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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Happy holidays Bacardi ❤️ Thank you for being a part of the forum, it has been amazing having you here. Here's to 2022!
  2. I'd take off the wet knickers and carry on with my night.
  3. Sophie


    I hope he doesn't kick it. Ouch!!
  4. I'm not sure if this counts, apologies if it doesn't. My good friend, Katherine , is getting a road bike this Christmas as a present from her husband,complete with clipless pedals. She's never ridden clipless before but she got the shoes today and she asked me if I had any advice. We had a little chat and a couple of hours later we met up so she could have a little practice ride on my bike. She hopped on my bike and I explained the basics to her, how to clip in and most importantly, how to unclip. We spent about half hour with her riding about the car park getting used to the narro
  5. Was that person me? I accidentally clicked "Turn OFF member chat" this morning, but immediately reactivated it. I wonder if it's related.
  6. Another wee with my husband. I was upstairs with him helping put away the boxes for the Christmas decorations and a few other things. I needed to pee and since the cupboard was right next to the bathroom it only made sense to take care of it there and then. I gave him a little kiss and said "I'm just off for a wee" and opened the bathroom door, flicked the lights on and walked over to the toilet. I flashed him a smile as I unbuttoned my jeans and lowered them to my knees with my thong as I sat down. I normally close the door behind me but not this time, the door was wide open, I wanted h
  7. I'm not much of a reader I'm afraid. I don't think I've voluntarily read a book in about 15 years. But thank you for the recommendation.
  8. That's a lot cheaper than I expected. Thank you so much ❤️😘😘❤️
  9. Most memorable present would be the bike my younger sister got. She learned how to ride on my bike and on the following Christmas she got one of her own. We rode on those every day, even just around the neighbourhood we grew up in we would spend all day on our bikes, trying to do tricks, jumping off ramps made from a couple of bricks and a piece of wood we found. I remember us spending over an hour just riding through a shallow puddle after it had been raining, fascinated by the ripples in the water. I remember it like it was yesterday. If we was out together we would almost always be on our b
  10. Holland Roden Victoria Shalet
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