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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. One of these probably has a download link. https://peefans.com/topic/21397-wohh-pee-during-concert/ https://peefans.com/topic/21393-brass-against-singer-pisses-on-lucky-fan/ https://peefans.com/topic/9823-naughtiest-piss-ever/page/59/?tab=comments#comment-292168 https://peefans.com/topic/16636-youtube-pees/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-291959
  2. Lovely little tale, thank you for sharing with us.
  3. Sophie


    Oops! I'm not a natural blonde
  4. Hahaha 😂 No, that's not me I'm afraid. I don't post any photos of myself on the forum, nevermind ones that daring. Sorry!
  5. That's okay! I asked them to stop a few times and gave them wayyyyy more chances than I really should. I eventually asked them to leave the classroom and they had a break time detention. I tried to ask them why they behaved that way in my class but I was only told "because it's shit" Insightful...
  6. Oh that's easy! Never be allowed to wipe after a pee. I can drip dry and my underwear would help a lot, I'd just change a few times a day. I couldn't go without socks, my poor feet!
  7. Hi! I was absolutely terrified, I was pacing back and forth before my lesson and I think I had three nervous wees in the hour before the lesson. It actually went really, really well! The year 11's were total angels and were very patient with me. Afterwards in between lessons I had another nervous wee and thought to myself "I could actually do this!" That all changed with my next lesson... The year 8's weren't necessarily badly behaved but they were a lot more challenging, more likely to talk and try to push my buttons. I was sooo nervous and began to stutter and muddle my words and
  8. Hiya, sorry it has taken me so long to reply. You can ask me a hundred questions if you would like. 😊 I've had to wee outside in an emergency before, we was at the park enjoying ourselves and I needed to pee so the three of us walked over to the public toilets. For some reason they were locked! Both mens and womens. We set off to some other toilets at the leisure centre, a 10 - 15 minutes walk away. I quickly realised I wasn't going to make it so I explained to my daughters it was an emergency. I quickly found a hidden spot and squatted with the girls stood in front of me, looking away wi
  9. Female Landing strip Trimmed short Like this -
  10. I'm currently listening to this because it has been stuck in my head all day!
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