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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 16 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Interesting....  the geek in me has started considering how other forms of the graph may look and the information they would provide.

    Maybe a graph that starts from the first 7am pee after waking (assuming the bladder is emptied at that point) then some sort of integral graph showing the steadily rising bladder volume as a growth from zero to the volume of pee at say 11am, then climbing from zero again until the volume peed at 12:30 and so on.  Against that you could compare the drinks taken - seeing if the bladder volume equals those, whether your kidneys function quicker at different times of the day - or for that matter depending what you'd had to drink.

    Out of interest whilst working from home sometime this week I may try for myself...

    I have *lots* of charts on the go... Let's compare at some point during the week when I have more source data 🙂

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I click the "Click to choose files" below the text box and navigate to a photo. The little uploading box at the bottom appears and I get the usual progress bar but once it is complete I get a pop up with the exclamation point and ok button saying nothing but "-200". The upload box then says "upload failed" I have tried different images with various file sizes. Links still automatically embed fine. 

    @Kupar is also reporting the same error but I am unsure how they are uploading files. 

    Ps - while I am on the topic, who has access to the upload feature? I think I was asked to help test it but I'm unsure if this is a staff only feature, available to gold members only or if everyone has access to it. Thanks! 

    Thanks for raising this @Sophie. I had tried reducing the file size, but it didn't make a difference.

  3. I have said it before, but I am so grateful to @gldenwetgoose for starting this topic - it has been instrumental in bringing my running mojo back. I forced myself out this morning when the weather wasn't looking promising, and was rewarded with rapidly clearing skies, warm sunshine and a disappearing breeze.

    It was one of those runs where after a couple of miles you settle into a comfortable rhythm (3 strides per in and out breath) and you think you can run forever. The form and breathing started to go a bit at 6.5 miles, but it was still a really enjoyable exercise session.

    The stats: 7.55 miles (12.15 km); 1:01:36 (8:09 / mile); 49 ft ascent; 186 average bpm; 1088 calories.

    Picture from the area I run, from yesterday's walk.


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  4. 3 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm not sure anyone's just answered the exam question "when is it a fetish and when is it a preference".

    I've just google the word 'fetish' and Google rewarded me with the defintion "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc"

    So from my own experience, I've got no qualms about peeing outdoors - I'll do it when needed and I'll sometimes create a scenario where it is needed.  For example a few weeks ago I drove with my son to an appointment, an hour drive each way and a half hour wait. When I dropped him off I parked at a local park, walked to a safe location and relaxed an uncomfortably full bladder.  I could have driven to a McDonalds or similar but my preference was to pee outdoors. (There was a certain 'naughtiness' of breaking the rules, but essentially still preference).

    Now in my case my absolute fascination is with all matters lady-pee and on occasion I'll sort of project scenarios onto myself - so imagining being female and needing to pee or actually peeing. Occasionally wetting too. That is when I'm definitely aroused and unless suddenly interrupted would absolutely result in masturbation too.  So there definitely I'd say fetish.

    So in a nutshell - doing it for fun or convenience is a preference, doing it and being aroused by it is a fetish.   Counting myself lucky to enjoy both.

    I'm with you there. Though we have slight differences in what turns us on in the fetish case ... I can get aroused by self-peeing (or rather self-peeing and -pleasure can go hand-in-hand, so to speak), and having my wife pee on me results in instant hard-on and more.

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  5. I decided that I need to check that my pee frequency and volume. I’ve been worried for a while about getting up in the night (I worry I go too often), and reducing volume and force. But how could I do this and have fun too? Peeing into a measuring jug for a week was going to be tedious.

    But … my wife K decided to keep me company, which has made it a whole lot more interesting! For a start, she hadn’t weed into a jug before, and it has been great watching her and encouraging her … her aim is getting better (more’s the pity – I don’t mind in the least cleaning up after her).

    I haven’t had much opportunity until today to watch her peeing really closeup: so much to take in! K’s been a bit self-conscious, and while she isn’t getting turned on, she knows what it does to me 😉

    For the weird and nerdy among you (I know there are some) I am analysing the data and there will be charts. One to start with (my data) … with more as the week progresses for the terminally bored among you (including comparisons between me (I’m D in the charts) and K – already looking ‘interesting’). Our MBTW (Mean Time between Wees) is looking the same so far ... but as we go through the night I expect mine to become lower. The variation in K's wee volume is much greater than mine (125-500ml for K; 240-340ml for me).

