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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Brothers eh?! Just the worst! But seriously, thanks for telling us about this experience so eloquently. I really felt your desperation. I hope you never had to endure anything so traumatic again while you were working there!
  2. I love you Sophie. And thank you for your beautiful answers x
  3. 😍 That bum! That smile!
  4. Thanks so much @Bacardi - you have really opened up in such an honest way 💖. You're amazing.
  5. Kupar


    Oh dear! I know exactly what you mean (I think! I'm not sure that men ever get the same intensity of horniness that women do ... when I've cum I generally settle down quite quickly for quite a long time!). Sending virtual hugs ... though I know you really need something more tangible ... and not from me lol
  6. You've had a lot on your plate - motivation is difficult sometimes. You'll get your mojo back I'm sure x
  7. I'm sorry @Bacardi. I had forgotten that you had an AMA thread, but now I have remembered I will ask these questions I thought of and which I have also asked some others: If you think about how others see you, what do you think are 2 or 3 things that people might get wrong unless they know you very well? What are 2 or 3 things you now understand about yourself that you didn't know ten years ago?
  8. Uncut. Tight foreskin, which I'm not ecstatic about, but I'm not getting cut just because of that.
  9. Oh! Take it easy my friend x
  10. Thank you so much @Chrissy89! Really interesting. I understand you better now ... and that's the purpose of these threads I reckon 💖
  11. I thought of some questions for this type of thread so I am going to ask you them, and maybe some of the other generous AMA people: If you think about how others see you, what do you think are 2 or 3 things that people might get wrong unless they know you very well? What are 2 or 3 things you now understand about yourself that you didn't know ten years ago?
  12. I thought of some questions for this type of thread so I am going to ask you them, and maybe some of the other generous AMA people: If you think about how others see you, what do you think are 2 or 3 things that people might get wrong unless they know you very well? What are 2 or 3 things you now understand about yourself that you didn't know ten years ago?
  13. I thought of some questions for this type of thread so I am going to ask you them, and maybe some of the other generous AMA people: If you think about how others see you, what do you think are 2 or 3 things that people might get wrong unless they know you very well? What are 2 or 3 things you now understand about yourself that you didn't know ten years ago?
  14. I need the imagined help of all my virtual but real PF Sports Club friends this morning to push myself to run 10k for the first time in ages. And truth be told I did walk 0.1 mile after 4 miles. But I made up for it with a bit extra at the end, and finished 6.36 miles in 54:03 (8:30/m, or for those of you born after me, 10.24km at 5:23/km). So thank you @Chrissy89, @Sophie, @LovesToWet, @gldenwetgoose, @Bacardi, @harry_jones_1975 and anyone else I've forgotten who posts here x
  15. Wow - sounds like a great deal for both of you to be honest! Thanks so much for posting this lovely account 💖 Here's to many more fun times for you both!
  16. K wet herself in the kitchen last night! I’d asked if she’d mind filling up for me during the afternoon, and she said she didn’t. And when she confirmed that her jeans were a little muddy at the bottom from a walk earlier during the day and would be going in the wash when she took them off, I knew what Id like to watch her do. After dinner, and a cup of tea while watching a TV programme for half an hour she was ready for a wee – but we still had the washing up to do. K often likes to put on music while we clear up in the kitchen, so restarting her alphabetical playlist beginning with song
  17. I stayed in a hotel on Friday night. I felt a bit naughty. I sprayed down the bathroom mirror and basin. I had fun. I cleaned up after myself because I am good. https://www.erome.com/a/0BIiPHiz
  18. Interesting. My experience with K has very rarely featured any rough stuff (only in occasional role play), and we are often extremely polite to each other. We *always* thank each other afterwards (it seems ridiculous, but it's sort of built into being English maybe). During sex there's often praise, but it's not necessarily intended that way - it's just how it comes out: "Ooh! That feels really good - your're doing great things to me!" or "To the left a bit, now harder ... oh yes, you are soooo good at this!" And it all feels natural and makes it loving. Does that make sense? Oh - a
  19. Blessed in the booty department, and sexy af
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