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Posts posted by Kupar

  1.  I went for a walk out of my village this afternoon after choosing not to pee at home after lunch. After a couple of miles, the lunchtime beer and tea was starting to make its presence felt. I found a nice little bridge I could pee from into one of the drainage ditches that are everywhere in this part of the fens. It’s quite a pretty spot and as it has been rainy here the drain was full of water. I checked to make sure there were no walkers who might come round the corner in either direction and stood in the middle of the bridge, then unzipped my fly and started to pee between the rails into the water a few feet below. It was good to listen to the splashing sound ... but I wish I had checked the wind direction first. Doh! I did take a photo of me peeing, but it’s  really poor and you can't really see anything except a very few drops mid-air against a tree-trunk background. I’ll go back another day and do a proper job.

    Anyone regularly pee from bridges into water?

    Bridge 1.jpg

    Bridge 2.jpg

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  2. I think only once as an adult - in a hotel room at Disneyland Paris many years ago where we were staying with the in-laws, including brother-in-law's children and our kids. My wife and I had taken advantage of the on-hand family babysitting resources and gone off for a meal at one of the other hotels. We'd drunk quite a lot, and were both very tired after going round the rides etc all day with the kids. It was the last day we were there. I remember getting into bed, having sex, and falling very deeply asleep. When I woke up in the morning it was in a big patch of my own wetness. My wife was not hugely impressed, but amazingly hadn't woken up before me. We just took all the bedding off the bed, lifted the mattress off the bed and stood it upright against a wall (I don't really know why) and left a note for housekeeping apologising.

    The idea of the cleaning up, coupled with a wife who isn't particularly into the fetish means I just never consider it, though it would probably be lovely.

  3. Great story! My wife is happy to entertain my pee kink and will pee on me if I ask her. She's also suggested it herself. She'll generally spray it over me where I ask her to, and is happy if I position my mouth under her stream and gargle with her pee, and drink it.I don't think she can understand why I might want to do this, and will express mild disgust, along with amusement - we laugh a lot. I am very aware of how lucky I am that she'll do this for me. She doesn't really have the slightest interest in pee games for her own pleasure though, and doesn't want me to touch or lick her when she's peeing, which I respect of course.

  4. I can only speak from my own experience, which is with a wife who is perfectly happy peeing on me as a treat that I gladly accept. She finds it strange and funny that I like it when she pees on me, and though she doesn't tell me she finds it a turn on, the sex we have afterwards is always really good! Not only that, but she will suggest it too 🙂   I second @pizzapeople's view that pee play is great, intimate foreplay. You're lucky to have a gf who likes to play with you. We have always had an open door policy with our bathroom and toilets - including when raising a family: it's meant that the simple act of peeing - and seeing / hearing others pee in the toilet - doesn't have the naughtiness value that many in the forum find exciting. But you and your gf may find that 'naughty' peeing together in non-conventional places that might generate some shared fun for you too.


  5. On 10/8/2020 at 3:27 PM, Ajr972 said:

    I wanted to get really desperate and do a naughty pee today, so I held in my morning piss, drank 3 big glasses of water and waited. When I couldn’t hold it anymore I yanked down my underwear, kneeled down and let it all out into my trash can. The link to the full vid is here but also enjoy the preview pics and the one of my puddle after dumping the can’s contents into my driveway. 







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  6. 26 minutes ago, owlman76 said:

    The funniest experience I ever had with pissing in the shower involved my wife when we came back from a night at the pub, the pub was literally a 5 minute walk from our house and we'd go there several evenings each week, most of the time it was just for a quick beer after work but on a Friday night we'd spend hours in there and she'd end up quite drunk. Well on this particular Friday she'd gone out in her 'rock chick' outfit, a pair of pvc leggings, knee boots and a nice tight T-shirt, she looked great.

    We had finished our drinks and begun the short walk home when as usual, we both needed a piss, we arrived at the house and there's a bit of pushing and shoving as we both try to get in first, I manage to get in first and run to the bathroom, closely followed by the wife, now she's laughing about us getting in the house and I'm stood over the toilet, cock in hand and pissing like a racehorse, she is giggling and telling me to hurry up, watching me is only making her need worse, she's on the verge of wetting herself, or so she says.

    Just for fun I decide to drag it out a bit, make her wait, you know as you do, "OOH, a bit leaked out then" she squealed, then added, "but it was only a little". By now I've had an idea and gently push her into the shower, "well stand there, don't want you doing it on the floor do we?" I joked, by now my stream is just a dribble, but I'm making the most of it, watching her squirm, "ooh it's coming, I can,t stop it" she suddenly squeals and I can hear a loud hissing noise, my cock stiffens instantly!

    She lifts one of her booted pvc clad legs and places her foot on the edge of the bath, "ooh here it goes, all down my left leg and into my boot" she giggles, "it feels ever so warm you should feel it" , well I didn't need asking twice, in seconds I was stood in front of her rubbing her crotch, she's still pissing herself and I can feel the warmth as it pours down inside her pvc leggings, finally she stopped, then the realisation of what she'd done hit her, "oh no, my new leather boots are full of wee" she said sadly, "yes and I'd only just bought them, still they'll dry out and should be fine" I replied.

    This seemed to cheer her up and within a few seconds her leggings were down to her boot tops, her panties pulled to one side and I was hammering away like a good un, when I'd finished she said she needed a shower, she pulled her leggings back up and then lifted her top and removed her bra before pulling her top back down again. Then she turned on the shower and stepped back in, she slowly applied shower gell all over her fully clothed body and began to rub it into her top and leggings, the mix of water and piss was by now flooding out of the top of her boots, slowly she stripped everything off until she was naked, then put her boots back on and took a long slow sexy shower, still wearing her boots. I just stood there and watched, "well put it this way, if the boots are ruined you may as well get your money's worth out of them" she laughed, and I did.

    We then went straight to bed leaving her boots to dry in the bathroom, the sex was fantastic and after a couple of days and a good polish the boots were fine, in fact they got wet many more times after that, now that was a sexy shower piss. lol

    Great story! Thanks for sharing

  7. 1 hour ago, Lilipee said:

    I think you should try them all.  Experiment to see what you enjoy the most.

    I agree. All the things you suggest are great fun. From my experience, peeing on yourself can be hugely pleasurable - the naughtiness of it is tough to beat, but I don't know how many others agree. There are physical and mental pleasures to be had from peeing, and different things give you those pleasures in varying combinations. For some, the naughtiness of trashing a hotel room is a big thing - for others, desperation and wetting give them the biggest thrill. Try it all! And if you can, having someone else pee on you is wonderful 🙂

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  8. So I went for a run this morning and had thought I would wet my running tights somewhere on the route and just run home with them all obviously wet. But though I could have done, I didn't think I was full enough to make it worthwhile. So when I got home I filled up some more and waited until I was about a 6 or 7 ( there was a little bit of wetting) then peed in the corner of the garden on a trampoline, in a bucket and on a bin. I'm getting older and my bladder doesn't cope with getting fuller, and my stream is nowhere near as powerful as it was when I was younger, but to compensate I suppose, I can just spray it around a bit. So here is the video and a screen capture from it. Hope you enjoy:



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