    By the way, I checked what’s considered a “normal” range for number of pees per day, and

    “A normal bladder can hold between 400 ml and 600 ml of urine. On average, people normally empty their bladder four to seven times per day. However, this can vary from person to person.

    “The normal range for 24-hour urine volume is 800 – 2000 ml per day (with a normal fluid intake of about 2 l per day). The examples above are common measurements for results of these tests. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories.

    “The volume of urine passed each time by a normal adult will vary from around 250 – 400 ml. Most people with normal bladder habits can hold on for 3-4 hours between visits to the toilet. Most younger adults can also go right through the night without the need to pass urine.”


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  6. 1 hour ago, Bacardi said:

    I'm a shower person and I pee in the shower regularly. Someone on here posted about peeing in a bath that was occupied at the moment, and I thought that was interesting lol. I would love to be in the bath while someone simply walks in, hovers over me and pees into it. Idk why, but it's so erotic to me. 

    My wife pees on me over the bath while I'm in it, though it hasn't been spontaneous. Rather it's planned as part of a sexy session. Still fantastically erotic though 🙂

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  7. On 11/2/2020 at 8:19 AM, Kupar said:

    For me it starts in a bad place and gets better. After 25 years of married life with a latent pee kink that I never admitted to anyone - maybe not even really to myself - my wife and I were on the verge of breaking up for reasons that mostly boiled down to a mismatch of sexual desire (not so much in terms of quantity, but more related to variety and kink - there were so many things I wanted us to try!) and poor communication (that's probably familiar to 90% of couples as they get older). In the end I sort of gave her an ultimatum - we see a counsellor or I leave. So we saw a counsellor for six months or so, who completely reset our physical relationship. I cannot tell you how much better things are now, but we are much more adventurous as a couple, so it didn't seem difficult to raise the possibility of pee play - we were more comfortable with our own desires and needs and understood we could set boundaries but push them.

    When I suggested pee play and she said - "sure - I'm happy to pee on you, but I don't want you to pee on me" that was fine for me! We enjoy it like that now from time to time, and have had some great times. There are things I'd like to do that might never happen - but PeeFans is a place I can vicariously enjoy those things from others' posts. My wife doesn't know I'm a member of this community, but I'll tell her - she'll just dismiss it as one of my funny things.

    Just a quick update. So this evening, my phone suddenly made that sound that the live chat makes when there's a new message - you know the one - it sounds like someone peeing. So I was in the kitchen, forgetting that my phone volume was up (because I'd just finished a late work call). "What's that sound? It sounds like a notification that is like the noise of someone weeing," said my wife. At which point, I did indeed tell her about this forum and my membership of it. And she gave me a look, asked a couple of questions about it, and ... as I predicted ... dismissed it as "one of my funny things". So there you go. I know - and love - my wife. It might have helped that we'd not long had strong gins and fantastic sex.

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  8. 35 minutes ago, Adyguy6970 said:

    Thanks for that.  I dudn't want to offend by use of the term 'panties' but they had that sort of look about them, although there are types of underwear which are effectively unisex these days.  Personally I wear a wide range of underwear and that dies include actual panties which invariably are much more comfy than briefs.  Even the briefs I have are for the most part, by choice, flyless.  I cant be the only man in the world to find flys pointless and inconvenient as they're invariably too small or badly positioned.     

    No offence taken @Adyguy6970! I have a wide range of underwear - none has a fly!

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  9. 1 minute ago, peegirl99 said:

    @gldenwetgoose Not so much my grin that needs to be hidden as my arousal... still sitting here wetting periodically... have moved about the office and gone in some other spots too letting it get soaked into the pad in my panties... getting awfully wet in more ways than one. Currently have the office to myself so what shall be done about this. 

    Ooh - lucky to have the office to yourself! You have many options ... and a few hours yet I think. Time for plenty of fun 🙂

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