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Everything posted by pguy2981

  1. If you go to pornhub.com and search up any plus size pee-focused content creator, their algorithms will mainly give you plus sized pee suggestions. Perhaps you aren't searching the right users or tags. I'll name drop a few of my personal favorites: PeeGirl1999 (twitter and fansly under the same name) Ladyredbush Laverrnee (I think) LittlePeePrincess Or (LittlePrincess) SilentCrisis Personally, I'm more into the quality of the content than the quantity of body fat on the person (Though I have my hard limits)
  2. I would have loved seeing that more lol. She was overfilling the cup and I just said "Just piss on the floor!". So she moved the cup out of the way and sprayed the carpet. I loved the sound of it, and it didn't even smell! It happened again on our way to the airport that happens to be across one of the standard timezones. We fucked up and forgot about the time change so we couldn't stop for anything, not even to pee. The pee came for her and she said she couldn't hold it all the way to the airport, so I just told her "Do what you gotta do". Seeing no other option, she just let go onto the
  3. These dogs are really little, my wife has the nose of a blood hound, and I just pissed a whole bunch all over the all and carpet..fuuuuuuck clean up sucks. Definitely an enjoyable horny piss though. No regrets here.
  4. Yeah too bad she doesn't exist lol...yet...
  5. Apart from that last part, I actually let this happen more than once. Once on a road trip we were part way through god knows where and with one too many cars around, my wife announces that she has to pee. Of course my ears perk up (as did other parts of my body), I told her that I wasn't stopping, even though I could have waited for the cars to stop coming by since, again, we were in the middle of nowhere. I told her to just go in this very large cup she just drank an entire coke out of (seriously, why does America have these things if they don't double as toilets). She takes my advice, squats
  6. I'm lying in bed right now scrolling through this thread and holding back the urge to pee. I'm really considering letting it off to the side and spraying the wall. I'm doing rover to pay bills so i dont think anyone will be the wiser if I do. Should I?
  7. Haha, I've always wanted to try pissing in someones pants while they piss in it themselves. I could see myself doing this with a (very) close friend at a festival if theres no other option. Just pull out the shorts a bit and let go down her backside into her pants
  8. Whats your plan for the day? Last night I let it out on the second floor of a hotel I was delivering to. Behind the ice machine. I honestly didn't feel like I could hold it another hour.
  9. Hard to pick one, but a major one is OSINT investigations. What's your naughtiest pee experience?
  10. This was both hilarious and stressful to read lol
  11. I really love their backs in all of these photos. God damn....
  12. So my wife has this friend, lets call her A. A can be kind of a snarky asshole type friend; Gives backhanded compliments and judges others before judging herself. But if there is anything I hate the most about this person, it is that they take HORRIBLE care of themselves AND their pets. There's dirt and grime everywhere, dried animal stains, dirty dishes, and dried mud. For whatever reason, I volunteered to watch her pets while shes away (even though I have problems of my own). I get there, wade through the aforementioned filth to get her pets outside, and there, smack dab in the middle o
  13. To wetting the bed: Hotel room furniture might be your best friend. Also, Amazon mattresses. You can get a queen size mattress for 300 I think? Man... I've never had anyone intentionally wet the bed with me. I've never done it myself either. The way you mention it really has me thinking whether or not I would like it. I might be willing to try.
  14. Not a lady, just a curious guy with a question. Do you spray the walls in that position you mentioned? I could imagine that being fun
  15. Didn't people in Antoinette's day pee on the floor in those huge dresses they wore?
  16. Right around the industrial revolution, I would kidnap the guys responsible for greyhound and ford, transport them here to show them how they fucked with our transportation system, and then kill them so it never happens (assuming time works in a linear way of course, probably doesn't though). I could talk about how much industrial revolution leaders fucked with the united states for hours because I have a DEEP passion for trains as a freight and human transport system. We are missing out on so much technological evolution in that area because a few fuckers thought it'd be nice to make a quick
  17. You're trying to destroy your inbox on the first day? Seriously though, welcome to the site. You'll find people of all kinds here, though I'm sure @gldenwetgoose will read you the riot act about meet ups not being within the scope of the site. Hope you have fun on this site 🙂
  18. I would love for someone to sit next to me and pee, not because they had to go but because they wanted to. The words "What, I wanted to pee" would hit waaay different than "I really needed to pee". Also it's office carpets after dark for me. I pissed in an open office at dusk since I was working late. Twas a lot of fun.
  19. Does anyone have parts of the month or year where they just get insanely horny? I'm going through a patch of that right now with zero outlet other than porn. I really feel like buying a lovesense, hopping on tinder and asking if anyone wants to get vibed in public with it. I can't seem to stop masturbating lately either... This has happened before and usually passes but this is a longer stretch than usual. Anyone else experience an onslaught of dirty thoughts for no reason?
  20. I don't hold mine at all bc its not like it matters (unless you feel a hearty sneeze coming on). Let it spray where it may as I always say.
  21. 5 for me. I also have the option of a wearable blanket but I hardly wear it to bed unless I have to.
  22. Quick, lets meet in a hot tub and drink lots of water on the way!
  23. "Interestingly, because the water is so hot, the pee actually feels cold." I absolutely need to do this with someone...for science... My friend, her ex and I once hotubbed together. Her ex had sprayed the wall prior to going in, but she suggested he could go inside the hot tub next time. She pees in it all the time, regardless of impact on the water chemistry, claiming it as her personal bathroom.
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