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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. I'm not too adventurous so it would be in the woods up against a tree, I wouldn't recommend it btw, I ended up with a grazed back and bits of woodlands in my pants! 😉 I will re-ask the question from above that somehow got missed: - Describe the strangest situation you had that turned into sex
  2. No, I can't say I do this, mainly because there is not much to see from this angle. And I guess getting a mirror to sit with it between your legs to have a look is kinda a lot of effort to go to and I don't really have a need. Obviously when I was younger and learning about my body and how to use a tampon or sex toy or pessary, I have done the whole mirror thing but once I knew what was what and where it was I don't think I have done it again. I also don't think there is as much importance placed on female bits either, you know there is a bit hoohah about men's penis and the size of it,
  3. Off topic, but my cat seems to think your profile gif is something fun to attack. He is sitting here trying to bop you! lol
  4. I can only pee directly down and can't aim so peeing standing up would be incredibly uncomfortable for me as I'd have to straddle a toilet. lol Also it takes a lot more effort and muscle control to pee standing, sitting it just happens and I can relax.
  5. I don't think it is full, doesn't feel it but anything is possible I guess! I am waiting for more tests to be done 🙂
  6. I haven't measure I can just tell. Before I could do a powerful pee for quite some times and knew a fair amount was coming out. Now I kinda dribble on and off and only for like 10 seconds and I am done. It is quite a drastic difference. And I have been a day with no need to go!
  7. I was 4 and genuinely wet myself at school accidentally. I was queueing to see the teacher to show her my work, and next thing I knew I heard water hitting the floor and realised it was me. I said to my friend not to tell the teacher and just just carried on as if nothing happened. Someone later pointed it out to the teacher and I remember her saying that she wished the person would tell her so that she could help as the person must be very uncomfortable, but I just sat that and didn't say anything. However anyone who asked to go to the toilet after that got their bum felt by the teacher to se
  8. My capacity and flow rate is WAY down!
  9. Yes, it was uncomfortable, difficult, awkward and basically a disaster so we gave up, went home and had decent sex in bed. lol Fantasy far better than reality on that one! Ever had sex outdoors?
  10. I'm quite tempted to give this a go, especially after my UTI as things definitely seem a bit different right now!
  11. Lighter for me. where is the riskiest place you have masturbated? Did you get caught?
  12. Oh ok yeh that’s not what I imagained 🤣 you never said they were laying down! Lol
  13. Definitely not worth losing friends over, plus they likely tell everyone else too.
  14. That doesn’t sound too casual lol
  15. I’d say it’s his kink and he was testing the waters but saying he thought you’d be into it. Shame you are married! Lol
  16. In a car park but it was late at night and a very hidden car park. However someone walking their dog did walk past, not sure if they saw anything.
  17. Yeh I had a drunk guy do it to mine and I didn’t wash it off properly. You can see where a lacquer has come off. It will be about £1000 to fix sadly.
  18. @Bacardi you might not wanna do that unless you car is a heap! The reason bird poop corrodes paint is because the bird digests all waste products (urine and poop) together as it has no bladder. It is the uric acid in the birds poop that corrodes the lacquer and damages the cars paintwork if left on and isn't washed off quickly. Human pee would have a similar effect if left on sadly, although our pee isn't usually as high PH as a birds poop. It does slightly depend on what you have been eating of course!
  19. I had to google what that was 🤣🤣 I’m female so not quite the same but I do like anal Play and bum plugs while masturbating or having sex.
  20. You looked like you enjoyed that. Hope the cleanup wasn’t too bad!
  21. I’ve always been slightly intrigued by those banquets where they peed at the dining table in front of everyone. Think they all sat on commodes or had pisspots, I remember seeing a photo aT school and it’s stuck with me. Lol
  22. No. It’s rarely urgent. I usually come in, put stuff away, see pets, etc and then go to the toilet. If I’ve held it ages then it can suddenly become a little urgent and I’d go as soon as I took coat & shoes off and put keys away. In that instant it gets more urgent the closer I get. Lol
  23. @Bacardi I’m the same, I almost never use bathrooms elsewhere. One thing I’ve noticed though is that my bladder is obviously used to peeing whenever I come home, so now even if I only pop out for 10 mins, when I get home I feel like I need to go 🤣
  24. I remember when I was about 18/19, we went to a pub with college friends. I drove as I don’t drink alcohol so that makes me designated driver most of the time! We’d been out all evening, drinking, chatting etc and just enjoying a nice warm evening (lovely pub by the lake that does water sports etc). I don’t often drink too much as one or two cokes in an evening is plenty and as most of you know by now I have have a huge bladder and pelvic floor muscles of a champion lol. Home was only 10-15 mins away, plus dropping off friends on the way I would be a maximum of 30 mins. I wasn’t too desperate
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