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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. That's actually a really difficult question! I am quite shy so given the option I think I would like it where people can see me, but I can't see them. I love the thought of stepping out and knowing every single person I could see would have just watched me sat on the toilet! It would be really nice to have a mirror on the outside so I could get my thrill without actually exposing myself. I think it all depends on context and who is watching. In the middle of the street with the general public walking past? I think I'd want to be hidden from view. But in the ladies toilets with only other
  2. If we made eye contact it would be a good thing, I'd flash them a smile ☺ I'd love to use those roman toilets, I once had a dream where I used some toilets where the cubicle walls and doors were made of glass rendering them utterly useless, people could see me and I could see them. It has been a fantasy ever since. I would love to use one of those toilets with one way glass so I can get the feeling of being watched, without the awkwardness and shyness. I don't think it would have the same effect peeing with an open door unless the other girls were also into it, otherwise it would
  3. One of my fantasies is to use this bathroom. I love the thought of someone next door or waiting outside being able to see me sitting on the toilet, and me being able to see my neighbour relieving herself.
  4. Welcome to PeeFans. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavour but we are not a dating site.
  5. As @gldenwetgoose explained perfectly, I deliberately omitted underwear with my cycling kit. Cycling shorts are designed to be worn against the skin and you are not supposed to wear anything underneath them because it will cause chafing and other discomfort. So yes, if you see me wearing my cycling kit, I'm not wearing panties 😉
  6. I had a wee in the shower at work today, it was entirely planned. I actually skipped my morning wee just so I could do it. I cycled to work instead of taking the car and fortunately they have showers I can use. When I got to work I was absolutely bursting for a wee. I normally have a wee when I wake up and another just before I leave the house. I locked my bike in my classroom, grabbed my backpack with my work clothes and towel, and quickly went to the showers next to the staff room. I turned on the water to warm up while I jiggled pulling down my cycling shorts and stepped out of them b
  7. I really wish I had your confidence @puddylslovely pics as always!
  8. I was once at some motorway services about an hour north of London and sat in the ladies when two young women came in, taking the two stalls next to mine. Everything was pretty normal for a little while, the girl next to me finished peeing but her friend kept going. She would stop and then start peeing again for a few seconds. She kept doing it over and over and over. The girl next to me had left her stall and they were both laughing at what was happening. "Hurry up, we're going to be late!" "I can't help it! It was the milkshake!" "Where are you keeping it? Just let it go" She peed for about
  9. Doubly jealous and envious! To stay on topic, I absolutely love the eye contact when sitting on the toilet, just sitting normal with a small smile. I think it's because it's relatable, imagine it's your partner or a friend on the toilet and you have just walked in. They will be happy to see you, not looking away!
  10. That one was an image search of the previous. There's a few more in the set. https://novinhasnudes.com.br/amadora-gostosa-vestida-r2d2-sensual/
  11. Because I don't want to damage other people's property.
  12. Thanks guys 😍 I'll let you know when/if I do it!
  13. Cups are amazing! Couldn't recommend them enough.
  14. You received a reply in your other thread. I have now merged the two.
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