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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. My daughters had a dentist appointment today so I had to drive them into town. As I was going around a roundabout (say that 10 ten times fast) I noticed a group of young walkers on the grass along the edge, nothing unusual there. But what really caught my attention was two girls holding a large purple towel stretched between them with another girl stood behind it. I just managed to see her crouch behind it before I had to turn off. I am almost certain that she was peeing but I am astonished at where, it wasn't a quiet place in the slightest!
  2. Then the tortoise lit a cigarette.
  3. I've decided to take your advice and get on the bike. I'll think about running again during the summer break but for now I'm going to enjoy two wheels. (and I prefer it to running)
  4. I was late, very late but I feel I caught up quickly. I went through puberty and my body changed at about the same time as my friends but I never really explored until my mid teens. My friends all had boyfriends, some had sex and I hadn't even had an orgasm, I hadn't even explored by myself under the covers.
  5. Infinite wishes! Wa.. Wait, that's cheating? Fiiiiine... In no particular order I wish I could focus on things for longer. I have several hobbies but I lose interest after a few weeks and then I don't touch them for months. I'd like to have a hobby I can always enjoy, all year round. I wish I could go invisible. It is my favourite superpower and it would be so useful. I wish I could speak every language. I could talk to anyone in their native tongue without a language barrier or using a translator I wish I could turn back time. There has been many times where I've
  6. I've only noticed it around those times. I'll have to start making a note of the times
  7. The site appears to be having issues at around 00:45 (UK Time) each night. Possibly site maintenance or something? I don't notice it straight away because if I am sat on the homepage using the chat I don't get any error messages, but I have noticed the chat won't update and I am sat waiting for a reply, thinking they are just busy or something. It's only when I then decide to browse the forum that the messages come through because the page has reloaded. Sorry for being so terrible at explaining what I mean, it's 1am at the moment and I'm feeling preeeety tired! I hope you understand
  8. POOF! A genie Sophie appears and grants you pee three wishes, what do you ask for?
  9. My half marathon has been rescheduled to the end of September, the same date as a triathlon I was planning on entering so I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I could keep training for the half but I'm not sure if I have the motivation to do it for another 16 weeks.
  10. What's your card number and social secu... Oh, not too personal. Oops! Is there any hobbies or activities you would really like to try but you haven't for one reason or another? Skydiving? Glassblowing? Swimming with sharks?
  11. I'm going to do something a little different - What sort of things would you love to be asked?
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