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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. @BB1BB Mock Kenny Chesney all you want, but at his peak he was known for his larger than average popularity with women. I'm sure his concerts were hotbeds for nonchalant peeing. Nonchalant peeing has always been hard for me to wrap my head around. The woman doing it is simply comfortable with herself. She is blessed with the same lack of fucks to give that goes all but unquestioned among men. And just as men ignore the sex of innocent bystanders so does she. Unbeknownst to her, an act of casual pissing has torn open the sky above her head, raining rose petals in slow motion, while a choi
  2. Domo arigato @Pee Sensei your answer was a perfect example of why I asked the question!
  3. It's a strange erotic trigger isn't it?After all it's just a bodily function. If not for the element of exposed reproductive organs it shouldn't be that exciting. And why do we get triggered while other people don't. For example, one person may have developed their urination fetish after a childhood neighbor peed in front of them. Meanwhile, another person who was present at that same moment, promptly forgot about it, going on to develop perfectly undisruptive sexual cravings. According to the current clinical data, the majority of individuals who fit the criteria for having a urination f
  4. @Kasslyn_xK Your clarity was fine. However, I have learning disabilities and often misunderstand what I read. @Alfresco If I discovered there were piss videos being produced in my town because I recognized the locations, it would drive me crazy! I wouldn't be able to go past those locations without wondering about their shooting schedule?
  5. Awwwwww, thank you!!! And Happy Birthday @PissBonerand @awesomagic!!!!
  6. I don't understand the first question. You mean collect my pee or someone else's? I'm not sure if I read the second one correctly. Are you talking about naughty peeing with pee that you saved from earlier? Like using a squirt bottle filled with your pee to mark something? I did that once as a kid. But I don't think I would get much excitement out of it as an adult. I feel like pee loses most of its magic when it becomes separated from the act. However, if someone I was madly attracted to pointed a squirt gun filled with their pee down my pants and pulled the trigger, it might make m
  7. Yeah, they're definitely similar questions. But I was kind of thinking in terms of numbers. I would expect there to be similar forums in Germany and Japan. Historically, I think Japan, Germany and England produced the bulk of urination fetish content for a number of years. But in terms of the number of speakers, there are significantly more Mandarin and Hindi speakers than people who speak German or Japanese. So considering how many native Mandarin speakers populate the earth, even if only a fraction of them share this fetish, it might still constitute a larger group than Japanese or German sp
  8. In a way, spotting enthusiasts are kind of like fisherman who won't reveal the location of their favorite fishing hole.
  9. Sometimes when I'm here, I marvel at all the users from all over the world who share this fetish. And conveniently enough, happen to speak English. I sometimes wonder if other versions of Peefans exist in other widely spoken languages. Mandarin? Hindi? French? Spanish? And then I wonder what they're like? The forums and its users. How are they similar to us and how are they different?
  10. Welcome Colette888, it's great to have you with us! I'm surprised to hear that there's not much pissing in Portugal? Especially considering its proximity to Spain and Italy, which are both well known for pissing.
  11. As I mentioned before, I'm also really into studying fetishes, trying to crack the code, etc. But man, nothing unsettles me more than the theory of fetishes being genetic. Trying to imagine anyone else in my family having what I have is...ewww.
  12. Happy Birthday, Kasslyn!!!! I hope it's been a good one.
  13. Putting aside my piss fetish for a moment, I'm so happy that these pants finally exist! I love how they prove that the challenges that have often prevented women from peeing with the abandon of men are inconvenient clothing designs, and not inconvenient anatomy. And they allow women to pee even more discretely than men. I mean, we have no choice but to expose our genitals to relieve ourselves. @miniskirtpisser I hope this isn't too personal, but why does sleeping or sitting for a long period of time make your stream unpredictable? Is it a bunching up thing? Also, your ambivalenc
  14. Welcome to the homeland of people who understand and are not disgusted by your fantasies, Badkitty13! As far as looking for people to talk to about them? I promise you will find more than you ever knew were out there.
