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Everything posted by pguy2981

  1. Didn't people in Antoinette's day pee on the floor in those huge dresses they wore?
  2. Right around the industrial revolution, I would kidnap the guys responsible for greyhound and ford, transport them here to show them how they fucked with our transportation system, and then kill them so it never happens (assuming time works in a linear way of course, probably doesn't though). I could talk about how much industrial revolution leaders fucked with the united states for hours because I have a DEEP passion for trains as a freight and human transport system. We are missing out on so much technological evolution in that area because a few fuckers thought it'd be nice to make a quick
  3. You're trying to destroy your inbox on the first day? Seriously though, welcome to the site. You'll find people of all kinds here, though I'm sure @gldenwetgoose will read you the riot act about meet ups not being within the scope of the site. Hope you have fun on this site 🙂
  4. I would love for someone to sit next to me and pee, not because they had to go but because they wanted to. The words "What, I wanted to pee" would hit waaay different than "I really needed to pee". Also it's office carpets after dark for me. I pissed in an open office at dusk since I was working late. Twas a lot of fun.
  5. Does anyone have parts of the month or year where they just get insanely horny? I'm going through a patch of that right now with zero outlet other than porn. I really feel like buying a lovesense, hopping on tinder and asking if anyone wants to get vibed in public with it. I can't seem to stop masturbating lately either... This has happened before and usually passes but this is a longer stretch than usual. Anyone else experience an onslaught of dirty thoughts for no reason?
  6. I don't hold mine at all bc its not like it matters (unless you feel a hearty sneeze coming on). Let it spray where it may as I always say.
  7. 5 for me. I also have the option of a wearable blanket but I hardly wear it to bed unless I have to.
  8. Quick, lets meet in a hot tub and drink lots of water on the way!
  9. "Interestingly, because the water is so hot, the pee actually feels cold." I absolutely need to do this with someone...for science... My friend, her ex and I once hotubbed together. Her ex had sprayed the wall prior to going in, but she suggested he could go inside the hot tub next time. She pees in it all the time, regardless of impact on the water chemistry, claiming it as her personal bathroom.
  10. I used to when I was a kid but now no since I am sandwiched between two houses whos porches face mine. I almost always peed behind the house, so much so that there is a permanent stain on the concrete wall. Other than that, I got drunk with my friend and we helped ourselves to my parents alcohol. She peed several times behind me and I peed several times on the same concrete wall I used to piss on.
  11. You're fine! I didn't mean to sound upset, just comes from a lot of things in my past--I have been tricked and played before and it doesn't take long to pick up on some indicators. I know you didn't mean it that way, but definitely ask anyone on here to translate, mods especially. Most of us are really kind here. Though I highly doubt any sort of statistic would stop the public from shaming kinky people, I would love to see what you come up with. If you don't mind me asking, where in the world are you from? The website had Japanese characters on it and I figured you were Japanese, but I d
  12. You can DM me if you're interested and I can either tell you or point you to the sources I learned from. It was also more of a consequence of a hobby at the time. The world of privacy in the 21st century is so deep, I don't know everything and everything I do know may not be 100% accurate so take me with a grain of salt. Also, keep in mind that there is a trade off between privacy and convenience. You can make yourself private online, but you can cost yourself the convenience of using the internet (like breaking webpages bc your browser settings are configured to break critical website feature
  13. Deleting your internet history doesn't do much, depending on your browser and browser settings. Likely all that stuff gets stored away, but no Big Tech companies really care about it unless you're openly committing a crime, which piss is not. Taking precautions is something everyone on here should do. You wouldn't want your workplace to see it, or your wife or kids and have them feel any sort of negative sentiment toward you. Having a kink or a fetish isn't a crime just because the people around you do not have a crime. You are not actively hurting or extorting/exploiting people, nor view
  14. I try really hard to keep porn viewing to my computer. I don't use my phone for anything porn related. I have my firefox settings set to delete the cache and browser history when I close the windows I have containers for everything. Containers work like the popular container software "Docker" if anyone here is familiar. It contains all your history and caches it in that one container, keeping it separate from your regular browser. This keeps my browser looking tame and christian. This site, my erome, and my naughty twitter account won't open up on any other tabs except the one I'm us
  15. "Following the previous question, if you have other fetishism, were you affected by this(PeeFans or Omorashi) website?" This question did not make sense, do you mind clarifying? "Do you have mental disorder?" This question is a little direct and kind of rude sounding...I would rephrase it as "Do you have a history of mental illness or other disabilities?" and give options to choose which ones. I'd be more inclined to answer truthfully. "How high are your desire for urophilia? " Again a very confusing question and poorly worded, consider rewording (being more specific, ur
  16. I feel like thats a giant headache for the mods already here, having to learn a new technology if they haven't used it already. Not everyone has time to mod a discord server.
  17. I'm gonna parrot @Bacardi and say that yeah... San Francisco is different from the rest of Cali, even from the rest of the country. The people have a lax view of alot of things, so I guess you could fuck around and find out, but I would not do so in front of cops. If you're intentionally wetting, I would have an excuse on hand that says that you should be excused from any sort of shaming. If I were a girl, I think I could get away with saying "Oh my pregnancy ruined my pelvic floor, sorry". Idk what that would look like for a man however.
  18. @scarletsfitch and I hung out in a park not too long ago (we lived in the same area code and I go back frequently to visit, not frequently enough though). Instead of waiting for a bathroom, which she had no intention of doing, she got up on the bench for fun and let go that way, in broad day light with someone behind her who could have easily seen what was going on if they weren't distracted by their dogs. This park had no bathrooms anyway, so of course people will pee right in the open.
  19. 40 years for me! I would love to cross off sex while high, drunk, and with someone off-limits (whatever that means lol) to get the grand total to 50 haha.
  20. All fun and games until a girl airdrops a chocolate surprise.
  21. Though I feel like it's something out of movie-crafted fiction, has anyone had sex on a staircase before? I remember seeing a clip from The Crown where the photographer and the asian model (or whatever she was) doing it on the staircase. The scene is...visually pleasing to my eyes. Is it even possible?
  22. I love a good stairwell piss. The sound of it hitting the concrete from high up is more orgasmic than the act itself.
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