You are absolutely right Sophie, you should not have to buy it. Please be aware though, that "think of the children" is just an excuse. The real agenda of the bigoted pressure groups who lobby for these types of laws is to stop everyone, adults included, from viewing any kind of erotic art. They will not give up after this victory. They are already planning the next one. I'm not sure that boycotting the "adult id" system is your best move politically. If ten million people in the UK all bought these ID numbers, it might send a message to the parliament that there is a large b
  6. Did it get big really? When Americans lost the freedom that net neutrality was giving them it seems like there was barely a whimper. As far as I know they never got net neutrality restored to them. Am I wrong?
  7. I may be able to shed some light on this as I was somewhat homophobic when I was a child. I was attracted to girls from about the age of seven, and strongly attracted to them by the time I started high school at age 12. At that time there was a gay boy in my class who took a shine to me for some reason and began making public displays of affection, putting his arm around me and so on. I found the whole experience rather frightening for several reasons. 1. I felt no attraction to males at all, and the idea of having intimate contact with anyone who was not a girl felt really "icky
  8. I have a VPN already. It gives useful protection for many other things, for example accessing your bank account via hotel internet, or reading your mail in an internet cafe. It costs less than one pound per week.
  9. A loud-voiced minority can often drive politicians to make laws against the interests and preference of the majority. A sad fact of the political process.
  10. I agree. The "concerned religious groups" and other "anti-sex leagues" are principally concerned with putting the adult erotica industry out of business. The "solutions" they look for are always designed to make it more difficult or embarrassing for ADULTS to access porn. For example, one of the options under this new law will allow adults to go to a newsagent and buy an "adult access key" that they can use to gain entry to erotic web sites. Once they take this key home, nothing will stop a younger person from using it to view porn, but to get it in the first place the adult mus
  11. It is precisely that. The UK government defines pornography as an image which "of such a nature that it must reasonably be assumed to have been produced solely or principally for the purpose of sexual arousal."
  12. I think you will find the USA has many such repressive laws already in place, and the ACLU was either unwilling or unable to help. Your government is perfectly happy for lunatics to murder schoolchildren with guns, but for some reason is desperately worried that somebody might see an exposed nipple. As an example of your repressive laws, I cite 18 USC 2257 which requires anyone making erotica to keep a permanent record on site of real names and photo ID of every model they ever filmed, accessible to police inspection at any time. The mere existence of these databases put porn perf
  13. likesToLick

    ROOM 101

    Well, I've done my part. Made a deliberate choice to have no children.
  14. I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that
  15. Here's another Ford Fairlane. I used to drive one just like this. A beautiful car to drive, and very spacious, but sadly it was really badly engineered. It needed expensive mechanical repairs about once a month for the whole time I owned it.
  16. He gave away major concessions to North Korea, and got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in return. Any idiot could have done that. Up until then no president was idiotic enough. Actually not. You can't blame the American people for this, as the vast majority of them did not vote for him, just like the vast majority of British people did not vote for Brexit. The process of electing an American president is not democratic.
  17. New Zealand did not have strict gun control laws. It will now.
  18. Hey, I like that. It's going to be my excuse from now on. 😄 Actually I'm guessing that I like small ones because, when I was a young man, my first two lovers had small breasts. Some psychologists have a theory that men who only like large breasts were bottle fed when they were babies. 😉
  19. Airframes are designed for a particular maximum operating speed and not more. On 737s this is somewhere around 350 knots I think. If you put a 737 into a dive and exceeded this speed, things would begin to go wrong. Probably the first thing to happen is that control surfaces would begin to flutter and the aircraft would no longer respond to controls. If it continued to increase speed after this, parts of the aircraft structure would begin to deform and eventually break. For example, the engine pylons might possibly bend and then break free from the wings. Aircraft are built only a
  20. Today satellites can probably do all of the intelligence gathering that was once done by spy planes.
  21. Hi Steve. Have you been making any personal preparations for brexit day? Please accept my good wishes for the day. I hope that it does not bring disruption and hardship to your life.
  22. Yes, I am concerned. Forty years ago the USA was a champion of freedom in the world. Since then it has degenerated into a nation repressed by fascistic corporate bosses, and loud-mouthed religious bigots. Once the USA led the world in science, now the merchants persecute and publicly smear the scientists because a population with knowledge might interfere with the vile things they are doing in the name of corporate profits. Both of their major political parties are corrupted by corporate finance, and their voting system is so undemocratic they have little hope of electing anyon
  23. That's right - no furnace. I have two air conditioners, one at each end of the house. It's 36 degrees outside right now, so I have one of them switched on to keep the inside temperature down to about 24 degrees. I do use them for heating in winter, but only when I'm at home. You can call me a wimp, but I like to keep the house at 18 degrees during the day in winter time. I switch off all the heating overnight. On the coldest nights the temperature inside the house might drop to 12 degrees or so with no heating.
  24. Here's another one that will give you a laugh. I have lived in Australia for more than 50 years. In that whole time I have never owned an overcoat. Unless you are going hiking in the mountains, the most you need in an Australian winter is a light parka or a leather jacket. In the northern (tropical) part of the continent you would not even need those.
  25. I would be completely clueless about how to survive in a cold climate. I would probably die because I did something completely dumb. I haven't seen snow in more than 35 years, don't know how to drive on an icy road, or how to use snow chains, or what to do if stranded in the open. I don't know how to avoid frostbite or even what kind of clothes and shoes are needed when it's minus 30C. Good luck to you and I hope Spring arrives soon in your part of the world.
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