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Everything posted by pguy2981

  1. Idk if this will be a driver but anyone in the mountains/southwest DEFINITELY needs to consider pissing outside. Especially you, California. I'm imagining pee-related technologies like indoor grass you can pee on. I imagine having houses fitted with some kind of tank that takes the nitrogen in the pee and mixes it with water to remove the waste factor, leaving nitrogen rich water that get irrigated into your soil for a good garden or something like that. I would pee outside all the time if it meant healthier fruits and vegetables, I just can't do maintenance on plants.
  2. Yes and no.... There was a night where my friend ducked behind me to piss, but we were in an open part of my lawn in the dark moonlight night, so she could have peed anywhere. Instead she chose to grab my legs and squat right behind me. I felt pretty honored.
  3. I actually love it when girls fart when they pee. I think its perfectly natural, and it makes me laugh even though I go flaccid lol. To add: Extremely yellow pee. Please drink some water bc I can smell the video Peeing in someones mouth. Not very much into couple pissings but there are a select few vids out there that I do get off to. Peeing on someones hair Peeing in cups or bowls. I agree with @Bacardi on this one bc I don't like the idea of collecting my pee in something I'll likely use Pissing on animals. Thats pretty niche but i don't like animal
  4. Can this be both a kink and a fetish? I can be aroused without it but when it comes to porn, its virtually the only form of porn that is arousing to me. It would have to be the real deal if it were to be anything else. However, I don't think I could consider it a lifestyle, just something that is a turn on to me when I do it, or if others of the opposite sex do it. It would be a lifestyle if I could do it without repercussions, but as @Bacardi said, once you take away the risk and taboo, it isn't as fun anymore. Plus I HATE the cleanup, so it couldn't possibly be a lifestyle for me.
  5. Probably on a tree in France in front of my girlfriend and her friend. No one thought anything of it, and on top of that, some drunk guy pissed on the side of the Airbnb where we were staying in the city and ripped a loud fart too. In addition, I saw women ducking under bushes and behind buildings in the park where the Eiffel Tower is. After that, I figured people there are much more lax about public peeing, so I pissed on a tree in broad daylight. A very thin tree too, not really covering much downstairs. I didn't care if they saw, I wasn't holding it any longer. God I miss Paris.
  6. I've been reliving some childhood adventures and peeing in my vent. @pop-a-squat reminded me with her vent pees that I used to do the same at my old grandmothers house. Seriously though, there are a number of experiences that I would like to relive. Most of my pee kink experiences were in my young adulthood. I used to date a girl who would pee around my house whenever she needed to, or wanted to for that matter. I have a number of experiences with her that all stand out in their own way, especially this one night that I REALLY wish I could re-create with a willing and naughty participant.
  7. No, you're right on time. I'm just wondering how to give you the full repo without outing my real name, since my real name is on my github.
  8. I did respond to that actually. I said something along the lines of "Theres a ring camera in my house and I'm not about to explain your presence to my gf. But if you actually need to, ask. I have a couch". I could wear the new jacket, but its not cold enough for that yet. I feel like I would respond with something along the lines of "Hey, I'm kind of picking up a vibe between you and I, and I don't know whether or not thats a thing with you, but I've noticed our conversations seem to be more flirty than light-hearted. I'm really flattered by you, honestly, but you know I'm already with so
  9. Full disclosure, I am absolutely GARBAGE at socializing. I am especially garbage when it comes to dealing with people having romantic/sexual feelings for me, and vice versa. Those are emotions I really never learned how to properly handle. As such, I am an extremely clueless person when it comes to someone "dropping hints" to get a guy to ask them out or invite them home. I always try to play it off like they're joking with me or pulling my leg or trying to get some kind of reaction out of me. Like "theres no way they ACTUALLY mean that". My gf actually has to point these things out Well
  10. We have to click follow Thats strange. I never click follow for any other posts and still get notifications. Probably a question for admin I guess.
  11. Really? I'd love to see the repositories sometime! The code is in Javascript and Golang if you know those languages.
  12. I do have new problems. The old ones have been solved already but I could seriously use the assistance. DM me if you're still interested and I'll post the problems there. It's early morning where I am so I'm gonna prioritize exercise first.
  13. I did too, and I learned I don't do classes well. I'm better off with those self-directed Coursera-type courses that you see on boot.dev, opencourseware.mit.edu, and Udemy.
  14. @Bacardi I laughed so hard at the bugs part
  15. Thanks for responding to this, guys. I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner since I don't get notifications for this chat. I did solve it though, but I introduced more bugs I need to touch upon today. The two projects I have are in node.js and golang. I'm sure I'll think of something, I appreciate you guys trying to help!
  16. @gldenwetgooseis there a reason we do not get notifications for anything in the general chat?
  17. That must be quite the stream. I was thinking you guys must be sitting across from each other at the dining room table or living room and just casually let it fly, accidentally hitting one another but you just keep going.
  18. It's hard to give tips when we don't know the enemy against it (in this case, your illness). That being said, what do you feel is stopping you from peeing in the places you listed? Is it pain, or is it the possibility for shame and embarrassment? I like to think that 9 times out of 10, you'll likely never be caught peeing in public, even if you aren't all that careful. If I were you, I would try going in park bathrooms, slowly graduating yourself to public bathrooms like over the drain at a Starbucks (do they have those where you live?). Wear skirts without panties, go to dimly lit bars,
  19. When you talk about file structures, what is the purpose of doing so? I'm also into programming, but I've never dealt with implementing file structures into code because I've never had the reason to. As far as break ups go, I find that I break into work mode the best when I'm down, but that is not everyone.
  20. So you mean to say you and your mom accidentally spray each other and don't stop when you do? I need a detailed recount of an experience haha.
  21. I feel no shame in making you pee! You couldn't win that bet and you knew it. I was far too determined.
  22. Damn this is a turn on! How big was the cup, and how many times did you piss in it. I'm thinking it must have been on the smaller side, but I remember my gf filling up a big gulp cup with her piss when she refused to piss on the side of the road in public, so I told her to just piss on the floor. I think that floor has seen at least 3 big gulps worth of piss and its still like new. If you were in my car, I'd allow you to go all over the center console and dashboard.
  23. We work alot with blood, so the topic of squirting does come up quite often. It even came up today. I really do wonder about her squirt streams, if they're full on torrents or small gushes. After the picture she showed me, I'm certain there is some sort of spray factor when she cums. Maybe she squirts multiple times in one session. If this were you, how would you go about asking your coworker about how they squirt without giving off the vibe that you have sexual feelings for them? I'm cool with them but I want to treat this friendship delicately and not have it be more than pee/squirt tal
  24. Less about piss this time, more a discussion of what she thinks of her pussy. Its not the first time that we have discussed how good looking she is down there. She describes her pussy like the seam of a beignet, with the softness and texture of a baguette. I think she has a thing for french cuisine. If I wasn't taken right now, I'd be speaking french between her thighs. (I know, lame quip haha)
  25. I immediately recognized your name, which means its time for me to take a break from peefans and pee related content. A pee break if you will... I'll see myself out.
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