  15. How would you fill the bed's bladder? Would the bed use your pee, the pee of others or a mix of both?
  16. May I humbly request that you write an anecdote of one of your miniskirt pees? Also, were you a fan of peeing discreetly before you discovered miniskirts? That list has a lot of great names and a handful of head scratchers. For example, who ever heard of a witch named Harper? I love that idea! There's a scene in the movie The Love Witch, where the main character pees into a bottle for a spell. It's not explicit, but just the fact that it happens in a feature film on Prime is pretty great. Where did you find the Leaky_one stories? I'd love to read them!
  17. @Alfresco@glad1 your inclusion of the adjective "horsey" had me dying over here. Sadly, I didn't invent the term "horsey girl school," but I love how descriptive it is. @gldenwetgoose said "I live in quite a rural area, and know quite a few people into equine, also farmers and those who have grown up in the great outdoors. And I guess there a factor to take into account -We think of the people as they are at their present moment in time, whether in their 20's, 30's or whatever and a lot of content on this site is all about people peeing outdoors for the first time. But reme
  18. It happened at a crowded warehouse party where the only available facilities consisted of a single use men's room, containing one urinal, and one barely shielded toilet. Speaking of which, the minimal privacy of the toilet was a detail that had barely even caught my attention. After all, it's quite common in the US to enter men's room of a bar or a club and find rows of toilet stalls without doors. But to describe the meager divider separating the urinal from the toilet as "a stall" would be more than generous. The area in question was little more than a thin metal slab extending out at the sa
  19. Oh, that's funny! I should see what some of the other ones are. Historically, there were some spells that required witches to pee in bottles or in certain areas in order to work. If you do a sequel maybe you could incorporate some of that stuff. I love erotica! I discovered Victorian era erotica in my teens, and damn was that exciting. Actually, that was my first exposure to pee being presented as sexual in any media. And for a long time that was the only place I saw it. I like modern erotica too, but I'm very picky. Pee scenes in non pee focused stories are the hottest to me.
  20. Not always, but when I did it was a nail biter. Fighting the urge to hold it, or to leave my spot to pee. I was usually scrunched up in some quasi yoga-like position that hasn't been possible since I was like 12? I remember once I went to hide in a tub, and one of my friends saw me slip into the bathroom. She came in a few seconds after and asked if she could hide with me? I said sure. So she climbed in beside me. Then not much later she whispered that she had to pee. I told her to hold it, because I didn't want her to give up our position. She said that she couldn't, then got out to pee.
  21. I recognized it immediately. It was everywhere around the mid 00s. I think it might have come from webshots or flickr originally. Whoever took that picture should be getting a cut of the sales. Not to mention those poor drunk gals.
  22. I'm sorry about your mishap, but I'm glad you found the relief you needed. After all, holding it isn't healthy. And thank you for sharing your story!
  23. I thought pubes were back for that age group ? Or maybe that's just in piss porn? I remember very well when it wasn't though. About 12 years ago I was at one of those team building/drinking outings with my co-workers. Anyway, this table full of 20-something ladies were talking about how it's gross to have hair downstairs. Apparently, having anything more than a landing strip was considered unacceptable? "What's wrong with pubic hair?" I asked. I mean, I appreciate a woman who looks like an adult when her panties come off. They all gave me these stunned looks, like I'd just fessed up
  24. I'm sure many of us on this forum are familiar with the photo this painting is based on. It's been passed around and even meme'd for years. This artist just took the photo, painted over it digitally and created multiple versions representing different football teams. Most of the reviews I read were from women, many of whom said they were buying it for their husbands or boyfriends. They were especially excited about their guy's favorite team being represented. That particular urinal shot was a clever pic to choose because it shows three women pissing but doesn't even show side butt. I think I r
  25. I guess I was just as surprised to learn there's no toilets built near the stables. I think of upper class life as being never out of close range of a toilet.
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