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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I'm an advanced driver and I'd totally recommend it. Sure it isn't as fun as going round a track but you learn so much more about your car and it's lots of fun pushing your car a little more on the road while still being safe. A lot of people are quick to upgrade their engine, or their brakes or whatever to make the car faster, but the best upgrade is the driver. Most people aren't even being held back by their equipment when they upgrade.
  2. My friend, Renée says the Cellist is really cute. (She has a thing for them)
  3. For example https://txxx.com/videos/9846790/sophia-smith-pee-pissing-toilet-fetish2/?kt_lang=en https://txxx.com/videos/16209027/sophia-smith-pee-pissing-toilet-fetish-at-airport/?kt_lang=en
  4. Go ahead! I've been peed on by my husband and didn't particularly enjoy it, we've done it a couple of times, over my backside and over my front. Only rules were don't get it on my face or hair. I've been sprayed when peeing outside with female friends but I don't think that counts. I haven't but I would like to. I imagine they would cost a fortune and I just don't have the time to do it. And I wouldn't be able to afford or justify the actual flying. It's something I would like to do and have wanted to for maybe 10 years, both plane and helicopter but I think it will r
  5. Just regular, natural toilet peeing. Like what Sophia Smith used to do.
  6. Thank you 🙂 I'm just glad I didn't wet myself in the car or at the doorstep!
  7. Thank you for your lovely message! I love the idea of punishing myself like that, I'll keep it in mind for a future occasion. Thank you! It was an amazing wee. The feelings definitely hung around for the next wee, especially with it being so close to the last one. It was short but oh so sweet and it wouldn't have been nearly as good without the big relief earlier.
  8. I've just had a close call! I've had a long day and after finishing teaching at 3:30 pm I had an hour of helping with an after school project. I hadn't had a wee since 1:25 and I had drank two coffees and some water from my bottle. Shortly after 4:30 I got in my car and headed home with my daughter sat next to me. I don't know why but after a few minutes I suddenly needed to pee and badly, it hit me like a train. If I had even felt a small twinge before leaving I would have used the toilets at work but I had no warning. The drive home isn't too far so I thought I could make it but I quic
  9. Shhhh! It's perfectly fine, don't worry about it 😊
  10. I'm really in the mood for designing something so I thought it might be fun to combine it with my fetish. So hit me with ideas, if you could have any pee related device or gadget, what would it be?
  11. I agree with this. I think as long as the title is very clear about the thread contents, and the thread stays within all the site rules we can give it a go, as a trial at the very least but I don't see why it wouldn't work. @Baconman647 Can you please create a new thread for it and post the explicit stuff there? Not in this thread like you have done above.
  12. I was semi-naughty earlier (or fully naughty, I'll let you decide) and I'd like to share it with you. After about four hours since peeing I was starting to feel rather desperate but I didn't want to have any old ordinary pee, I wanted to make it a bit more special. I went upstairs to my bathroom and closed the door behind me, leaving it unlocked, lifted up my skirt and sat down on the toilet, still wearing my black bikini cut briefs! To make it a little more naughty I slipped my hand between my thighs and held myself tight, my hand pressing against my pussy. I relaxed the hold on m
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