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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. That should be okay, plenty of time to get some training in
  2. Happy birthday 🎂 @tunga @Zeratha
  3. That depends on how experienced you are and how well you can run a 10k. A half marathon is over twice that distance so it's going to need some training.
  4. Socks on, taking them off is rarely sexy and just spoils the mood. Have you ever had an injury caused by sex?
  5. I cannot aim to save my life so sitting down is much more comfortable for me.
  6. I would say the best thing is to encourage them to ask questions, no matter what they are or how simple they may be. Think out loud, ask ask ask! Ask them questions too, ask them what they think would happen if you did X or Y. Just experiment, try different things and see what happens when you change stuff. A very basic example - a paper airplane. What happens if you use thicker paper? What about when you angle the wings differently? A good way to develop an enquiring mind is learning things you will use. That dopamine rush is addictive! Obertauern in Austria, I love snowboarding and
  7. Yeah I do that occasionally, I'm happy with how I look down there. I either call it a fanny or my hoohah among friends. Pussy in a sexy context. "I waxed my fanny for nothing!" "I wouldn't want that on my hoohah!" "He spent all night eating my pussy"
  8. Three is a party! How extreme are your fantasies? Realistic? Or really out there?
  9. Omg that was incredible! Hotter than lava and so beautifully written!! I can't wait for part two! I don't have any privacy for another half hour and I'm counting down the minutes. My panties are a little damp after reading that and I have something I need to take care of...
  10. 10k went well! We didn't time it unfortunately but we're happy with the pace. I'm quite looking forward to the half marathon now!
  11. This would have been an amazing photo if it wasn't for that face in the undressed 😞 Second lady is gorgeous though
  12. I'm going for a run with my daughter in a few minutes. Aiming for 10k if we feel up for it, if not it might be 5k. We'll see how are legs are feeling. Hopefully won't get lost!
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