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Everything posted by glad1

  1. While I prefer the outdoors to a toilet, I've done this a few times. Most always it was more a matter of necessity where there was only one bathroom and neither of us could wait. But, there was one time when I'd been hiking in the mountains with a date, and we'd stopped at an internet café to fill on coffee and check our mail. It was time for us to leave and head for home, but the three cups of java we'd each had were calling our names. I looked around the place and saw it had only a single unisex facility. We were out of sight from the counter and the only customers in the place. Bo
  2. When I get the urge, I find I can usually get another 30 to 40 minutes if I make a good effort. But, when it comes back, it's almost always even stronger (after all, there's more now in the bladder). If I still need or want to hold, I'll fight the urge to gain maybe another 15 or 20. Sometimes I may luck out and the urge goes away, not to return for another couple hours. Other times, with little or no warning, I'll lose control. Of course, Sephora, your mileage may vary. But, your results seem pretty typical.
  3. There's something about being on a small boat that quickly breaks down inhibitions. At some point everybody needs to pee. There have been days I've gone out on a boat with strangers and come back ashore with best friends.
  4. Puddyls, I love your golfing style and would enjoy playing a round (or around) with you. I'd make sure my balls spent a lot of time in the weeds.
  5. That lemonade looks so refreshing. I wouldn't mind a drink or two.
  6. Nice puddle and even better scenery. My favorite part of hiking and camping are all the views I get to see.
  7. I think it all depends on the company.
  8. Fanny, I'm sure it's just you! As one always concerned about my health, I'll often monitor my urine for color, volume, aroma and clarity. And when I play the role of doctor, I recommend others do the same. While I can make a froth worthy of the finest lagers, I've yet to come up with floaty bits. Perhaps it's all in your imagination or you need to get your eyes checked. Of course, you're welcome to get a second opinion.
  9. Often I do much the same. When I've gone past the point where I can hold, I let my fingers do the holding for me. I have no idea what I'd do without something to grab onto. Girls, any suggestions?
  10. I was on a hike in the hills a couple weeks back, when I got too uncomfortable to continue on. Walked a few steps to the edge of a riverbank and aimed for the other shore. Almost made it, too. I'm hoping I can inspire others.
  11. Can't say I've ever peed in a pool, but I seldom spend much time there. On the other hand, I'm often on small boats several times a week. At least half the time, I'm bold enough to see if I can raise the level of the ocean.
  12. A reference to the Three Little Pigs story (boar, javelin and hog are all in the porcine family). Instead of the wolf (in this case, the bartender) blowing down their house, it's now the other way.
  13. That's exactly what I say most days. Great to see you made the most of your moment, too.
  14. So great to hear Niagara Falls was filled with breathtaking views. It sounds like some of the best ones were in the hot tub, especially with your stream being warmer than the water.
  15. Congratulations, Sephora. I'm glad (what else?) to hear your big day went well. Great to know you had a proper celebration. Hope Niagara Falls was all that you expected, maybe even a little more.
  16. Sounds like a great challenge, you doing without a toilet for a long evening. And, I'm sure the night will be long given how much you've been drinking. I just hope your not too pee-occupied to come back here and keep us posted how it goes... and goes... and goes.
  17. That's one of the best pees I've read about in a long time. I sure enjoyed hearing about it and hope you try it again.
  18. Nude or not, isn't this what beaches are for?
  19. Outdoor peeing and outdoor sex, what's not to like! And, one appears to be great foreplay for the other.
  20. Oh, I didn't know they pissed any differently there.
  21. Considering how many people will be in the area and the shortage of toilet facilities, a practical solution might be for everybody to take advantage of the darkness and pee during totality. If I were you, I'd be on the lookout not only for great sightings but flash floods.
  22. If it's humid, you likely won't be perspiring as much as if the air were dry. And, if it cooled down during the night, your body is going to shed more water. If you can't sweat it out, all that excess liquid you drank has to go somewhere. In your case, I'm guessing a few steps outside your tent door.
  23. glad1


    No, it's been more than a year since I last heard from her. I hope she's doing well. She wrote some great posts and I really miss what she added to this site.
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