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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. I have never done this and don’t really pee on things. However if I did this I’d want to hold it close against me as I peed straight into it and then grind against it until I orgasm.
  2. Ooooops sorry, didn’t even think it could be seen as humiliating. No, it was on purpose and a huge turn on. I had been paddle boarding and fell in unexpectedly and ended up having to come home with no underwear on as didn’t take spare. So I was wearing jogging bottoms and crocs and quickly stopped in to pick up a prescription and some lunch. The commando free feeling was turning me on a bit and I was stood in the pharmacy waiting for my prescription. I caught sight of the adult diapers and it made me think of pee, I already had a fairly full bladder and my mind was now thinking about being hor
  3. If wetting counts then I’ve done it in a pharmacy and a supermarket.
  4. I bought a pack to try once. The first time I used one I ended up falling asleep and having the best nap after as the warmth was very comforting. I’m not into anything baby though, it was just a way to wet without the mess!
  5. I have quite a few sex toys and enjoy them! I prefer clit ones rather than anything that inserts
  6. I’m straight but the thought of this turns me on and I think it’d make me cum too!
  7. Bathroom door shut and locked by everyone in the house here. Kids usually bash the door open when I’m in there and just walk in to show me something. But no one interrupts anyone else lol
  8. Not the answer you want but I’ve just waited until I’ve got home and used the toilet. You don’t have to instantly pee to avoid a uti so never felt the need to pee anywhere else in that situation
  9. @Bacardi yup if I sit a while then I can always get another trickle or spurt out!
  10. I’m female and I have always done this. I pee and then when I stop I push a few times just to check my bladder is empty. When pregnant I’d also lean forward and try pushing again as that sometimes released a bit more (assume baby was pushing on bladder). Not emptying your bladder fully can lead to infections so it’s probably a good habit anyway.
  11. We definitely need to hear about more play dates!!
  12. Haha I was just reading this thread thinking how on earth would this be possible, I’d have to lay down on the toilet with my legs in the air to miss it and even then I’d probably not manage! I pee down and even if I spread my legs as wide as possible and tilted my hips up, I’d still go down into the bowl!
  13. Id say these percentages are crazy high and probably I flue fed by the fact you are into it and can’t see how others couldn’t be, also being here makes us all think it’s more normal than perhaps it’s actually is. When you think of the world population and how many per sites there are (or aren’t), and then how many members are here and how many active, I think it points somewhat to the lower end of percentages. I would expect it is in the SINGLE digits possibly the lower double digits for the more normal aspects of it.
  14. Obviously only do what you are comfortable with but I really don’t think it’s much different to what you’re already doing. Being naked around each other, peeing which turns you on, stroking your pussy, the only difference is having an orgasm. You don’t need to go OTT and go all out and scream etc but just rub and if it happens just enjoy it. I don’t think that’s incest at all as you aren’t engaging in anything together or touching each other so I don’t see it’s much different to what you’re already doing to be honest.
  15. Stroking yourself in front of your mum is masterbating, just slowly. If she doesn’t mention it then I don’t see why you don’t just start taking it a bit further. You could always apologise or excuse yourself when you start getting into it and say you need to go finish somewhere and hopefully she’ll just tell you to stay.
  16. My most comfortable is sitting on a toilet. Anything else uses muscles which then makes it harder to pee
  17. I don’t see why not, late at night when not many people around, and those around would likely laugh rather than report it. I don’t do drinking pee or being peed on but I’ve had sex in a very public park at about 10pm where anyone could walk by. To be honest once we started I wouldn’t have cared if people did see. It was an amazing experience.
  18. I would leave and pee somewhere else.
  19. I see what you mean as I have experienced similar. I obviously had an interest in pee and experimented with it alone with what came naturally. Then I came on here and some of the stories turned me on or gave me new ideas. Partly I guess it’s made me accept it a bit and feel it’s ok so has allowed me to explore further rather than shut it down. However some things I may try, some I may fantasise about and get turned on by but would never do, and some things will always be an absolute no. I think we all have our boundaries and different interests.
  20. I do sometimes let out a sigh of relief at home but would hold it in in public.
  21. I think you need to understand everyone is different. Not everyone wants it as part of an active sex life, if for example you like the naughty side maybe it’s enhanced by the fact your partner doesn’t know, or maybe you only enjoy wetting in which case there is no need for a partner to enjoy it. I had a good relationship with my ex husband for a long time and I never wanted pee to be a part of it. He actually brought it up at one point and we had a lot of pee fun for a few months trying different things and then we never did it again. I didn’t want to! It was fun, but I didn’t want it become a
  22. I’m so pleased it all worked out for you, sounds like a huge weight lifted for you both and now many fun times ahead
  23. I also wonder this, I really don’t think my parents ever did anything but I have caught my son experimenting in the same ways I used to as a kid. The only thing I don’t know is if all kids do this and only some of us continue it or if it’s just us lot that do it as a kid too.
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