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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Hi everyone... Firstly I want to thank you for being mature and civilised in this topic, it is a breath of fresh air and nice to see. However... Unfortunately we have made the decision to close the topic. The situation in Ukraine is a very sensitive topic and with topics like this things can get heated quickly and it is very easy for people to get hurt, even if it was unintentional. The last thing we want is for people to get upset when it could be avoided. So with that said I am locking this topic before things get out of hand. I'm not targeting or blaming anyone in particu
  2. I went to the toilet every time the urge hit, sorry.
  3. Thanks but no thanks. You know I don't enjoy damaging property.
  4. I drank too much water and now I need to pee badly every 20-30 minutes. I've been 4 times in the last hour and a half. Annoyingly I only pee for 5 seconds at best, it doesn't feel worth it!
  5. I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty.
  6. That is possible but I did feel the need to pee, I was at that stage where I had a constant but small niggling feeling of needing to pee. I would have easily been able to wait another hour but I would have rather been in comfort with an empty bladder.
  7. Yeah shyness was probably the wrong word for it, I'm definitely not pee shy and actually enjoy peeing among other women. I do have very strong kegal muscles, my friends like to joke I could fire a steel ball through plywood lol. I used to "suffer" a lot in the past where I couldn't get my stream started even if I was alone and perfectly happy and comfortable.
  8. Touch my cookies, feel my wrath! I gave you a proper telling off...
  9. I just want to say thank you @steve25805and @Almanaher for behaving in an adult and civilised manner. It is really nice to see and not something I often see on forums. Thank you!
  10. That was my thoughts pretty quickly, I knew if I didn't have a wee then, it would be on my mind all the way through my next lesson.
  11. (I love alliteration) I suffered from pee shyness today! I don't know why because it hasn't happened in quite a while and I have peed in these toilets literally thousands of times. Because of the nice weather today I had been drinking a lot of water and what goes in must come out. I wasn't desperate but I didn't want to wait another hour either so once I finished teaching my first two lessons I left my classroom and went to the staff toilets. They were empty so I locked myself in my usual middle stall, hitched my pencil skirt up around my waist and pulled down my red thong as I sat
  12. Sophie

    On off days

    I'm going through that at the moment, the last few days I have been horny as hell and nothing seems to be satisfying my craving. But I bet this time next week I won't be bothered at all.
  13. I teach 11-16 year olds.
  14. Works perfectly fine for me. Moved to pee websites
  15. There's a fair amount of training involved but it's not too bad depending on how competitive you are. If you are taking part in a triathlon just for fun you can relax on the training a little. Swimming is my worst part of the three. I enjoy swimming, I really enjoy it but the whole thing is a bit of a pain. I hate having to get changed, dry off etc. It's just a faff. Cycling is my best but that's mostly because I do it often to relax. I'm fairly good at the running, I used to represent my school in the 200m sprint and 100m hurdles and moved onto longer distance running when I left school
  16. I know how you feel. I'm so out of touch with the lingo and I work with kids every day! At times it seems like they are speaking a different language.
  17. Aww thank you I'd describe that as more geeky than nerdy. To me nerdy is people who enjoy technology, science etc. They have interest in hobbyist electronics and tinkering with them, computers, programming, Linux operating systems, maths, physics, that sort of thing.
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