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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 9 hours ago, foxypiss said:

    I like to naughty pee as much as I can but my mood has a big effect on it. Anyone else?

    I'd second what @gldenwetgoose says and I agree with you. For me, sometimes the mood just comes on me; sometimes I can work myself into the mood where I think 'I'd really enjoy a naughty pee now'. But the physiological need to pee carries on in the background regardless of the mood, so sometimes peeing won't be naughty. I find that reading the forums and looking at the videos and photos here is quite likely to put me in the mood for thinking of naughty peeing ... and really enjoying it.

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  2. 58 minutes ago, Sweets said:

    My dogs. They bring me much joy I love watching the silly things they do they are so funny and they have unconditional love with is very rare in humans

    Spending time with my daughter. She is on the other side of the US right now. I really miss spending time with her.  We like the same show to watch and movies.  We have a special bond we’re we know what the other one is thinking. She finishes my sentences alit of times.  

    interesting conversation.  It seem like I’m today’s world everyone likes to hear themselves talk and dominant the conversation.  People don’t like to listen.   It’s nice to have enlightening conversation with someone who actually listen

    Thanks @Sweets
     Interesting responses. I totally get these. Who isn't made happy by unconditional love 😊, and dogs can be so enthusiastic about life, and so silly too.

    And there is so much happiness to be had from being with a person who just gets what you are about. I have a similar relationship with my daughter. I am always happier when she's nearby. There are times during family conversations, say, or when we are listening to others, when we just look at each other and smile because we know we've just had the same thought.

    And it is good to talk! But to properly listen as well is so much more rewarding. If all in a conversation do this, then there is joy to be had from communicating. We are not meant to be alone, thinking ourselves into dead ends and depression!

    Thanks again!

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  3. I'm really pleased you started this forum thread @gldenwetgoose. It has coincided with a need get back to running with more purpose. All the 10k races I would have entered this year have been cancelled, and running without anything to aim for is not very motivating. So this morning I set out with the intention of running 5 miles, for the first time in quite a while. And I ran faster than I expected, which has pleased me no end. I'm not going to be setting the road alight, but not far off 50 minute pace for 10k. So thanks again. (By the way, if there are any cardiologists reading, please don't tell me my max heart rate means I'll be dead fairly soon. I feel fine.)

    Capture 2a.png

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  4. 3 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Actually - this is a really difficult one. Two things is easy, but the third....   It's pretty much taken all night to think of the right words:

    1).   Family, which in my case is wife and son.  It's easy of course after a couple of decades of marriage to get into a routine and of course it's not all roses. Together though watching our son grow from the first moments of staring into each other's eyes at 15mins old, to him now being 2yrs into his training to be an officer in the armed forces. That's been an incredible source of happiness. 

    2).    I can't think of the word for it, but when a particular sight, smell or sound invokes a flood of memories.  Memories things make me happy.  One of many examples is that as a young toddler my parents were heavily into watching motor racing - season ticket holders at Oulton Park.  Now seeing those 1970's era racing cars, footage of the classic battles back in the day all bring happy memories flooding back.  Oh and the TV footage can never capture the evocative smell of Castrol-R...

    3)     I'm going to be blunt here and make a confession. Having my ego stroked makes me happy.  Now I really don't like to think I have an ego, I'm really not a 'everyone look at me, everybody adore me' type (and maybe that's why when it does happen it's so pleasing).  Sorry if the next bit sounds like a stuck record but as an example over the last ten years I've photographed some very cool people albeit in a very narrow field - but when I pop on Facebook and see images of those cool people and I know they are my photos. That and when at those events, feeling a belonging - both to the event and a warmth from its people (Also a bit of #2 comes into play when I hear an old song on the radio and realise I've photographed a guy from that band...)

    So - three broad areas that make me happy. Hope that all makes sense.

    Now you've delved into the warped mind of GWG... Go and get yourself some therapy and you may recover from the experience 😁🤭

    Thanks @gldenwetgoose for your thoughtful, considered reply to my awkward questions. I am absolutely with you on the first one (my wife and children make me very happy almost all the time), and agree that there is happiness in memories that suddenly come back - at least, happy memories. And again, I'm with you on the third one too. (I've always been much more motivated by the approval of others than by anything else, for instance money or power. Employers have sometimes recognised this 😉.)

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:

    I always pee in the compost bin when I get the opportunity. It really helps it rot down.

    I sometimes have to empty the five gallon urine bottle from the composting toilet in to the compost too which can be interesting. It is not so nice being splashed with the contents of that as much as I like being splashed with my own pee!

    Your composting toilet sounds interesting. Is that the main one you use?

    Incidentally, the position of my compost bin at the moment is interesting. It's by a wall with a road behind. If stand to pee into the bin, I'm visible from mid chest up to anyone passing. Fortunately no-one's ever stopped to chat mid-pee. Bound to happen one day.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Peefan83 said:

    I went for a bike ride this afternoon, nowhere in general......get to a junction then decide which way to go etc. Usually end up going over fields and through woods etc 🤣


    Looks like a fun road to cycle on...if you don't suddenly meet a tractor coming the other way!

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Thiscouldbeanywhere said:

    Idk if this is the right place to talk about this...I've noticed talking to girls here and elsewhere that alot of them like to see men pee hard 

    My question is why?

    I find when I pee hard it looks no where near as nice, the stream is not nice looking or powerful

    I also wonder if you girls realize how difficult it is for us to do.

    I'm not a physiologist, but I reckon the main issues here are strength of muscles,  the effective diameter of the urethra at various places along the length including the external sphincter (some of these places are significantly affected by being erect) and in terms of duration of the stream as well as the pressure that can be applied, the size of the bladder (and how much is in it). All those things probably vary quite a bit.

    I remember when I was young being able to pee hard, fast and high, and this ability has declined hugely in recent years, along with the ability to hold. I'm pretty sure it's the natural enlarging prostate thing ... guys, if it hasn't already, its coming to you too. Sorry. I would like to be able to pee harder, but I can't turn back time! My wife - about the same age as me - still has an amazingly powerful stream when she's desperate to go ... I get pleasure from hearing, watching, feeling that 🙂

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  8. I've been trying to remember a literary pee scene in a book I read a long time ago, and it's come back to me. It's in 'Balthazar' - one of the Alexandria Quartet novels by Lawrence Durrell, which I read as a teenager. The scene made a big impression on me - and the whole quartet of novels is a masterpiece (though very out-of-fashion now).

    'Meanwhile Justine turned to the bed and, leaning down, said audibly: "Pursewarden, wake up."  Then she put her palms to the top of her head and let out a long pure wail like an Arab woman - a sound abruptly shut off, confiscated by the night in that hot airless little room.  Then she began to urinate in little squirts all over the carpet.  I caught her and pushed her into the bathroom.  It gave me the respite I needed to have a go at his heart.  It was silent as the Great Pyramid.

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  9. Sounds fun. Actually, just thinking about the difficulties of not falling over with jeans pulled down sufficiently to squat, has given me increased respect for women who squat! (My respect for those like you who stand is, of course, undiminished!)

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

    I don't see why not. I'll ask Mr Eliminature to photograph me in the bathroom. ☺

    I haven't done this yet for two reasons. Firstly, I assumed that into the conventional toilet is not considered exciting enough to qualify for a website such as this. Secondly, I was a little bit worried about identifying and outing myself by showing our bathroom, but I guess one is just like another. 

    A bit tough during lockdown, but I suppose you could use a supermarket toilet, assuming either you or Mr Eliminature could smuggle yourself into the 'wrong' toilet.

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