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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Beautiful photos Audrey, thank you!
  2. It would be fun but might arouse some suspicions!
  3. Well done! I might have to think and expand the lyrics a little more.
  4. How about we don't do that? I understand it is frustrating when you visit a link and you cannot watch the video but that is the creators choice and we should respect that. They chose to make the video, they chose to upload it, they chose to make it private, Downloading it and sharing it elsewhere is just wrong. They are not playing games with anyone, stop acting so entitled. There's plenty of other free content out there.
  5. Almost daily! I'll wake up, climb out of my bed and stumble to the bathroom and jump in the shower, having my morning wee while I wash myself. The reason I say "almost" daily is because there are the odd days where I'll sit on the toilet first thing instead. Maybe the shower is freezing and hasn't warmed up yet but I'm too desperate to wait, or there's a message I urgently need to respond to so I'll do that while peeing on the toilet.
  6. It's going to be another Tumblr. They are removing the reason most people use their site.
  7. I'm afraid not. Today I have peed... In the shower On the toilet at home On the toilet at the supermarket On the toilet at home I'm not planning on going out again today so I don't think I'll pee anywhere unusual but we'll see.
  8. Last post for tonight, don't want to spam you guys!
  9. Exactly! I've had to do that before for a friend and it resulted in me playing small sections over and over and writing down the notes because I didn't have the sheet music with me but the melody was just muscle memory.
  10. Absolutely not! hahaha. Sorry! I can explain how to solve them but I cannot teach you, it has all become muscle memory for me so other than maybe one or two algorithms I don't really think about what I'm doing, I just... do them. The mirror cube is a nightmare for that very reason. Since all the pieces are different shapes and they sometimes get stuck if they're not quite lined up right it completely throws off my muscle memory. I can solve a normal cube in about 90 seconds without giving it much thought, and I use the exact same moves for the mirror cube but half way through an algorithm my m
  11. It's more than okay! Thank you for asking I read this earlier and I have given it some thought. You are right that I am a city girl but I am not sure if I could see myself living in the countryside. I love the idea of being able to wee outdoors more often, and I do enjoy the countryside but I don't think I'd be able to live there full time. It's too quiet! I know it sounds weird but I have spent my whole 30+ years on this planet in a city and I've gotten so used to hearing cars etc at all hours. I also think if peeing outside became the norm and less taboo it would lose it's appeal to me,
  12. Firstly, sorry for the slow reply. I have been on holiday! I'm not sure if this counts but I'll post it anyway (My husband says it does) I collect twisty puzzles, mostly Rubik's Cubes but also a few other ones. I enjoy the mental challenge of them and solve them for fun, rather than trying to solve them as quickly as possible. From left to right - I have a stickerless 2x2 (Aka Rubik's Mini), a couple of regular 3x3 cubes, both stickerless, the left was my first ever cube, and a 3x3 keyring, a stickerless 4x4 aka Rubik's Revenge, a stickerless 5x5 that needs to be solved, a skewb (the
  13. Orange squash (the kind you dilute with water, cordial?) has such a strong effect on me. A single glass of it will make me need to pee urgently multiple times, even if it's just a small amount each visit, I will feel like I'm going to wet myself at any moment. Energy drinks also make me need to pee rather badly, but it tends to be a one and done sort of thing. I don't drink them too often but I definitely feel the need to pee within half hour or so after drinking them.
  14. Inspired by the story from @gldenwetgoose (you can read it >here<) I decided to go for a little drive and enjoy any naughtiness that came my way. I was wearing a white summer dress (similar photo above) and pink knickers underneath, no bra. There's something about orange squash, the stuff you dilute with water, that really makes me need to pee. Even after sitting on the toilet I will be up again within 30 minutes for another wee, usually less. So I made myself a bottle of that and left the house without having a wee beforehand. After a short drive I found myself in an empty car park, it
  15. Sophie


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