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Everything posted by pguy2981

  1. 40 years for me! I would love to cross off sex while high, drunk, and with someone off-limits (whatever that means lol) to get the grand total to 50 haha.
  2. All fun and games until a girl airdrops a chocolate surprise.
  3. Though I feel like it's something out of movie-crafted fiction, has anyone had sex on a staircase before? I remember seeing a clip from The Crown where the photographer and the asian model (or whatever she was) doing it on the staircase. The scene is...visually pleasing to my eyes. Is it even possible?
  4. I love a good stairwell piss. The sound of it hitting the concrete from high up is more orgasmic than the act itself.
  5. pguy2981


    Welcome! You couldn't find a better, more supportive community.
  6. Haha as if old people are lining up to go to prison. If your friends are into it, why not just slide one leg over a friend and let rip down their leg?
  7. Proves how much self-control I have. I would have just let loose right there and then. If I do, then I have two more people next to me just as turned on as I am.
  8. YUP! Did this in community college while drunk off of a lack of sleep. I stumbled in there without even looking at the sign, sat down and pissed bc I was feeling mad lazy and tired at the time. Thank GOD I did because if someone were to look under the stall and see shoes facing the wrong direction, I'm sure security would have been called. But I sat down and saw a woman sit in the stall next to me and pee. It took me awhile to register it and then my stomach dropped to the fucking floor. So many women were coming in and peeing (I was surprised none stuck around for a shit though, it was e
  9. @colette888 verbal confirmation would be key here. If @Let_It_Go looked at me like she looked at him, I would have assumed she was either messing with me or just accidentally made eye contact with me. Most people wear headphones/earphones in the gym and want to be left to their devices. My unwarranted advice: Ask for help dead-lifting and then pee. Try that look again and see what happens. Failure of the pelvic floor with that exercise is quite normal, but if I caught a gaze like @Let_It_Go described, I'm risking it all in the changing rooms in less than 5 minutes.
  10. Would honestly love a naughty pee day time adventure where me and someone I find physically attractive travel around, peeing where we shouldnt (restaurant floors, bars, stores (Really liking the idea of Ikea), abandoned houses, etc). I also love the idea of being straddled from the back in a hot tub with someone pissing down the back of my neck, really hard like they couldn't hold it but really sneakily like they want to do it in front of everyone and get away with it.
  11. Lol just like peeing, this is the place to truly let it fly. You'll never be shamed here
  12. Damn why have I never seen this before. @scarletsfitch 1) Peeing on a partner- 5 2) Being peed on by a partner- 9 3) Peeing in your partner's face- 4 (I like pissing but I also like kissing, haha 4) Having your own face peed on- 3 5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source- 2 6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source- 0 7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet- 10(00000)!!! 8.) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner- 10!!! 9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches- 6 10) Watching your partner
  13. I remember one time as a kid, I was really desperate to piss during a soccer game. The details are a bit vague, but I ducked behind a bush that was in plain view of all the on lookers, pulled my shorts aside and let loose. I heard someone come up behind me, so I put everything back and wet myself a little. How I stopped such a hard stream is beyond me, but I definitely did not want to be caught. I released the rest later, not sure where. Not sure if that counts I did nearly wet myself on a trip to the city once. Drank too much Aloe Vera (note to the fun people who are into desperation, t
  14. The use of the word "wee" has me reading this in a british accent. Don't ask me what region bc I don't know. What I do know is that I want a british voice-over of this entire book.
  15. Netherlands and Sweden came out as 48% and 45% more likely to watch piss porn. Who here is from either country and can those people give insights as to why it's more popular among the folks there?
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Having her drink a ton and head to the furniture to let some loose into a cushion or two (if not watched by security), then drink some more and hold onto it until she can find a discreet place to spray her piss. I had the idea that if she gets caught, I'll just cover for her and say that she's post-partum and her pelvic floor is unusually weak at this time. I imagine in big stores like ikea, its hard to find the bathroom.
  17. Oh how I wish I meant you ;). This is someone who's closer to home however. I feel like I've seen the video you're talking about, but its in that sort of lost video category now that its been so long. There's so many pissing in Ikea videos out there, and I've done a few naughty pees in warehouses before, so naturally I would love to have a piss marking adventure with this person. Kind of like what @peecurious94 did with her mom. Exactly like that tbh.
  18. pguy2981


    Who closed down mr.poll!? I also spent a significant amount of time...tenderizing some sausages...while browsing that site.
  19. How am I gonna get the crispy edges on my hamburgers then?
  20. Well as long as theres an itch to scratch... I would personally love it if you were to let go all over the wall. Any wall
  21. I would love to take my friend on a piss adventure over the holidays, if I get the chance that is. I keep thinking of ideas and Ikea keeps popping up in my mind. It's close, large, and not busy enough where people are coming from all directions every ten seconds. Lots of places to let go, seemingly easy to get away with it. My only worry is security. Does anyone know how Ikea is with security cams? If its too secure, I'm open to better ideas.
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