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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. It infuriates me at how wasteful some people are with toilet paper. I wrap it around my hand twice, so maybe 4-6 squares? Which I admit is a little excessive. Then you get people who go through as much toilet paper per pee as I do for an entire day!
  2. I think Taylor Swift would win. With the tight outfits she has been wearing the last few tours they would be really difficult to get in and out of so I imagine she has become quite good at holding on all night. Is the dancing because she's having fun and feeling sexy? Or is it her way of hiding her burning need to pee? I like to think this is her face when she sees how full her container is.
  3. What I like the most about pee is how it is free, feels good, hurts nobody (generally) and I can do it multiple times a day.
  4. I love listening to other women peeing and I love knowing others can hear me too. I don't go out of my way to listen to people peeing, I'm not going to stand outside the bathroom door and spy on them. But if a woman is sitting next to me in the next toilet stall I will absolutely listen to the music they are making, and join in with my own little tune.
  5. I pretty much always wear a bra from the moment I get dressed until the moment I get into bed. I'm a C cup so not the largest out there and I could probably get away with not wearing one for a while but I enjoy the support a bra provides. I will take off my bra if I get changed into pyjamas (I often sleep naked) and I will go without when wearing certain outfits like strapless dresses etc.
  6. Sophie


    Whatever the house, she gets 10 points from me!
  7. Haha yep. Totally can relate! Had exactly the same experience on Friday.
  8. Fantastic story Eliminature! Very well written. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Whooops! I was so distracted by her beauty I didn't realise! Here, let me make up for it
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